Tuesday, September 5, 2023



 This documentary was linked as a comment in one of the twitter posts I was perusing last night.

I watched the first fifteen minutes to give it a chance and now have it saved for later.

There are still remaining questions about the event and 22 years later when they are being exposed

I still get the "hmmmmm, that's a bit off" silent thought.


Give it 15 or so minutes, see what you think.... 


Here's his website <<








  1. Very interesting but this should be common knowledge that our own government was complicit. How else could they have enacted the Patriot Act before the WTC fires were out?! That act reorganizes government and gives vast sweeping powers to bureaucrats and we all know government works at a snail's pace.

    1. from what I read, the patriot act was written before it happen. back in the 1980's I got to have a peek inside the NSA at FT. Meade and it was enough to scare the shit out of me. and a big problem is the people with this powers, they end up thinking of themselves as gods. we see this every day now. that asshole Wray at the FBI
      takes a jet plane to work EVERY day. tell the truth to congress ? why ? they not going to touch him and he knows it too. this is a scary time if you think about it all. dave in pa.

    2. I spent a work week in Hawaii, ten years ago, and on three of those days, my first stop on the way to work was the Oahu airport to fly to another island, along with hundreds of other Oahu residents who worked on Maui or the Big Island.
      Just so you know, some people do that every day, but that doesn't excuse anyone in the continental US...like Wray.

    3. It's common knowledge that the Patriot Act was just dusted off from something the .gov tried and failed to ram through during Slick Willy's watch. Do try to keep up.

  2. Hell, the first three minutes make you go HMMMMMMMM. Will we ever know 100% sure either way? Yes eventually.

  3. I watched it and it was quite interesting and compelling. I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the “big picture”.
    Why? What was the great benefit derived by these evildoers for which they were willing to murder 3000 innocent citizens? What did they gain or hope to gain? The answer is obvious when asked concerning the radical Islamists. I thought Hooper was going to try to answer it at the end, but it didn’t happen.

    1. Clear out the “average” people, and build a tropical paradise in the middle of the pacific for the elites to watch the apocalypse they plan to unleash on us?
      Just a thought.

  4. This will make you scratch your head.

    1. yeah, they forgot the bit about having a few plane engines around. they are hard to get rid of. every plane crash I ever saw, there where always a engine laying about. did see any bits of one at the five sided funny farm or in that field in pa. dave in pa.

  5. Nobody who was responsible for security was punished for their failure.
    They were all promoted.
    Nothing about that day makes sense.

  6. This is more of the same stupid shit. These people actually believe that we or Bush or the CIA or god knows who attacked us on 9/11 instead of the obvious that we all saw and all understood it was a Bin Laden provoked Muslim attack on our country. Don't even waste my time trying to convince me that "you" saw something that no one else has seen or could possibly prove. This man needs mental care.

    1. No, you need your eyes examined.

    2. Hey, Three Letter Agent joined Federal Irishman! Kudos, Irish. Your doing it right!

    3. Ok, say it was bitch ladder, When was the last time a skyscraper collapsed, and all of the rubble landed inside the building's perimeter.

    4. Damn near every time. Physics is a bitch.

    5. Op Nony:
      There were two buildings that normally packed so many workers they each had their own zipcode. Add to that it was monday morning, stock market opened going full blast, there should've been 50 to 60 thousand people in those buildings and yet only 3000 deaths?!!
      Something's sketchy here and the only "same stupid shit" is not questioning what happened.

    6. You must not have noticed the many thousands and thousands of people who left the fucking buildings? Close your eyes for that part? Fucking idiots still blathering this shit.

  7. "When was the last time a skyscraper collapsed, and all of the rubble landed inside the building's perimeter."

    It's called gravity. They didn't cut it down at the base like a tree they hit it high up the heat weakened the beams until it began to colapse on itself and gravity did the rest. The trade center had all the structural beams on the outside so there was nothing to stop the enormous weight of the top from dropping through the relatively weak inner floors. It was on TV. YOU saw it. Don't believe your own eyes? That theory is amongst the weakest ever put forth. You did see the planes hit them, right? Just saying.

    1. Worked with metal a lot,have ya? Can you Even run a torch? And when steel gets hot, it just SNAPS the Fukk Off? Are you Sure? I thought it became Plastic and Bent. You're not nearly as smart as you have been told. Your momma lied to you.

    2. And yet that is exactly what we all saw on TV. That is exactly what happened. Which is a really bad fact contrary to your crazy theory.

    3. No, we did Not see metal getting hot and yielding gradually to gravity. Steel isn't able to maintain its maximum rigidity Just up to a certain temperature and then it Fails catastrophically. It heats up and begins to yield. If it worked the way you seem to believe it does blacksmiths could not work with it. Talk to someone who actually works with metal.

    4. Watched the tv too. Watched a lot of things on tv.
      Like John Wayne getting killed at the Alamo, and Penn and Teller cutting a woman in half.
      Deception is quicker than the eye, dear Nony.

    5. If you have evidence that the media faked the videos of the towers falling I would love to hear more. But... I suspect you got nothing.

  8. Seriously that is your argument? You saw it on TV? GOOD LORD! We got a live one fokes!
    Never in HISTORY has a steel building fallen on itself from fire. And yet we have three buildings that have done just that at the same event, including one that was not struck from a plane!

    Your a special kind of stupid.

    1. Yes! Saw it on TV as opposed to didn't even see it, duh! You did see the planes hit the towers, right? And like a couple billion of the rest of us you weren't there so you had to see it on YTV or the internet. So how does that change diddly squat except in your deluded mind. YES! We saw the panes hit the towers that is how we know that happened. We saw the full tanks of jet fuel burn unfettered for long minutes slowly destroying the integrity of the structure. We saw all the floors above the impact point suddenly beggining to drop straight down (Gravity, duh!) and the massive weight and momentum continued that downward collapse right tp the ground (again gravity, duh!). So WHAT did you see different. Did you see the little green men do something? Are those little green men in the room with you right now?

    2. Tell us you have been vaxxed without telling us you have been vaxxed buddy.

    3. Vaxxed. Geez! Really? That's your criteria. Yes I have had more vaccines than most people. Serving 20 years in the military I was vaccinated for things you probably never heard of. It is just bizarre to me that you think this has anything to do with vaccines. Buddy.

  9. Very disquieting, both the video and the comments.
    The equation does not balance, and there are too many variables.

  10. Every time this subject comes up it always reveals they who have been sufficiently programmed. They have also been vaxxed, and they are habitual liars. Someday there will be open season on them.

    1. It is literally the definition of stupid to claim that you believe something else happened to the towers but offer zero evidence in the face of a mountain of evidence that in fact it was the two planes that did it. Have you always been this delusional or are you just really old? Oh! That's right you haven't been sufficiently programmed yet. Do you see the programmers? Are they in the room with you? Have you taken your meds yet today?

    2. "...claim that you believe something else happened to the towers..."
      Where did I claim I believed anything?

      Like I said, sufficiently programmed.
      And overly emotional about it.
      Any other personal failures you'd like to let us know about?

    3. So what you are saying is you don't disagree with me but you enjoy being disagreeable so you couldn't help but call me names. Did I get that right or am I sufficiently programmed yet?

  11. I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy. But I don't want to be a fool and spout off about stupid things. I prefer a true conspiracy theory. I don't believe Oswald killed JFK. Too much evidence to prove he didn't do it. I don't thing the 2020 election was honest and in fact I think it was the biggest steal (because it had to be with Trump getting so many votes) in history. I don't think Tim McVeigh acted alone. It was literally impossible for any one human to mix the ANFO. Also the damage isn't consistent with a low speed explosive. The FBI covered up what really happened. I don't believe that flight 800 blew itself up. 200 witnesses of a missile hitting the plane. Missile fuel residue and on and on. But I just don't see the evidence that the 9/11 was anything other than Muslim terrorists pulling off a complicated plot to do exactly what we all saw. Did the CIA know something? Sure they always know something including the gazillion times when they are wrong. Did our own law enforcement and courts fail to protect us when various ones of these terrorists interacted with them? Of course that what our law enforcement and courts do, it's called incompetence. Do I believe that Bush did it? That is about as stupid a conspiracy theory as I've ever heard. Do I think just because Bush didn't rush out of the school when they whispered something in his ear that means anything? Yeah it means he was on camera and didn't want to over react to an incomplete report of "something". If you have anything at all to prove 9/11 went down differently than we all saw then lead with that don't lead with weird stuff. Just say it, don't give a hour long speech in a video and say nothing specific. But if you got nothing, don't be calling everyone else names because they aren't as wild eyed as you.

    1. Don't forget, we STILL to this day have people swearing up and down that the moon landings were fake. I have personal, direct evidence otherwise. Yes, I was just a kid at the time. So?

  12. If you want evidence provided by professionals, check out Architects and Engineers. Make note of the fact that studying the collapse of building7,the one not hit by a plane, the rate that the building fell at hit free fall velocity. An impossibility with the structure resisting.

    Steel doesn't Hold Strong while it's going up in temperature. As steel heats up it starts losing its rigidity. The hotter it gets, the easier it is to make it bend.
    Hot steel doesn't snap off. It bends.
    You can use common sense and see the obvious or pretend that you have not been presented with enough information to at least step back and think about it.

  13. Okay, enjoy your belief that you are so superior. Don't investigate. Don't consider the fact that THREE buildings fell. And for the First time in history and never since has there been a steel frame high rise that fell because of fire. Don't walk through the logical progression of failure I explained. Run get your boosters.

  14. Investigate what? Show me anything that is true and supports your opinion that Bush or the CIA blew the building up and it was just coincidence that the Muslim terrorists flew planes into them at exactly the spot where George Bush had hidden explosives. Sounds silly when you actually say it doesn't it? Name all the skyscrapers in NY City that did NOT have asbestos sprayed on all the steel girders to protect them from fire... Go on, name them all... Yep, you guessed it only the WTC. Because asbestos was deemed so dangerous they didn't protect the steel beams from the heat of a fire. It was inevitable that once those planes hit with full tanks of jet fuel that the towers would come down. No other possibility. Bldg 6 absorbed mega tons of debris from the two towers and it destroyed the structures integrity. Again, gravity is a bitch. None of the "failures" flew jet planes into the WTC. It was Muslim terrorists.

    Seriously what do you think happened? NOT what don't you believe what exactly happened that you can prove contradicts what the rest of us 2 billion people saw happen? It absolutely was the planes and the fire that brought the buildings down. Nothing else, just the planes and the full load of jet fuel. THAT is significant because the terrorists intentionally picked planes that were fully fueled.

  15. Nothing new here. Thought maybe he would take it further than loose change.

  16. The funniest thing I have read in the comments is that "jet fuel" is some super chemical that must burn at a zillion degrees, while in reality, it is nothing more than kerosene like the kind that fuels many space heaters in older homes.

    1. Funnier yet you are rationalizing it because you cannot disagree with the simple truth of it. Rationalizing is not an effective rebuttal, it is the equivalent of saying yeah your right but so what!


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