Saturday, August 31, 2024

and in .... 3.....2........1.........













  1. Clean up in aisle 7 coming right up!

  2. Coffee, black, incoming!

  3. And he votes.

  4. I've known two or three of those guys in my work history, it's a long history.

  5. The old twist and shout!

  6. Funny how everybody here knows how this turns out. lol

  7. A colleage and friend in Melbourne told me of an apprentice his father once had. The youngster sat on a rafter as he was trimming it to length. He was sitting on the offcut end. My friend went forth to tell the fool he was about to experience a calamity. His father stopped him, saying it was better to find out now if the dolt really was that stupid and dangerous. Sure enough, the pudgy idiot tumbled down onto a heap of scrap timber, with his saw and a fresh bit of scrap. The old chippie just glared down at the groaning ex-apprentice and cursed him as old carpenters do. Thus was the building industry spared an ongoing disaster.

  8. Oh, yes-- building things... we were laying roof sheeting and the apprentices were below, doing the heavy lifting. Final sheets needed cutting to width and valley angle, so the measurements were called down. We watched from above as events unfolded and to insure cuts and angles were right. So far, so good. Then both lifted the sheet to the table saw for ripping... luckily for them, I noticed: they were feeding from the cut-off side of the table, struggling to get the sheet to feed without bucking like a spring bronco. I managed to get the attention of another carpenter below to stop them, or they might still be trying to cut that piece.

  9. Looks like caffeinated tools and testicles incoming.

  10. Anyone can become a physics student.

    You don't even have to be in school.

  11. If that cup is full of rum, don't you dare pull that trigger!

  12. Do you like nuts in your coffee?

  13. Only thing missing is a thumb on one corner of the work.


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