Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Corruption Is Off The Charts.... TINVOWOOT


 Listen closely to all 10 minutes.  This is eye opening.







  1. If he is killed it will be by the leftists from "back east" who want to eradicate the evidence of their crimes. And happily...he is deserving of being killed by his bosses.

  2. Looks like a Civil War is absolutely necessary now.


    1. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
      THEY are playing for all the marbles at this point.
      It's obvious, really, like, if you can't tell by their actions... but if you think about it just a little... They have committed high treason, AKA, they will HANG FOR TREASON.
      How hard would you fight, how much would you give up, how far would you go, if you knew, losing meant you were a dead-man walking? They ALL GO TO JAIL OR GET HUNG if Trump gets in..... They will do anything short of dying themselves, as the alternative they face, is death. So, death by their own hand, or death at our hand. Which would you choose? It's obvious which they have chosen.

  3. Holy deep state Batman!

  4. Utter. F'ing. Nonsense.

    Yall believe anything. And everything.

    1. Found another knuckle dragging mouth breathing shill for the left here. Hey nitwit...get out of your momma's basement a get a clue.

    2. Fed much? Go back to the data center in Utah asshat.
      Cash in your pension now, you have a target on your back!
      Don't think we can steal the payroll records, find your SSN, home address, family members? Hahahhahahaaaa!!!!!
      Rule 308, shitforbrains!!!!!

  5. The gop chairman is certainly bought and is a friggen coward! More worried about being blowd up... Then expose these cretins back in teh dc swamp, if more gop party chairmen and other candidates would expose the back room dealers it would help to flush teh swamp.

  6. Her balls are huge. He has none. What a mealy-mouth forked tongued little weasel. Ick. I feel like I should shower after hearing all that groveling.

    1. Makes me want to puke hearing all of that. Sweet Jesus with a side of fries, this is really bad.

    2. OMFG, hearing him try to convince her... "But Jeff, it's not good for our country?!"... Yeah, but...
      WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! Before I just wanted these people dead, now I want to strangle them with my bare hands! LOL!

    3. How many times did Jeff drag out the "But Monkey"? But but but. BUTT is, of course, more like it. What a linguini-spined little weasel. He should be on the chopping block along with every other weasel.
      Of course it's about Trump!! - with solid backing, The Don can start filling in The Swamp and packing down the freshly-dumped dirt. By himself, he can't accomplish that. We saw that during his last term.

      The gloves are off. The 3-5% of American patriots are/have to rise up. A hill worth dying on? Yep, time to refresh the Tree of Liberty with fresh blood. Sadly.

  7. K Lake? Rock hard and throbbing.
    Grand Old Politburo? Bwahaha! More worthless and useless than those Clinton era faux $3 bills.
    I'm going to laugh at their irrelevance and eventual Whig party status for years.
    Juan Songbird McLame and Pauly the Beard didn't teach them how to lose.

  8. Worked in the party for a decade. This is how it works.
    I agree that it is disgusting, but it doesn’t surprise me at all.
    Walked away from it completely frustrated.

  9. Not surprised in the least.
    It is a Uniparty after all.

    Any differences, are mere Theater for we pee-ons.

    Never forget, they Exempt themselves and their Fellow Swamp Minons for the Jab.
    Which IS Exactly why I said HELL NO, and not just “no thanx, not enough testing”

    And that MSM story is safely PDF’d n a number of my usb sticks.

  10. Don't be looking to see my shocked face here.

  11. Notice not one MSM entity, nor any of the usual more conservative sites have anything on this. However, Daily Mail online has it up on their site and I found that DM article through a link on Citizens Free Press. So, the story is getting out there, not that anything will be done about it. It would have been nice if she had forced Dewitt to name names. Someone needs to hack into DeWitt's phone and email records and expose the treasonous traitor's name. I'm thinking it's either the Turtle or the Speaker who got fired recently. Sounds like what either or both are capable of.

    DeWitt better be parking his car in a locked garage from now on. 'Course the See Eye Aaa could just hack into the electronics while he's driving causing a fatal uncontrolled acceleration and he better not be taking any trips on private jets.

    Either way, he needs to make sure his life insurance policy is paid up 'cause he's toast. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but he's stick a fork in him done.


    1. Aside:
      I'd like to see the See Aye Eh hack in to MY vehicles. Heh. Can't do it if the electronics ain't there!

  12. So, when will we see DeWit prosecuted for trying to bribe a government official? Never, you say! Right you are.

  13. I read on another site that he was just appointed as Arizona RINO party Chairman last Saturday.
    Probably just to offer this bribe / threat.
    John in Indy

  14. So Jeff is going to get suicided if his bribery offer is found out. It has been made public so now is a good time to fulfill the prophecy and save the public the cost of a bribery trial.

  15. While I believe this is entirely possible, the potential for "deep fakes" is growing exponentially.

    1. There it is. The first thing that popped into my head was “AI”.

  16. Conclusions:
    Jeff is scum
    Kari is the real deal

    1. We knew that; this is direct confirmation.

    2. This whole thing smells like a Fed operation to me. Otherwise, why hasn't this State GOP chairman (named DimWit?) been arrested for attempted bribery?

  17. He has now resigned. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/24/us/politics/kari-lake-arizona-gop.html

  18. Did anybody catch the part where she mentions the Cartels and then he states how they are operating in 50 states, almost like YES THEY CAN GET YOU ANYWHERE.


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