Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 Due to my natural aversion to anything that comes out of Hollywood (not that this movie did), I'm skeptical of new releases. Somehow, I missed this movie back in 2016. After seeing the movie and the storyline, it is no wonder the movie did not get a lot of publicity/mentions. TPTB cannot afford to have people wake up and see what is happening. The good guys in the film are the patriots and the bad guys, well they are the NWO/one world government bunch. I was expecting a low budget, cheesy, shoot-'em-up, but that wasn't the case. It was a pretty good film considering the budget, but it wasn't Gone With The Wind. I can see where it might open some eyes. To have been made seven years ago, the movie is prophetic regarding the "surveillance state", civil unrest, etc. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a 7.


  1. ...and thus the constant push to disarm us using the excuse of guns are bad or some such shite.

    The irony they don't get is that every time one of these leftist azzholes makes that pitch, firearms sales go up, Up, UP as do ammo sales. 'Course one of the reasons they keep harping on it is to distract us from whatever nefarious deeds they're cooking to screw us some more through taxes and/or inflation or just out and out infringements of The People's rights defined in the Constitution.

    Despite all of the rulings in the SJC, they keep pushing new unconstitutional laws, regulations and mandates on us. Seems like every week lately there's news of another BS law or regulation being struck down.

    Some day, this pipe dream of the left is going to have to be settled.


  2. In my opinion, government in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii is going down the road to anarchy. Since and before the fire last August, there is blatant overreach of government. Do your own research. Look at youtube and drone overflights done by local residents. Look at videos of press conferences by the mayor, police chief and the governor of Hawaii. See the changes in laws shortly before the fire. Never forget Lahaina.

  3. Yep. It was featured on Fox & Friends back then. I don't remember if it was in any theaters, but I ordered it shortly after it was on DVD. Still have it. Still watch it.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, I didn't know that. - Nemo

    2. I watched it last night. Kinda hokey, IMHO and of course the "good guys" win. There are a few nuggets of "preparedness" to be gleaned for even the most already "prepared".

      Spoiler alert.

      The one I found interesting was the barn sized "faraday cage" housing a helicopter and a few vehicles to protect from EMP, assuming you could afford to build something like that. Then there's the m*o*lo*t*o*v c*o*c*k*t*a*i*l launcher.

      Finally, Anna Lynn McCord looking healthy for perhaps the first time in her life. Wouldn't have thought she'd sign on to something like this, not that I know anything about her.


  5. I'd never heard of it but my local Library has it. I ordered it.

  6. Watched it today, thanks for the heads up.
    Pretty much what I expected although the flying scenes got a little hokey at the end.

  7. I saw it about 3 years ago, got it out of the bargain rack at Wally world. Nor as far fetched as they want us to believe. Lines up nicely with the big brother overview.

  8. It's actually viewable in its entirety on YouTube.
    I'll even put up the link:

    And I mighta woulda bothered, until I got to "starring Alex Jones".
    There's a reason I wouldn't watch Travolta in Battlefield Earth, Or Oliver Stone's Born On The Fourth Of July either.

    See if you can guess why I'm not a fan of blatant agitprop.

    1. Not sure why he is listed as starring (publicity stunt probably). I was surprised when I saw him at the beginning. He plays a crooked senator, but I bet he has less than forty words. It is a very small part. When I saw him I was skeptical, but then I thought the entertainment value cold be high. LOL


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