Friday, January 6, 2017

Esteban Santiago/Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooter: Muslim Convert? CIA Mind Control Subject Or Both?

There are as many stories as there are questions floating around the interweb. What do YOU believe or not believe about this story?

I certainly believe the media reports claiming he is a "white hispanic" to be  100% grade "A" BULLSHIT and nothing more than"fake news"! 


  1. Right! Lets throw some xenophobia* into the mix.
    Keep us attacking each other to take our tiny minds off what a screwing we are getting from our "Gummit".
    Not only in America, but all over the world.
    Why are we not fixing the problems?
    Step one will be getting rid of the so called United Nations; the worlds most expensive travelling cocktail party.
    * Fear of foreigners, or aliens.

  2. Bottom line he is a terrorist driven by islamic teachings. Islam is the enemy.

    1. Exactly! I saw a comment on one of the several articles I read last night that simply read,
      "AAAAAAAAAAAAannnnd, it's the muslims!".

  3. I head an on the spot interview with a man who claimed to be a pilot. It was total bullshit. The guy kept using the word "percussion's" instead of gunfire or shots and claimed he was a gun owner and knew what they sounded like. Crisis Actor in my book. Something is wrong with this whole thing. Fake news strikes again. The interview was scripted and clumsy.

    1. I wish I had of seen it grayjohn. What network was that?

  4. You could not be more correct SGB. The media controllers know what these shootings are as does the government and a lot more people like you and I. The treachery of spreading the "mass shootings" deception is aimed at "low information voters", The ultimate goal is complete gun confiscation. Do not believe for a moment that because a boatload of liberal democraps were defeated in this past election we can let our guard down against communism and the forces of evil. Just like the "Patriot Act", that is anything but patriotic" was pushed though after 9/11 to help Americans "feel" safe when in truth it gave .gov Gestapo-like powers, we cannot surrender any more of our freedoms in the name of protection. Everyone needs to let their congressman and Senators know that before we as Americans surrender any more liberties that might give the illusion of safety, the first order of business in protecting the citizens of this country should be to shut-off the mass flooding of illegals, end the state sponsored "bring a terrorist to town" refugee programs
    and deport suspect muslims in this country. If anyone has any doubts to what is taking place here in the USA, look to Europe to see what this country will become in a few years if we do not change the course we are currently traveling.

  5. What gets me is the ATF agent ducking under the post at what looks like a airline counter then he takes his trigger hand off the pistol grip to wave people by

  6. I believe that no matter what the back story is or isn't he needs putting down as quick as possible.


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