Saturday, March 16, 2019

♫♫ Another One From Airbag ♫♫

 What a great find. Some new music in the spacey , progressive genre I like.

As I have been scrolling the webz, I've been picking their songs on youtube.

If you are checking this one out first, there are two more posted below...


  1. Damn. There are many bands out there that I'm sure I'd go through life without hearing, without knowing who they are. This is one of them. As we spoke the other day, I've been listening to them now since your first post of them. F ing awesome. My kind of music. Play them now in the car, and all day at work in the background. Thanks for the introduction to them.

    btw, are you familiar with the Canucks, The Tea Party?

    1. You’re welcome. I ordered all 4 of their CDs. It is nice to hear some music that fits your liking but is new and different. If you have pandora , create a station for Pink Floyd and another for porcupine tree. You will get some great songs and bands you might not have heard. God is an astronaut is one and check out Riverside as well.

      I’m not familiar with the Canucks. Any links ? If your over the border their then I hope they get strong enough to oust Trudeau.

    2. I was reading some write-ups about one of their albums and the writer said the music was ok but they love David Gilmour way too much. Fuck the writer.

      I'm in Phoenix. Don't like Canada, except Molson.

      Discovered The Tea Party about twenty some years ago. It's like Jim Morrison singing for Zepplin. Try these songs and let me know what you think: Psychopomp, Correspondences, Apathy, Cathartik. Transmission and Interzone Mantras are two of my fave albums. They play instruments from around the world.

    3. So “ The Tea Party “ is a band?? I was mistaken I guess. Lol. I’ll check them out. Thanks!! To both of you.


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