Monday, October 2, 2023

Stuff.. Here Ya Go....









  1. Duel. Dennis Weaver

    1. Winner! Steven Spielberg's first major effort.

    2. Several times by mistake the driver's hand were visible. In 500 words or less, explain why was this a mistake.

  2. You'll be waiting forever for the military to actually defend the US.

    1. Milley made an ad hoc alliance with the communist Chinese. And openly admitted it. And hasn't been arrested for treason. And the donks think he's a hero.

      Any questions about the military now? I'm not talking about the lower ranks, I'm talking about the sons-a-bitches in charge. None of them acted. Not one. All the upper ranks are, therefore, just as traitorous as Milley.

  3. Steven Spielbergs first movie "Duel"

  4. Good stuff, you must have broken out the secret meme stash.

  5. Love your site, found it while wondering what happened to weasel zippers.
    Grew up 20 miles from where most of this movie was filmed, great movie, been driving past the cafe scene for 34 years now, where Dennis got his ass kicked by a truck driver.

    Interesting thing is, I drove by about 25 years ago, and an exact replica of the truck was parked across the road from the cafe.
    Thank you for your cool site and memes, really appreciate it.
    Just wanted to add. I worked across the street from where Dennis Weaver lived in Calabasas, though I never met him.

  6. I was 12 when that movie came out. Scared the shit out of me. They used the sound the truck made going over the cliff in the movie Jaws.

  7. The current military of the United States IS the treason.

    Captains that can't conn a ship in daylight; crews that can't paint them or bother to scrape off the rust, because they're criminally over-tasked and under-manned.
    Airplanes that don't fly, and carriers that can't launch them.
    Surface ships so bad we're shitcanning the lot after a few years, and billions of dollars.
    Actively enlisting the perverted and demonstrably mentally ill, to the point that recruiters can't sucker even the stupidest and most gullible of life into joining up any more.
    Lowering standards across the board for every possible measure of performance so low that fat retards don't need a booster step over them, they need a bridge to cross over the hole where they once were.
    And chasing out the best and brightest for refusing to self-injure themselves with criminally dangerous experimental not-a-vaxx, while crippling swaths of active duty military pilots permanently, other than the ones who just died outright.

    If somebody flew airplanes into the Pentagon tomorrow, and wiped out the entire lot - every swinging Richard - fully staffed at 10AM on a Tuesday, we'd celebrate the day forever, and the final pilots at the controls would be given civic sainthood and Medals Of Freedom. Deservedly.

    At this point, it's so bad that the first general who organizes a successful military coup, and has all his superiors shot on the day, is liable to become the Napoleon of North America in about a minute and a half.

    Anyone in the military at this point is either a fool, or leading the list of the problems, and they should either decline re-enlistment at the first opportunity, desert, or just kill themselves once they figure that out, for the good of the republic.

    I'd rather see what we can cobble together after that in a do-over than expect anything decent or worthwhile out of the entire current sorry lot of sad sacks. They've already let the Vandals and Visigoths invade the republic and conquer the capitol city, and have signally failed in their primary mission.

    If we just threw the entire current military out tomorrow, and dragooned everyone ever separated, sh*t-canned, or retired from 1991-2012 for anything other than actual felonies, back in, at their current age and physical status, military readiness and preparedness would spike upwards 200% overnight, and dictators in at least five other countries would go on suicide watch.

    And I'm probably understating the current situation by a goodly amount.

    This wasn't by accident; it was a pre-meditated murder.
    Time wounds all heels.

    1. But the PROFITS made on all that equipment! Not to mention re-arming after we’ve given the Taliban and Ukraine all our munitions and weapons. Hope China gives us time to find our manufacturing facilities.

  8. Great movie! even my Dad loved it........

  9. 10 Killer Facts About The Trucker's '55 Peterbilt 281 - DUEL

  10. One of Dennis Weaver's best. Duel, First published in PLAYBOY in 1971.

  11. That last one? You’ll be a white cross before then

  12. I remembered it black.


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