Saturday, June 22, 2024




 H/T to Bob R.


  1. I just bought 4 loaves of bread at the Grocery store in Addison Al, almost 10 dollars.

    1. That would be $2.50 / loaf.
      Depending on the size of the loaf, that might not be too bad.
      President Elect B Woodman

    2. You'd need to restrict profits and that's just not going to happen: From 2012 to 2020, profits stayed below $6 billion. In 2021 it was $8 billion in total and in 2022 it was $12 billion. We're in a major hunger crisis — and private corporations are reaping the benefit.

    3. I bought a 12oz loaf of "artisan" ciabatta whole grain with seeds for $4.39 at the store yesterday. I know, I must have rocks in my head. I like it and can afford it as an occasional luxury. This same loaf cost $3.00 in 2020.


    4. George you ever hear of the federal reserve? End the fed.

    5. @ GJetson
      If corporations are forced to pay $20/hr to burger-flippers, there's no way they're reaping any benefit.
      As long as FJB is printing money so fast (and sending away to the Ukraine) that the rollers are burning out daily, you're gonna have this unbelievably destructive inflation
      Betcha dollars to donuts that 90% of the Democrat pols are millionaires.

  2. I feel your pain Alex. I'm just a little piece up the road.

    1. Yes I kinda figured you’re in Winston Co too. I was in the Class of 76 at Meek, the Traditions Bank in Arley was my Great Grandfathers General Store, Wadsworth Supply. Small world we are blessed to be in.

    2. I know you. I knew the Wadsworth brothers too. I use to rent you dumpsters. LOL

    3. I’ll be darn!

  3. What was the price per loaf of bread before brandon FJB got installed into the oral office in dc?

    1. Talking to the wife, we believe it was 97. for regular white, $1.29 for wheat. The bread yesterday was all white.

  4. My sons boss told him the other day that when he was his a
    ge , he got by on $8.00 an hour just fine. My son makes $14.00 an hour. So, my son called me that night and was a little upset about it.
    I told my son to ask his boss about potato chips. I explained that when I made $8.00 an hour, at about the same time his boss did, a bag of potato chips cost .50 cents. I could walk into a store and buy 16 bags for 1 hours pay.
    Today however, at the local grocery stores, the same size bag of chips is $2.50. So for my son to have the same buying power as I did , he would have to make $2.50 × 16.
    $40 bucks per hour .
    When you put things in perspective, the inflation has been killing us for a long time..

  5. End the FED. It's not federal and it has no reserves. They want to maintain 2% inflation, think about that for a minute, they want to steal 2% of your purchasing power annually. Any more than that and the people take notice, they go Orwell on you and call it inflation. Boil the frog slow and keep that overton window moving slow enough for bread and circuses to distract the citizens.

  6. It ain't just food...it's EVERYTHING.
    Went to Home Depot yesterday to pick up a larger PVC cutter and went to check on something in the pool section.
    There's a rubber flat pool vac attachment on wheels that we got just a few years ago (less than 5 or 6 years) for around $20-$25 bucks. It's better than $45 now.

  7. Bought gas 2 weeks ago for $3.02, today it is $3.69. WTF???

    1. The people trapped in Commiefornia would love to pay only $3.69/gallon. Any station charging that would get mobbed. (I'm getting out of here as fast as I can!)

    2. Our entire county has less than 20 outlets that sell gasoline/diesel fuel (there are only 5 real grocery stores). I only know of two gas outlets that are owned by people born and raised here. The rest reek of Curry spice.
      .GOV has (state and local) has made owning and operating a gas station near impossible using environmental legislation regarding storage tanks, etc. About twenty years ago the older "in ground" tanks were banned and most "mom and pop" country stores/gas stations couldn't afford to upgrade. and were forced to stop selling gasoline or close altogether. By the way a station across the county line that is locally owned and operated had regular gasoline yesterday for $2.99 (no Commiefornians, please).


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