Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Face That Brings The "FA" to the "FO" in FAFO...




Story Here:




  1. "Tragically." You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it means.

    1. When it come down to the Lotus Eaters vs. Normals, it doesn't fit the description of "tragic".

    2. Tragic that he stopped at two. Once he got one, he might as well have gone full out.

    3. Damn. You beat me to it, Wraith.
      "Tragically"....... HA!

      Whitehall, NY

    4. After the first one, the rest are free!

  2. If local politicians and LEO were to DO THEIR JOBS and remove protesters like these immediately incidents like this could not happen. But since they refuse to do their jobs that puts people into positions where conflict occurs. I'd vote not guilty at this man's trial. Maybe the idiot protesters will think twice before they try this bullshit again.

    1. Yup, the protesters fucked around and found out.

  3. This has been coming for a long time. Worldwide, people are tired of the left’s antics. They’re tired of the hijacking and tantrums of a spoiled, privileged few; they’re just done. I’m not saying what Darlington did was right, I’m just saying I understand.

  4. People are sick and tired of the environmental protests that keep people from moving to where ever they need to go!

  5. The video lasted 58 seconds, and only 2 seconds were shooting, so I guess his reaction was mostly non-violent.

  6. Michael Yon and other are calling this a destabilizing false flag event. Seems far less bloody than real life AND the Police didn't even handcuff him (nor search him) before putting him in the Police car.

    Panama is a rich prize for China OR America to install a special government.


    1. yes, that very clear image with the shell casing just hanging in mid-air is just a little too perfect, methinks.

  7. well, that's one way to let 'em know you don't agree with their methods.

  8. At 77 life in prison is not that long of a sentence.

    1. That was my thought.

      Plus, how can I contribute to his commissary account.

  9. In essence, what he did was green.

  10. one would think when he pulled the gun the folks would scatter. good to know they were willing to die for gaia. its a shame the rest of them could not do the same and reduce their co2 contribution.

  11. Needs to happen to ALL "protestors" who think it's their right to impede others. Fuck 'em.

  12. If I see a fundraiser for his legal defense, I'll be glad to send a check.

  13. ...or just run'em TF over, then back up over 'em, just to be sure. There plenty of vehicles out there that have enough ground clearance so running them over shouldn't cause any damage, except to them. These "environmental warriors" should consider what a ~3500lb or heavier vehicle would do to them in the event they are happened upon by someone not inclined to put up their booolshite.

    I've often wondered why someone hasn't smoked some of these azzholes here. Talk about mass shooting opportunities.

    There is the "life in prison" aspect to consider. However, and older person, perhaps with an incurable terminal illness...


  14. Limited perspective video review: I didn't know you could get a Toyota Hilux in Panama! Also, I don't believe this video. As much as I know this audience loves to hate 9mm, you don't get shot in the arm with a Glock 19 and put your hand over it and walk away going "owie owie owie".

  15. There is a point in life where free rent, three hots, a cot and free health care starts to look appealing. Please do not give these people a reason to choose differently than they have fro over 75 years...

  16. If they heard the motor rev up and the transmission drop down a gear, I'd expect to see them jump up and haul ass. Someone needs to give that a try.

    1. Someone did something similar. High speed/high horsepower car, turned it around so the rear was facing the "protestor". Revved up the engine, tailpipe right at the "protestor", lotsa noise and exhaust. "Protestor" moved.

      President Elect B Woodman

  17. God Bless’em !!!
    Taking out the Trash.
    Do you see America?

  18. No tragedy about it, the rich elites who sponsor this should also be shot.

  19. A water canon could have rid the highway of filth in seconds. Even a fire truck would work, but when those hired for public safety ignore the good of law abiding citizens, the laws lose their meaning altogether.

  20. Stupid motherfuckers thought they were like freedom fighters standing in front of a tank.
    Not even close.

  21. All of you clowns are wrong. Spent a lot of time there and I know this highway. They pull street protests for all sorts of reasons. Taxes, government decisions, putting in speed bumps on certain roads, many many others. It’s their culture of protest and if you live there it’s almost bi-weekly one spot or the other. This ass didn’t do anything but shoot two center mass because he was pissed. Betcha he’s a true liberal - obviously in his mind they aren’t people.

    1. Same for the their "minds", the drivers and passengers in the stopped cars aren't people.
      That street runs both ways, a*hole.

      President Elect B Woodman

    2. Hope no one confers the death penalty on you for a traffic violation —

    3. Spoken like a true coward anonymous @5:52 PM.

  22. as much as shooting them accomplished, I am really liking the suggestion above about the fire truck and high pressure..... THAT would work great! Should be standard practice from now on....

    1. Unfortunately, they're not always in the immediate area, or can get there right away to clear out the people jam. can always carry their own 5 gal can of gas, and a lighter......
      I leave the rest as an exercise for the student.
      (ps, douse & light the cameraman first)

      President Elect B Woodman

  23. Look on the bright side. The environmentalists are biodegradable so there is that.

  24. He isn't a hero. He is a dumbass who will spend the rest of his life in prison. That is unless, of course, the mining company wants to pay off the judge and the prosecution.

  25. Methylene chloride, zip strip, or chisel brand Loctite gasket remover.
    Use it like pepper spray. Has them seek water to wash it off within 20 seconds guaranteed. Melts their face as a pleasant side effect.


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