Friday, September 6, 2019

Searching the webz to bring you the constant variety of boobs... the cringe of memes ... and the agony of it ending...... This is Irish's Friday Femme Fatale!



  Well now, that went by fast............. I'm.... outta here......


  1. 28, 43, 59, 64.

    Now that's a combination.

  2. Have a standing ovation from me here in the Moda Center in Portland OR as I wait for the Iron Maiden concert to start.

    1. So frickin' jealous right now.
      I'd kill to see Maiden in concert!
      Have fun, and take pics!

      Whitehall, NY

    2. Good luck with that. MY wife and her daughter went to See Heart and Joan Jett on Tuesday in Richland. They said it sucked. But I have to admit, the only other rock concert she's seen before was Tom Petty in Eugene about actually, 5 years ago. I think, so she was spoiled to begin with. She said neither band played much of their own music. I think somebody is getting old.

  3. Suddenly, my night just got better.
    Thanks, Boss!

    Whitehall, NY

  4. Good stuff as usual!

  5. Possible your best Friday Femme Fatale to date!

  6. I think I recognized a young Sophia Loren. I also loved the rest of the pics. As for the concerts, I am disappointed that Heart has slipped. I knew that they were not quite the same as they were when they were young, especially since they had that big fight. But when they got back together, I half considered trying to see them. Now, I think I will pass. I have tickets for Wynonna Judd tonight, for my anniversary. Hopefully that is not as bad as it could be.

  7. My friends Marsha and Steve live next to the Lane County fairgrounds in Eugene Oregon.
    We were over at their place for a potlatch about five years ago.

    Heart played a the county fair.
    It was painfully loud.
    I was not impressed.

  8. I had to look at this again. Just to refresh my memory, you know. I bet the chick who can touch her nose with her tongue was popular in high school. And anywhere else she ever has been.

    1. Probably most popular with the same sex. Know why women love finish carpenters? 'Cuz they have a lot of experience with tongue and groove work.

  9. bill whittle has a good take on reaching out to video gaming millennials. going to be an interesting election 2020.


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