Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Woman disrupts American Airlines flight in meltdown over 'not real' passenger: 'I'm getting the f--k off'


This seemingly normal looking lady does not seem to be under the influence of drugs. She does not appear to be "crazy" and comes across as a well spoken, nice looking and "normal" for all intents and purposes except for the fact that she claims the person she was sitting by is "not a real person". The plane and passengers were delayed three hours. She got off the plane and was not arrested. I wonder if the person beside her pinched the lady on the butt???


  1. Looks like somebody could use a pre-flight Slurpy

    1. Probably upset because she gave a preflight slurpy.

  2. Hell-o! Stun gun, zip ties, duct tape, and a cargo bin. Hell-o!

    1. One good elbow, then the ties, tape and bin. More enviomentally friendly which I'm sure she'd appreciate.

  3. Maybe the dude next to her was an alien and she has contacts that work like Rowdy Roddy's sunglasses did in 'They'. Or maybe he had such a creepster vibe that it toasted her neurons.

    Midwest Chick

  4. Maybe she owns those They Live glasses and sees something we don't.

  5. tsa and this kinda scene is why I have an rv. Since 2011 no fly for me

  6. The term “crazy” has no meaning as you use it in this context. Her delusions can be symptomatic of a number of mental illnesses.

  7. Vaxxed.
    This is one of the "side effects" of being vaxxed.
    Look it up, but here's a starter link for ya:

    Word of the day - Thrombocytopenia

  8. Obviously she sat next to a bear. Look at her jeans!

  9. She's applying for a job with Crazy Joe: qualifications: some serious mental issues.

  10. I long for the good ole days when normies acted normal

  11. The creep factor is real. Lots of people can detect psychopaths, it’s an evolutionary trait. We have just been trained to ignore the warning. I would have gone down to see him. No question.

    1. Yep. Like the glow that surrounds humans that 98% of us can't see. I think that she detected strange vibrations or caught a quick look at an alien of some sort. There are lots of stories out there about that.

    2. Agreed! Without seeing the specimen she was seated next to, I can't judge her too harshly. She might have been mistreated or abused by someone in the past, that is the kinda thing that gets a reaction like that out of people

  12. Karen with PMS?

    1. Not a Karen. A karen would have gotten right in the passengers face. Karens are confrontational.

    2. So, we’re agreed she has PMS? 😁

      As to being a Karen…
      *Attitude - check
      *Shrill voice - check
      *Pointing with arm extended - check

      Besides - so many people, so little time, …and the “manager” (the pilot) isn’t accessible: What IS a Karen to do?

  13. The phrase is "all intents and purposes" and not as written.

  14. The correct phrase is "all intents and purposes" and not as written.

  15. what are you supposed to do if you are a dentist and this person (or similar) is perfectly normal in the waiting room as she is filling out the paperwork, and perfectly normal as she sits in the chair discussing her complaint, answering all pre-op questions - and then, right in the middle of reviewing her medical history (no stress questions), begins to freak out in a similar manner? not funny! not humerous! no wonder dentists have heart attacks and a high rate of suicide!

  16. Was she seated next to Joe Biden?

    1. This “guy?”

  17. "....for all intensive purposes...." Pretty sure what you mean is "for all intents and purposes..."

    Just tryin to help.

  18. she gonna end up in the puzzle factory for a month or so if she keeps that up.

    so many breaking down and falling apart these days.

  19. The edibles finally kicked in.

  20. intensive purposes? are you sure you didn't mean "intents and purposes"?

  21. "That lady"? Sorry, but I don't see anything ladylike about her. Down here in the South, we might say "that woman", but we'd never mistake her for a lady.
    --Tennessee Budd

  22. That's the pronlem. Nowadays, that saort of behaviour is what passes for "normal". That plus an oversized sense of entitlement and the world revolves around me.

    Phil B

  23. Hey sweetheart, the lizard paid for his ticket, the lizard rides the plane, that's the way it is.

  24. LOL, I'm getting off with her. Well, not literally. Turns out I have a pair of those Rowdy' Roddy Piper glasses too. If you have a pair, never watch Joe Biden on TV. There's a Lizard tongue that extends out of his mouth and tries to suck your brains out. Right thru the TV. I'm not kidding.

  25. Man she is high amygdalae, its cranked, no question, just looking at her I can tell she knows what she see's, or her subconscious is trying to tell her and she is listening. Never ignore your sub conscious when its trying to tell you whats up. Costs you nothing. If I was on that plane I'd make a straight fucking beeline for who she is saying ain't human and give it the old hairy eyeball, and if one thing ain't right, be making another bee line out the door with this woman. Something ain't right and it ain't her. Guarantee it.

  26. I'm going to take a contrary position here at risk of being ridiculed. What if she's right? I've met a few empty psychopaths in my life. You'd be surprised how many of them live in the corporate world. Somebody without the insight to realize what kind of person they were talking to could actually draw the conclusion that a psychopath is not a real person. I know exactly what she's talking about. There is one person of whom I often say "he seems so lifelike".

    1. I found who she was talking about. You tell me if it’s a “real person”

    2. The first thought that occured to me was that she could be gas-lit as a victim

  27. I deal with psychopaths every day.
    This is a person off their meds, who needs a net, and some vitamin injections of Haldol and Ativan.
    She may look normal 5 seconds in a row, but when you act like this in public, you're quite simply a fucking lunatic.
    Full stop.

    There was a brief era when airline travel was first-class travel, even if you didn't sit in that section.
    Now, airline travel has become public transportation, in every sense of that description, and with all that entails.
    She is Exhibit A.

    Unless there's an entire ocean or continent to be negotiated, stay in your own car. Don't fly.
    Anybody acting like this? Throw them TF out the door, at speed. Land, rail, sea, or air.
    Everyone involved will be better for that.

    1. Yep, a 10 and 2 stat. Aesop will know I speak the truth. LOL

  28. She’s been intently following the ufo stories

  29. Well, well, well, i found the person she was talking about.

    I can’t say I blame her.
    Your pal

  30. Been legends around a long time there's, some got what is reffered to as Draco blood in them. The Dracos show up thru history. Said to be lizard/human like. Lot of artifacts and such show beings with such features, and are said to be able to cross bread cause of DNA compatibility. A believe it or not thing. Lot of that strange stuff is showing up, another thing is theres talk of cloned humans, which the globo-pedo cabal elite use for various purposes, they have strange physical features like three finger hands, hints of subtle lizard like features, they have a short lifespan, some even say that thing in the white house we see are clones. Lot of strange shits going on in any case.
    I think we are going to see things that are all but incomprehensible to us as the money is running out and the real monetary system of the world fails, and everything with it. And how about these special bloodlines like the rothchilds anyways? Really nasty people who cause and fund war because they profit so much off them, and human trafficking. It ain't us goid folks doing these evil things. This cabal that the deep state is part of is failing now if word is accurate. Notice how the whole debt ceiling thing suddenly went dark, Yellen suddenly went to China and not returned, hob nobbing with high level Chinese oligarchs. Word is Yellen and others got locked out of the fed last week, lot of staff too, and extensive negotiations underway to implement an assets/gold backed dollar, closing the IRS and BLM, two of the worst departments that are actually not and never been federal agencies, like the fed was, a private banking cartel thats strip mined our wealth and reduced the dolkar to less than 1% of its true value in 1909. Most these "employees" who are not federal reserve but are agents for certain special interests, who do not work for our government. Somethings happening. This girl's not the first to see these not human human appearing things. Strange shits happening and you got to ask why now, why all this satanic and depraved stuff is getting revealed, like the almost incomprehensible surveillance on everyone, word is its so massive nobody is not being watched, and the gangstalkers everywhere putting coverage on people, going after anyone who is of exceptional talent or has some great gift of mind or spirit, secret actors all around us, doing all sorts of nasty things, and how they are the ground eyes for the surveillance. Never mind the sudden appearance of all these sexually depraved perverts and why are child molestors given legitimacy of all things, schools totally converged by demented perverted actors, where did they all of a sudden come from? If this stuff is even partly true, it dont seem unreasonable this young lady got spooked cause she has a tuned in subconscious and its warning her about something. Its certainly her natural right as a human being to be cautious, thats really The First Law right there if you give it a good think; The Law of Self Preservation. The number one law, natural law. Why is nobody taking her seriously too? Because a lot of folks have been psychologically conditioned to ignore or not recognize their minds ability to observe and warn? Animals have this its their survival system. I would think in an older age, even a frw decades ago, there'd be at least one Man who out of concern for the fairer sex, be standing up and taking measures to assure this young ladies virtue is protected. Its old timey but its proper too. But here she is, all alone, she is obviously upset, its her right to protect her self, she is doing nothing wrong, if anything everyone on that plane is in the wrong so to speak, by simply not giving her the benefit of the doubt. Does not cost anything to be at least courtious and help her politely with empathy calm down some, because nobody is, she is all alone and that in its self is frietening. It certainly looks like she is genuinely upset for what she understands is good reason. Nothing wrong with that.


  32. Nobody believed Shatner saw that thing on the wing either….im just saying.

  33. Good thing she didn't look in the cockpit.
    Steve S6

  34. Then again, maybe she was sitting next to a giy like this?


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