Tuesday, October 10, 2023

After A Nice, Long, Three Day Weekend You Start To Feel Like You're Proud To Be Retired..... Then Tuesday...








  1. didn't even know it was a 3 day weekend until yesterday. really. called the VA and was told the wait time was 30-40 minutes due to the federal day off. but then too, I have been retired since 2012 so,,, dave in pa.

  2. That shows how I felt watching the Trump vote count throughout the night back in 2020

  3. Nice video. At that age they can in fact walk on water unless a tantrum intrudes. ;-)

  4. White German ShepherdOctober 10, 2023 at 9:33 AM

    Three day weekend? Are you a fed?

  5. Going along, doing so well, then, BLAM!, out of nowhere a dikhed shows up and does what dikhedz do.
    Just like in real life.
    In a just world she would pull her heater and blow that dikhedz dik clean off, boy.
    Just like real life should be.
    There'd be less dikhedz for sure.

  6. I know the feeling, just had my shop burn to the ground today because of a gas leak.

    1. Man, that blows, big time.
      However there may be some silver in that cloud of doom if you are properly insured.
      Now you get to buy all new stuff!

  7. Life likes to bitch-slap you when you're not looking.


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