Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Happy 70th Christie!

It is hard to believe.

                   When I read/hear her name, this is the image that always pops into my mind. Great movie!

                                                For one of the many stories about her celebration click HERE.


  1. As one old professional trucker once said: "Gotta lot of milage on her, but there's still enough tread to get traction".

  2. Well alrighty then. Still a beauty.

  3. Still smokin' hot!!! - Nemo

  4. A VERY doable 70 GILF. But remember, Billy Joel is the one guy that had enough of her shit:)

    1. You may be right. She may be crazy. But it just might have been a lunatic he was looking for.

      The old hot-crazy matrix is seldom wrong, after all, and she ain't no unicorn.

      You do the math, and the child she had with her next husband was born really close to nine months after divorcing Joel and she was in a helicopter crash with the new guy whilst still married to Joel, so.......you do the math. It don't add up real good on her side of the hot-crazy gradient line.

    2. WWW me and my buds were sitting around the fire watching the matrix again te other day, it’s still so damn funny and accurate. Capture the unicorn so we can t study it.

  5. One of the absolute best, hands down.
    We should secure some DNA so we can clone her.... it would help the gene pool!

  6. I really do not care one little bit about her private affairs. She would never let me into her life, so all I am left with is to just enjoy the beautiful woman today, like I have ever since she was a public figure.
    I don't know or care if she has had any cosmetic surgery or such, because if she has had something done, whoever did it was a fantastic surgeon.
    I am now 63 years old, and ever since I was perhaps 40-45, I have found my taste in women changing. I still enjoy the 20 year old hottie, but I am finding that I prefer older women more. They not only look just as good, but they often have much more substance to them than 20 somethings who think that staring at a cellphone counts as a great night at home. And of course, Christie Brinkley is at or near the very top of anyone's list as the perfect woman. Women like her are like a fine wine, they just get better with age.

  7. Its unfortunate what was done to her face. Thankfully not as bad as Olivia Newton John, but still. Clearly a well-taken-care-of body.

  8. Age is just a number. Your limitations are preconceived ideas injected into your mind by some one else. And well, Hormone Therapy helps too.

  9. Just like Raquel, although Raquel did it better.,,,

  10. Age catches us all, eventually. It must be hard on a woman when the shine is off the magic box she spent a lifetime using for fun and profit.

  11. Thanks for that reminder Jeffery yep one of the few and an old Pepsi commercial I was reminded of you could do a story on as well. If you don’t know, we will never be able to go back to those times.

  12. Quit your bitching and get to looking. That’s what she’s there for dipsticks


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