Sunday, June 18, 2023

♫♪♫ Set the turntable to 1968.... ♫♪♫


I think Jeffery may have posted this haunting song some time in the past....


h/t to Johno for the link








  1. No audio. Might be my phone though.

  2. Cocaine and Rhinestones did a story about her a while back, starts a bit slow but stay with it.

  3. I remember watching this on a TV when I was a kid - maybe 13 or so - I think she had a show. The TV was black and white. I thought she was hot and talented - and she was.

  4. What a talent, and as Brown said above, a hottie. She told the entertainment world to fuck off iirc. Our loss.

  5. Great song odd that she was a foreigner

  6. Yes, Irish, Jeffery did a good post. I don’t remember which clip he used for that song, but the one of her Vegas review was awesome. Her death wasn’t long ago, I hope that she was not yet another Vaxx victim. That absolutely would have robbed us. Too bad for us that she couldn’t stand the fakery of the entertainment industry any longer.

  7. I had a 'thing' for Bobbie Gentry ever since I saw her sing that on TV. Maybe on Hee Haw? Don't remember since I was only 5. Oh, also had a 'thing' for Yvonne Craig as Batgirl and the Orion Slave Girl on Star Trek (Marta). Come to think of it she was also in the James Coburn "Flint" series. Craig, not Gentry.


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