Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago......



Ok, let's move on......



 Enjoy your evening, I have to wait for darkness to kill the yellow jackets that have built a very large hive in the wall of the barn..... No, I'm not using fire.


  1. is 197 who I think it is? BO's mom?

    1. Good catch, but I highly doubt it. #197 looks different.

    2. I once had a huge yellow jacket problem. A lineman from the power company gave me a can of their hornet spray and it worked like a charm.

      Also, for an enclosed space, one of those insecticide bombs will work great.

  2. God love ya man... We must run in the same circles! Lots of familiar faces and familiar postings... You do a much better job than I... Carry on!

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Great minds think alike and have similar "tastes". It's amazing how many rabbit holes lead to so many various images.

  3. This one is, imo, one of the best ones yet. Fantastic!

    Thank you Irish!

    1. The please is mine EH. Thanks for enjoying!

  4. 3 cut away just at the good part, nice pillows on 7, 27, 66, 80, nice older lady on 41, 51, 64, 67, 79, 193, (and tush on) 166, 192 (where did you find all those great-looking older women? do you have a harem?), nice accessories on 48, nice how to dress on a hot, sticky day on 106, nice rear assembly on 116 (could be broader, rounder, but I do not complain), nice caught in the act on 223.

    1. Geez edutcher that's a long list you enjoyed. Sorry, no harem, just rabbit hole surfing of all things presented.

  5. While always good, this was one of your best. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you, *nods head* , Glad you enjoyed WRR

  6. I need a cigar after all that - well done, my friend!

  7. Boobs pooping out, breakfast, lunch and dinner, fur, muscle cars, power wagons, red heads, fantasy women and yoga pants. What's not to like.

    Yet another magnificent collage. Thanks and have a great weekend.


  8. I think that was my daughter on the beach???

  9. Even had some boilerdoc pictures, very cool.

    1. Yes, I know he lurks. He's busy with life.

  10. Damn Irish.
    I don't know how you do this week after week but I am damn grateful you do.
    You have no idea how much I enjoy sitting here going through these.

  11. Best way to get rid of yellowjackets: Fipronil. Go buy some of the flea & tick meds that come in little squeeze bulbs, where the only active ingredient is fipronil. Take a golf ball size wad of raw ground meat (ground beef or pork), mix 3-4 drops of the fipronil into the meat, and put it where the bees will find it, but pets can't get it. Yellowjackets will collect the meat and take it back to their nests, poisoning the whole nest. Honey bees aren't attracted to meat, so they aren't in danger. Just put it out on a warm day when the beasts are active, and your problem is solved.

    1. Thank you RocketmanKarl. I will investigate today.

    2. We have them in a house wall, and I plan on using a product called, Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide Dust.
      I asked our beekeeper friend for input on protective gear and followed his advice.

    3. Outstanding Irish! Thank for sharing Ll those wonderful pics!

  12. Thank You Sir
    It helped make my day better.

  13. I had luck with yellow jackets and their underground nest right under a shrub. After it got dark and cooled off some I rammed a metal bar in the ground, flooded the hole with water, and enlarged the hole to about 2" diameter. Flooded again with water mixed with Dawn dish detergent. Crammed in shop vac hose connected to the exhaust port and turned it into a bubble machine. Dawn removes a coating from the wasp's exoskeleton and they soon die. It took 2 evenings but most of them were dead by then. If your barn wall cavity is relatively air tight you might be able to come up with a way to create soap bubbles. After I got mine working I would go outside every 15 minutes or so and turn the vac on again to refresh the bubbles in their nest. Like many insects, including ants and yellow jackets, the ones you see outside the next are always females. Good luck, take some pictures, and let us know how it works out.

  14. Thanks again, Irish! I wouldn't know it was Friday if you didn't run this!

  15. I thank you for the work you do, getting the FFF ready for us Neanderthal hordes. We are not worthy, but grateful nonetheless. Have a great, hot weekend.

  16. Ditto on Phil's. Damn good for a kid from N.H!

  17. Hi Irish,
    thanks for all the great pics!
    The food, the guns, the cars and the bush!
    You did fantastic on the bush part this week!
    I feel sorry for that rusty 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 limo.
    Who ever let that beauty rust should be sent to Somalia for life...lol
    Have a great weekend and thanks for all your efforts on our behalf.
    Carry on,

  18. Thanks Irish!! Another fine fun batch!! Could be called M4 (Milfs, Musclecars, Meats, and Memories!)

  19. Irish, you should take every Friday off if a couple of extra hours gives us that display. Well done.
    Far too many beauties to mention. I especially like the 56 Bel Air Nomad.

  20. Plenty "O" booze, babes, and food Irish, and even a little helga lovekaty. Thanks for all the above.

  21. What is the name of the young lass in #24. You are truly a master good Sir.

    1. Katee Owens. Google will be your friend if you look up her name. You're welcome, in advance.

  22. I particularly like the little, brunette milfs towards the top. Yummers.

  23. #133 brings back memories - F4 launching from the waist. When I 1st enlisted in 1976, (USS Enterprise CVN-65) F-4s were a thing of the past, F-14s were in the fleet then. But every now and then they would come on deck for some carrier quals or whatever. Hated seeing them, black exhaust smoke everywhere, you could spot them 5 miles out. And V-2 division didn't care too much for them, instead of a simple launch bar and holdback they used a somewhat complicated bridle.

  24. Do you have the rest of the set for #127, the blonde on the blue motorcycle? She's one incredibly attractive woman and I haven't been able to find that set since zazu.es went offline more than 10 years ago.

  25. "Who ties your shoes?" was one of my favorite responses to dumbass statements when I was in the navy ('75 - '81). Still use it occasionally.

  26. Thank you Sir. A feast for the eyes. Much appreciated.

  27. Excellent collection, thank you. I will file the ladies and vehicles in the "Things Rich Can't Afford" folder. Katee Owen and Sandra O, very nice additions. Question: Is that Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) at number 144?

    Keep up the great work!

  28. Thanks for the eye candy, Irish. Ohio Guy

  29. A lot more fur pelts displayed than usual and not too subtly either. Nice

  30. Who is #24 (I think)? Side to side gif...

    1. Katee Owen, as Irish mentioned in his reply to Jeff C.
      Babepedia is your friend


  31. Oh my. Very high on the MILF scale today.

    Mmmm. MILF and cookies!

  32. Sorry it took me so long to comment, I've been out of town. An excellent job! I appreciate the more "womanly" women. And you knw what I mean. Thanks for accommodating me and Gunny!

  33. And they say I have too much time on my hands...



  34. picture 133 wifey. always looking great.

  35. Excellent, Irish, as always.
    A lot more bush featured recently, and I am ok with that.


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