Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Back In The Days Of Innocence....









  1. Funny. There were no good looking teachers in any school I went to except for one hot nun in 3rd grade.

  2. Greatest show on earth. One of my favorites was the porto john on hidden fork trucks, raised after entry.

  3. Today, these children would be charged with sexual harassment, sent to a gay pride school for the correct reprograming...
    But that was funny as hell!

  4. I had a teacher like that in Jr High. So beautiful it hurt. When she looked at you and smiled, it was impossible to have a bad day, you just couldn't leave your desk for a few minutes...

  5. Ahh, Miss Dolen, I'm thinking of you... (7th grade "health" teacher. Blonde. Built like a brick house. One of the boys asked her measurements and she told us. 37-22-36. Imagine getting your sex-ed from that...)


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