Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy Summer Solstice 5:14am This Morning...


Enjoy the longest day of the year.


Below the fold are MOAR MEMES!!.

Doing some inbox clean-up still.  



  1. Bwahahaha. All are funny, some are funny not funny. 24 I think Samuel Whittmore created that scene, be a Samuel Whitmore. I am going to try. I'll have a McRib to go please.

  2. ps. Its summer here. Gonna hit actual century mark the last couple week days this week. Back to 85 Sunday. Will Rogers always said, "If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma wait ten minutes". I like the variety.

  3. A most Blessed Solstice to you, John. Your efforts are appreciated...

    Mike in Canada

  4. Please keep doing what you’re doing! What’s expressed here, is the unheard voice of so many.

  5. #15 There should be one of those erected outside of every politician's and judge's home; federal, state and local, and every legislative building also federal, state and local to remind them that their first job is NOT to screw with the citizens. While we're at it, let's include every prosecutor and police officer.



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