Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Liars are going to lie and "fakers" are going to fake

 Ocasio-Cortez (aka "The Braying Mule") and Omar pretending to be handcuffed after arrest at Roe v. Wade protest blows up Twitter: "This is too much".


  1. Neo-Bolshevik media whore. May she suffer from incurable monkeypox.

    1. She already suffers from incurable brain damage, what's one more problem?

  2. Better yet, baptized in catshit

  3. ...and even the non-MSM are STILL playing her ridiculous lying vids from after the incident where she "thought she was going to die". One channel did point out, after the vid, that she was not even in the Capitol building at the time of the incident. This woman and her cohorts are nothing but media whores. She wouldn't have called her buds at what ever channel captured the footage to film her arrest would she?


  4. Sooooo, she likes to pretend to be tied up? That little faker

  5. Skyrocketing inflation, gas and diesel prices, shortages of baby formula and medications and all the dems and RINOs can do is perform stunts while Americans suffer. And I don't think it's going to get better any time soon.

    I pray to God RINOs up for re-election this year are primaried and beaten by true Conservative Trump-like candidates. Look at Maryland, the Trump-backed candidate won. How hard is it for a true Conservative to jump on the Trump bandwagon and primary the RINOs and boot them out of office? Why isn't this happening more? Is the answer: The UniParty?

  6. Our Govt. has turned into the worst movie you ever saw.....and it just won't stop.

  7. Up north, we call her “Pout-o-Rican”.

  8. Mmmm Tiddies. That's is all, literally.

  9. If someone was around her with rope, it is my guess that they would not use it to bind her hands. And no, FBI, this is just a joke, I don't want anyone harmed.


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