Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Can't shoot for $h!T

This is a daily occurrence in Bessemer, AL yesterday (metro-Birmingham). No one was killed outright in this mag dump(s), but two men and a woman were injured. There is a homicide every other day down there. Sometimes these gun battles end with multiple injuries and deaths.  The majority of these homicides are black folks shooting black folks. Almost all of the images of crime scenes coming from either Birmingham or Tuscaloosa look them same. Often times there will be over "100 shell casings recovered at the scene" (in the best newsperson voice) and nobody gets shot. It is a pattern. Chime in if you are seeing poor shooting skills in your AO.

It is pretty routine, but if anyone wants to read the short story, click here.



  1. used to see the same thing back in philly. lots of empty cases and very few hits. hell, the cops there where not much better. at the range used to see cops shooting at the 7 yard target and missing (??) have a buddy who stills lives near by and he says the cops have not gotten any better. I taught him to point shoot like I was taught by Sam a long time ago. he puts most inside a 3 by 5 card at 25 yards now. cops walk away from him after he does that. dave in pa.

    1. "The majority of these homicides are black folks shooting black folks."
      I don't see a downside in that.

    2. Must see: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g8YTZFhj9HA

    3. You might want to practice what that guy is doing. If there's 5 of them at the scene, you're gonna be fighting 5.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo23qjWav0Q

  3. Philly pizza shop owners are very good shooters.

  4. Tiny Violin Plays MistyNovember 7, 2023 at 7:25 PM

    They got their chocolate cities and now enjoy.
    Living on the mommygov CPUSA (D) plantations comes with consequences.
    Let's keep quiet about marksmanship and that's a construct of the white male patriarchy anyway.

  5. Here in Michigan, Grand Rapids to be exact the last couple of days there has been a neighborhood that has had 3 people killed on the same day. The police found a man and woman dead in the morning, left and had to come back in the afternoon for another one.

  6. I cant afford to "spray and pray", I have to make every shot count. Wheel gun.

    1. that is how we where taught back in the 1/503 PIR back in the day. you made every shot count.
      you can carry only so much ammo with you. that pray and spray shit is for hollywood morons. dave in pa.

  7. Lemme guess😂😂😂😂

  8. Homeboy Nyte Sytes by Birdman Weapons Systems would certainly help that lack of accuracy often seen in the hood.

    Old Goat

  9. Lots of AR pistols without sights, held sideways. Lots of noise, few actual results.

    1. Pistols sideways and their pants down around their knees.

  10. Sailers law.
    It's them again isn't it Yogi?
    It's always them, Booboo.

  11. It's tough to hit anything when you hold your stolen Glock sideways. I've never been able to decide if I'm happy that chimps can't shoot well or not. If they could, they might become a self limiting problem. However, the eventual hostilities with them would be more dangerous.

  12. Those bullets are coming down somewhere. They are expending their kinetic energy against something.

  13. Show everynight. Show starts at dusk. Festival seating.

  14. Bwahahaha, everywhere, they don’t train

  15. In January of this year there was about 600 rounds expended in an apartment complex shootout in Louisville without anyone being hit. Maybe up to 40 different firearms being used. https://www.wave3.com/2023/01/11/600-rounds-fired-louisville-apartments-during-possible-gang-fight/

  16. Unfortunately, the Urban Yoots shoot better in Nashville:


    1. Walking near the projects is not a smart move.

  17. If you remember back in the 60' and 70's when we had state run mental hospitals we didn't have any of this mass shootings crap or people thinking that they are 3 horn pink unicorn or what ever and adults agreeing and letting them on on their way without being corrected. That is called mental illness. There are only 2 genes XX (Female) and XY (Male), that is it, no more and no less for humans. Society is letting the idiots rum amuck; my question is Where are the ADULTS??? Is everybody afraid to say NO you are not correct!! I guess so because you will hurt their feelings. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT?? GOOD !!! They need a bit of reality in their lives. Life is NOT all about ME! ME! ME! OK, let the fireworks began!


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