Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Someone asked for the header:


 It was sent to me by Chickenmom.   

Here ya go.








  1. i like that. a lot.

  2. Magic train runs on unobtainium?

    Seriously, I love the image. Now go back and learn what a steam locomotive actually looks like and fix the picture: you forgot the coal tender. As drawn that train will come to a dead stop in a very short time.


    1. Not all of us beat off to trains every night.

  3. I think the number board on the engine should be 45 -47

  4. Even Better.............redo it with UP 4014........

    1. I have had the opportunity to crawl right up to 4012 back when it was running back in '89, 4014 came through Ogden on July 20th of this year. I love live steam, and ain't nuttin' like listening live to a 4-8-8-4 that weighs more'n a million pounds starting off !!

  5. Love the picture. That said, the gathering dark cloud at the top is prophetically ominous.

  6. Now THAT'S a Trump Train! Choo Choo Mutherfkr!

  7. Love the aura of the picture, the power of Old America though in reality it's a mental masturbation to try to convince ourselves that it all will work out. Fake Hopium. The faster we all stop this dreamy denial the better we will be.

  8. I like the concept but the artist knows absolutely nothing about steam locomotives. As noted above, there is no coal tender and why is there smoke coming out of every passenger car? Also why all the water vapour from the wheels? A little research to match the inspiration next time.

  9. Dang Al, you and old Drew just need to pull your little peepees out of your Superman undies and see who can piss the farthest into the wind.....that ain’t no coal train, it’s a MAGA train powered by democrat tears....see, when the tears are burned up they make the wheels turn and USA smoke comes out and the wheels are spinning so fast they are steaming. Now try to keep up, this train is full of democrats and is headed to Hell to drop them off, the amount of tears makes the train go even faster which causes the democrats to cry harder and the train goes faster stil and more USA smoke comes out......see that thing on the lower front of the train, that is called a cow catcher...and it’s headed straight for Kow-Mala who is running ahead of the train trying to avoid getting run over....she ain’t got a chance...the MAGA train is coming....
    Now get your mom to read you this bed time story right after she tucks you in, and I promise you’ll sleep like a baby with visions of MAGA train keeping you safe....

  10. Awesome - thank you both

  11. Just got lost in the old Coopville blog. Wish I had known of it when it was live.

  12. Hey it's a great pic why do you guys nit pic it. Just enjoy it.
    I don't care about the trival things just enjoy the pic Geez get alife!!


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