Friday, November 4, 2022

Weather Girl Review.. Aussie Style..








  1. Thanks! that was pretty funny and the weather girl would make a reasonable candidate for FFF, if she was naked, IMHO.


  2. I really DON'T watch the weather for the boobs, we have a bunch of professionals here in the PNW.
    IF they were as accurate as our guys (yes, GUYS) I would tune them in at least once a day...

  3. Oddly enough, the name spelled "Yanet" is actually pronounced "Janet" in Mexico. If it was spelled "Janet" then it'd be pronounced "Hanet."

    Source: My cousin married a Mexican girl named "Yael" and it's pronounced "Ja-el" (yes, 2 syllables) with her telling me that since the J is pronounced like an H, that for names they substitute the Y for the J sound instead.

  4. Good one. "Ozzie Man Reviews", this guy has some great videos out there. Worth checking them out.

  5. That was funny. I love Ozzie man.

    Bear Claw

  6. I was a meteorologist with the CF for 27 years but I never looked that good when I wore a dress to work ;-{D

  7. The barometric pressure is rising in my shorts, for some reason.


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