Friday, June 28, 2024

From The Achives. "Irish and Arnold posted back in 2013" (LINK FIXED My Fuck-up, sorry )


  Looking at the date on this picture and realizing it was 41 years ago. Holy shit... I was 21.


Link HERE<<<<


  1. Sorry Irish, I will not "sign in" with Google or any other tracker. Not sure why, but to view this the overlords want to identify me...

  2. The link goes to a set up menu for setting up a blog.


  3. I can't view it either as evertime i click the link it brings me to my own blogpost

  4. I saw the picture with the coon. I must say the comments back then are interesting. Those years were the best for me.

  5. Awwwnold, he’ll be back. Who was the miss K they were commenting on?

    Good times, I was working on being a professional drinker in college then.

  6. Me and my buddies found out how smart raccoons are over a Memorial day weekend in 2013. Trapped one of a family of raccoons in his backyard, was going to take him to a more rural setting to be released, but, early next morning, the clever little critter, figured out how to open the live trap and escape. He outsmarted three fairly well educated men.
    Told this story to my wife, who not only found it funny, but also said was not surprised. Not sure what she meant by that.
    Bear in Indy

  7. Great picture, and story. 1983 was a good year for me.
    Thanks Irish.
    Bear in Indy


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