Monday, June 6, 2022

Lest We Ever Forget

Regardless of politics, war profiteers, or other "hidden agendas", I sometimes think of the sacrifices made during World War Two by individuals of the Western Allies (Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and a few others not named) made in the fight against Germany (factory workers, airmen, soldiers, sailors and literally millions of unnamed people who worked to provide the logistics that were necessary to transport, equip, feed, care for medically, etc. in that fight). These people came together in a concerted effort to achieve a common goal only to witness their governments hand over the countries and freedoms they were fighting for to godless heathens, liberals, communist,  and deep state "one worlders". Now, seventy-eight years later, these once mighty countries bow to political correctness (for lack of a better term) and cater to a minority of persons who demonstrate abnormal behavior (LGBT, transgender, etc.), invaders who ignore and breach borders and laws with impunity and are often times treated better than the citizens of these countries. What a shame. What would the majority of people from this time think of the state of these countries today? What would the men who landed at Normandy think? Would they do it again so future leaders could trample the core beliefs and values they held so dear? No matter what these countries have become, the men who went ashore or jumped from the sky on June the 6th earned their place in history. 



  1. I was speaking with a good friend of mine, another retiree (he is USA, I am USCG) and we were talking about this. Thinking about sacrifices, losses, time spent away, spending the best years of our lives to get to where our country could be at peace, and then seeing is squandered by feckless and arrogant politicians and utterly vapid voters. It's heartbreaking....

  2. Very nicely put.
    I posted on Facebutt a similar sentiment, and included an interview with a vet describing his impressions.

  3. That earlier comment was yours truly, Dan Patterson.

  4. My Father is rolling around in his grave...

  5. We might also want to remember the liberation of Rome by the US 5th Army (6/4/44) after a long and bloody slog up the boot from Salerno in which Americans bore the bulk of the fighting.

  6. Would they do it again? Well, let me tell you a story. About ten years ago I visited the Normandy beaches. I was born and raised behind the Iron Curtain but even so the emotional impact was major. I then went to the American Cemetery and I was watching my son (4 years old at the time), born and raised in the USA, playing there, among the crosses, with his French cousins. As I was listening to their giggles and watching them happily playing, I was certain that the men who are buried there would want nothing more and that they would do it again, without hesitation.

  7. My grandfather lost his leg in WW1 and survived without antibiotics. I'm Canadian and he was French Canadian and pretty damn tough. He was part of the infamous Van Doos (vingt-deux in French means 22) regiment. The 22nd were the only one that spoke French. They were used by the British as cannon fodder. My grandfather had no desire to fight for the king of England. He did not especially feel compelled to fight for France, either. He fought to protect his family and their place. I also know that when the bullets flew and the bombs fell that he was running towards them and not away. He received the highest medal for non officer for bravery in the field. He fought for what he loved the same way my father would. The same way I would for my family. His courage is my blood and I know that the same runs in yours and your readers.
    This is a great site.

  8. We are now in the "Hard times create Strong Men" part of the endless cycle of Civilization. With the advent of technology, we have the power to do irreversable harm to this Country (and with it, the World!) and go into that Long Dark Night. And NOT pull out of this...

    Will we? Won't we? God knows the ending, we don't, but we are going to have to lean heavily on Him to pull this one out!

  9. As far those who were there, remember that FDR and socialist programs (i.e.Gun control 1934) were wildly popular and he was overwhelmingly re-elected again and again. The people themselves may have been tough and self reliant in intent, but the country we have is directly related to what he started in the 1930s.

  10. I looked it up and there are now less than 3000 Allied D-Day Veterans left alive. At the current attrition rate we only have 1 or 2 June 6's while they are still with us. 3 at the outside. My only faint hope is that something turns around in this country while they are alive to see it that lets them know that their courage and sacrafice for for Freedom and Liberty are not forgotten.

  11. For the life of me, I cannot understand how quickly and easily the current generation has been brainwashed by the left. They simply keep voting for the demise of freedom, and they absolutely believe they are doing the right thing. Conversations mean nothing to them. They will only see the demise after it happens, and they will convince themselves that it was conservatives that actually did the damage. Thank god for these brave people that allowed me to live most of my life in freedom.

    1. Look up the definition of sociopath and all the politicians, cabal, deep state, lobbyists and most billionaires fall into that category.

      It started out as a long slow march through the institutions before 1913. Then 1913 gave us income tax and the federal reserve which accellerated the long march. 2020 put it on warp speed, see what I did there, now it's in our face. Kinda like the old phrase slowly then all of the sudden.

  12. We praise and honor the Saints of Freedom. Heathens, will never succeed, or snatched Freedom from Us.


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