Sunday, August 27, 2023

Now Hold Up... I Thought aSSachusetts Has Tough Gun Laws.. How Can This Happen????*




DORCHESTER, MASS. (WHDH) - Several people have been arrested on criminal charges in connection with a brazen daylight shooting near the Caribbean Festival in Boston on Saturday that left 8 people wounded and cast a shadow over the annual festivities.

Officers working a detail for the J’ouvert Parade witnessed and responded to a shooting in the area of Blue Hill and Talbot avenues around 7:45 a.m., according to Boston police. Six men and two females were shot, five of the men and one of the females were taken to area hospitals.


 Gateway Pundit <<



 *a facetious title



  1. Where you have a parade with certain demographics, this happens! Boston is just taking the lead from New York City's Caribbean Day Parade.

  2. It does - law abiding citizens are basically disarmed, unless famous and/or rich. Alas, criminals don't obey the law. The question is, is this a bug or a feature?

  3. Caribbean festival? Sounds like a lot of the "usual suspects" were heavily represented.

    1. But, but, but... 7:45 AM?!?! No way the Amish get up that early.

    2. "But, but, but... 7:45 AM?!?! No way the Amish get up that early."

      Who says the 'ribian' folks had gone to bed yet?

    3. Perfect explanation: there was a welfare office nearby and the early risers were sure it was Monday so they wanted to be first in line. When they heard it was Sunday and the welfare bureaucrats had the day off, well, that's when the shooting started.

  4. "Caribbean Festival" Hmmm! I'd bet these are some of the same people you see on the news that run a boat up on the shore in Florida and then run like hell to avoid getting caught. Our diversity is our strength, LOL!

  5. Funny, I haven't heard of stuff like this happening when the Irish celebrate St Patrick's Day or when the Germans celebrate Oktoberfest in all those Big Blue cities like New York, Chicago and Boston...Geez...what could be the cause of it?

  6. Mass has had the Bartley-Fox mandatory sentencing gunlaw in effect for over 40 years. Last time I checked there had never been a single offender sentenced under that law. The state is a scale example of liberal illogic that is seen nationwide, concentrated in a one party banana republic. There is no cause and effect ever noted when consequences come due. When it comes to guns, they are considered to be the problem and nothing but more restrictions could possibly solve the problem. Mass was my front row seat to the mechanizations and illogic of American communists. I look forward to watching that state burn to the ground by the hands of their filthy pet demographics.

  7. "caribbean festival".... Enough said.

  8. Replies
    1. Tax-A-Two-Shits

      President Elect B Woodman

  9. "Certain demographics" gonna nig.

  10. When a kid Grampa’s bumper sticker said, “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”.

  11. ps Not following Ol Remus advice can be dangerous, didn’t those types read his blog?

  12. Criminal gun stories are usually breathlessly reported by ABC before the smoke clears. ABC is so obsessed with gun stories they don't even have time to report on all the Biden Crime Family scandals. They even missed the stories about Biden collapsing our economy and sending Billions of unaccountable dollars to Ukraine.

  13. Now compare the charges and sentences these clowns get for firearms charges compared to Hunter Biden.

  14. Caribbean festival? Dreadlock Holiday? No tank you, mon.


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