Friday, June 5, 2020

Back In The Day...

How many pages of regulations would they be breaking today?


  1. I don't see any problem...

  2. Our safety committee at work would call the union, the union would call OSHA and the job would be shut down...after the committee did a thorough evaluation of the needed processes they would issue a memorandum on the proper cleaning of the horses. Firstly, both employees will be issued a harness to which a lanyard will be attached. The lanyard will attach to the proper point of attachment on the manlift that will be required to lift the two employees to the proper height. Firstly, buy or rent a manlift, the employees that will be operating the equipment will have to complete a one week course on the proper setup and usage of the manlift. All emmployees that operate the equipment will have to be fit for a harness and lanyard and take a required safety course on high angle operations once that is done then the employees may operate the equipment. Upon using the manlift it is noted that it can only be used as a work platform, the workers are forbidden from exiting the manlift and they must be attached to the manlift via their lanyard. Any employee who violates the safety regulation is subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal...

  3. Gentleman on the right appears to be about 75 YO. wow

  4. Soon? No regulations will be broken. The monument will be taken down.
    Wellington = white racist oppressor. Probably homophobic, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic.


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