Thursday, April 23, 2020

An Irish Poll

Are You Sick Of Hearing , Reading or Talking About Covid 19?

No, Not Yet, We Need Answers
I'll Pay Attention Again If Shit Goes Sideways
Please Specify:
Created with Quiz Maker


  1. Speaking only for myself, of course I am sick of this being shoved in my face 24/7 with fake statistics by fake news casters and bullshit "professionals".
    The thing that concerns me is the fact that it was genetically spliced together and then set loose.
    It's the possible future mutations that I am watching out for.

  2. So just for funsies do a search on Event201 and check out how this was all orchestrated back in November 2019. We were distracted by the impeachment, but gave time to the pols to sell their shares.

  3. Polls are the Chinese finger trap of the internet!


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