Friday, June 4, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....














  1. So many lovely women...I wonder where #110 is headed?

  2. An exemplary showing, Sir!
    ...you keep out-shining your past performances and who knows HOW happy we'll all be!!

  3. Great collection, many nice pillows.

    Nice bouncy on 9, 26, nice sunshine on 13, nice older lady on 14, 39, 91, 115, 116, nice farm girl on 23, nice hourglass on 35, nice pom poms on 77.

  4. Dam Sun you came up with some out STANDING titties this week!
    That 6X Jeep was pretty cool too!

  5. 48 - GT350 So pretty

    50 - Damn.

    85 - Is this leaked footage from Willie Brown's office?

    103 - My second favorite body style.

    140 - Where my infatuation with the Pony Car began.

    166 - Can't see the grill; but it looks like a 71 Ranger package F250 Camper Special.
    Nice way to round out my week. Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. Damn Leigh, I agree with you again. #85 is too creepy.

  6. Never been a fan of horses, but I’d make an exception for Miss 183.
    Thanks for an outstanding bunch of ladies this evening.

  7. Wow, you've outdone yourself with this collection...

  8. Another OUTSTANDING eclectic collection. The GIFs of boobs springing out of shirts are, as usual my favorites. All of the rest of the naked and semi-naked pics are my second favorites. That pic of all of the different cuts of steaks and chops gave me a Pavlovian reaction. Thanks and have nice weekend.


  9. Today is June fourth -- happy Killdozer Day, everybody!

  10. #2 - "Weebles wobble" and sure enough they do fall down. My wife and a rusty 55 gallon drum. I wish I had this on video camera, so I can laughed myself unconscious again. The horse just turned to look and then calmly walked away. My wife had a full width bruise from he waist to her knee. I made her go to the doc and he laughed too, she still hasn't forgiven me.

  11. Excellent all the way around the spread. The Piglet/Pooh meme left me in stitches.

  12. I have to disagree with #186. The bumper hitch/ball off of the back bumper of a truck is the most deadly.
    Great posting otherwise, as usual.

  13. Thanks Irish. Sorry I missed last week. Was on a mission from God to not even open my laptop.

    Like Jeffery, I always like the Pooh memes. Silly Old Bear...

  14. A hot cup of coffee, and a fine collection young ladies, milfs, redheads(My fav), memes, food, classic cars.
    The 69 AMX is especially nice!! Also the guy by the firepit with a tasty treat awaiting is a great shot.
    Keep up the great work Irish, and thanks!!

  15. Lots of great tities Mr. Irish. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  16. There's still a hope for... to survive... beauty for any dream!

  17. Great collection, as always. But might I suggest a slightly higher percentage of A and B cup ladies in the future? Itty bitty titties need love too. (And they won't be at the lady's navel by the time she's 40.)

  18. Btw, Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck-
    Excellent reading.

  19. Btw, Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck-
    Excellent reading.

  20. Thank you Irish. What Jack said above the hitch ball and mount is deadly ask me how I know a few times.

  21. Bless you.
    Inspired to forge on for another week.
    I love boobies, Lab puppies, beer and something I cannot remember.

  22. thank you. a good eclectic collection.

  23. #51 : It's kinda fun to sleuth out these places ... 48.85326430418138, 2.29738477164773

  24. FFF is becoming a religion...of which, I am a devout follower. Ohio Guy

  25. All the positive comments everyone else said, plus some. Thank you, sir, for this noble effort. Re #85, yeah, I thought it was her, too. Glad it isn't.
    As Ol' Remus used to say, stay away from crowds.

  26. All the positive comments everyone else said, plus some. Thank you, sir, for this noble effort. Re #85, yeah, I thought it was her, too. Glad it isn't.
    As Ol' Remus used to say, stay away from crowds.


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