Friday, August 7, 2020

Looks about right



  1. Beyond Thunder Dome was the best of the three, IMHO. Who can argue with Tina in that metallic costume?


    1. I would like to respectfully disagree and say that it was the worst of the four.
      #1 The Road Warrior
      #2 Fury Road
      #3 Mad Max
      #4 Beyond Thunderdome


  2. Sorry, disagree. Mad Max was the original. the benchmark.

  3. Now, THAT does make me worry, somewhat.
    Wait.... we're not in Australia.
    Nev'mind. ;P

    1. As upside down as the world is, I won't be counting that as any sort of buffer.

  4. Then you never saw tina in two pieces of leather held together by loose chains singing Proud Mary.

  5. Mad Max was an ice breaker of a concept. They never defined what the collapse was caused by, but several of the characters including some of the cops showed acute snowflake tendencies. The undefined dragging collapse that had people sleeping in their cars, no jobs, and an overpowering sense of hopelessness.
    I enjoyed the original 3 movies even though they were not completely connected, and did not need each other to tell their stories. I have not seen the new one, not really interested, sounds too PC to be fun .

  6. I like all three, but "The Road Warrior" (the second one) is my favorite. I saw it while still in high school at a theater. I hardly ever pass up watching at least some of it or Mad Max when I see either on the tube.

  7. When Mad Max came out, my friends and I were all 18 and had all just recently aquired big Kawasaki street bikes. We learned SOOOOO much from that movie lol. All emulated on local roads of course.

  8. A couple-three evenings ago, I started two movies -- Wick 2, then MM: Thunder Road.

    I quit Wick after about ten minutes.
    I quit Cherlize Theron after about eleven minutes.

    Do not waste my time.


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