Monday, September 12, 2022

I'm guessing he was a Trump supporter

There are some conflicting reports regarding this story. In my humble opinion, something seems very odd about the way this killing transpired. It was reported that plain clothes cops interrupted a funeral killing a pallbearer mid-embrace seconds after he had helped place his father's casket inside a hearse.

* Jason Arnie Owens, 37, was shot dead at his father's funeral service by West        Virginia Police (some reports indicate two U.S. Marshalls were involved).           


     * Plain clothes cops walked into the funeral, called his name, and shot him.    


*They fired seconds after Owens acknowledged his name and never identified themselves as law enforcement. Owens was not armed despite reports he was.  


I would suppose acting like that could go "south" in a hurry in WV.

 Read more HERE.

H/T to Ed in Moulton.


  1. doesn't add up. there is a bit history missing here. like WHY?
    and who did the shooting ? kind of odd when you think they get the 19 clown with a mile long rap sheet alive AFTER killing 4 people while driving around in stolen cars for a day, but this guy they shoot on sight ?

  2. Sounds like the Night of the Long Knives.

  3. Really starting to dislike cops

    1. Starting??? Long past that brother.

  4. https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/fugitive-shot-killed-fathers-funeral-nutter-fort-west-virginia/. Here is another link. They were looking for him. Your original story is from yahoo news. There's a reason they are called that in old west slang.

  5. The story is in the Commie Yahoo news. Why would a rag in the same category as the NYTs make it look like a law enforcement hit job on a local low-life unless he had the goods on a Democrat politician?

    1. Following the links within links, originally posted by AP. Same thing though.
      Steve S6

    2. That is a very good point BB. I also noticed the article cited another commie newspaper.

    3. Yahoo is trash. But I found 5 articles on this, several local - not one thinks the cops were right on this.

  6. yahoo isnt reliable tho. yeah they could be crooked - or not even cops. but yahoo could be leaving details out to just blackwash cops. dig for more info.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Read more like an execution. Especially since the pigs threatened to shoot anyone trying to render aid to the victim.

  9. https://www.wtap.com/2022/09/09/family-wants-answers-after-pallbearer-killed-by-officers/ This is how my Parkersburg, WV news covered it. A few different details.

  10. The po-po are one of the main reasons that we are in the situation that we find ourselves. They have no obligation to "protect and serve" those who pay their salaries, or even respond to a request for assistance. They exist solely to protect the corrupt and criminal politicians from the fate they so richly deserve.

    Gasman (GM)

  11. The only thing that we can know for sure about this incident is we will never know for sure what happened....unless someone can produce video. Because the family and others will say one thing and the cops will say another. BOTH sides are incentivized to lie and thus neither side can be trusted to tell the truth.


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