Monday, May 10, 2021

If The Media Stop Talking About Covid Would You Realize There Was A "Pandemic"?










  1. Definitely not. It doesn't matter if it is the local channels or the MSM, the lead story is COVID and/or the vaccination.
    I bet other local channels across the country are touting exactly the same line of bullshit at the beginning of every newscast too.

  2. It's Plandemic. There, I fixed it for you. 😂

  3. Rarely listen to the radio but what little I have as of late there are more damn vax commercials than songs and I want to shoot the bastard native American sounding son of a bitch for his statement and the ad sponsor.

  4. With a 99.7% survival rate, the answer if, "No!!!!".

  5. If Cuomo and Whitaker and New Jersey hadn’t killed so many of their senior citizens the alarmism at the beginning wouldn’t have been so prominent.

  6. Still not vaccinated. Still not infected. Antibody tests still come back negative. Still gotta wear a friggin mask anyway.


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