Friday, January 13, 2023

I'm sure it was just some revelers celebrating NYE or maybe BLM sharpshooters

Never mind gunfights such as this. Keep your eyes peeled for white extremist, gun show nuts, conservatives, conspiracy theorist, and the like! "Move along there is nothing to see here. if there was, we'd report it" said the national press and city fathers (in jest of course). 

Over 600 rounds fired at Louisville apartments during possible gang fight. 

Read the entire story HERE.

H/T to Bob in E-Town


  1. Replies
    1. https://www.wave3.com/2023/01/11/600-rounds-fired-louisville-apartments-during-possible-gang-fight/

    2. Thanks for the heads up guys and the link ghostsniper! I just got to where I could update the link.

  2. Damn those white supremacists that Biden and Garland keep warning us about.

  3. 600 rounds fired and no bodies ? WTF ? we need to bring rifle shooting back to high schools so the"kids" can learn how to shoot straight.

    1. Sailer's Law of Mass Shootings.


    2. They were shooting for the stars!

  4. Personally, I think it's the Amish cutting loose. You just never know about those Mennonite gangs!

  5. 600 rounds fired and nobody shot. No, these folks are NOT going to be a real threat when push comes to shove. And of course nobody has heard anything official from police. They are to busy trying to cover up the obvious truth that is the same demographic that is ALWAYS responsible for stuff like this....white supremacists....LOL.

  6. 600 rounds and 45 different type of weapons with nobody hit?????

    Could have just been a NYE celebration that got out of control. When I lived in Memphrica, it was common to hear gunshots on NYE at midnight. Homies could not afford fireworks, I guess.

    1. Not long ago there were two "shootouts" in parking decks. One was at the Galleria Mall in Birmingham and another was in a municipal parking deck in Tuscaloosa. In both "firefights" large amounts of ammunition were expended (I want to say 60 in the ham and near 100 in Tuscaloosa).. Nobody on either side was hit. I don't get it. There has been four children and I'm not sure how many adults "randomly" shot (2 killed) in Birmingham in the last six months. I am not referring to "media children" (17 year old gangbangers with a felony arrest record six feet long). I am talking about kids and innocent adult bystanders shot and/or killed in bed, in living rooms, playing outside, etc. Then we have these clowns lining up across from each other (at least this was the case in these two gunfights) and firing away and not a single casualty.

  7. It should be obvious i they were shooting with intent and missed as opposed to celebratory shooting into the air.
    I second the view that this bunch will burn through their ammo very quickly in the 1st Quarter of the Spicy Times Olympiad. There will be no time outs granted for resupply.

  8. How many rounds with no primers were fired?

  9. 600 rounds and no one hit? Niggas can't shoot. It's gonna be fun...


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