Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hey CNN....


  1. Anything in particular prompt that?

    1. When I was on the news blogs I saw they were trying to bury the Susan Rice story.

      That and all the other crap they pull ;)

    2. It's just that there's so many reasons to flip them off, it's hard to pick one.

  2. How did you miss an Obama pic?

  3. Irish, of all the ones to post you forgot the one where Mr. Rogers is flipping the bird.


  4. So much hate.....So little intelligence

    1. It's not hate, just a visceral dislike.

    2. Anonymous, I can only assume you are talking about CNN. I know Irish, and he would give his shirt off his back to help anyone. Unlike most hypocrite liberals. I find it quite ironic when liberals use the "hate" label. It is a nice broad label so you don't have to answer specifically or defend their positions. Just like racist, xenophobe, homophobe. Big words with no follow up or debate. The only hate I see is from CNN, MSNBC et. al. I just see people getting upset because the MSM claim to be news organizations, yet they trip over themselves to lie, non report or distort the facts just to stay on agenda. Imagine if you will, Dick Cheney unmasking Barry Sotero before he was elected. I am sure CNN would rush to the air to say there is no story. Little Susie was caught in a lie (actually many), and they ignore it. She was on with Andrea Mitchell and stated she knew nothing about any unmasking or surveillance (incidental or not) on Trump or his people. Once it was proven otherwise, her story changed the story to there was incidental surveillance. CNN refuses to cover it, and MSNBC (chris Matthews) now says anyone that wants to dig in this story is racist and sexist (yawn). CNN loses credibility everyday, but if you need examples, here you go...CNN anchor Deb Feyerick asks BIll Nye if meteor that hits Russia was caused by global warming.....Brook Burke so angry that Trump is legitimate candidate makes fun of him for stating that there should be term limits for Congress ("there already are term limits").....The list goes on. Bottom line is facts are facts, and most common sense people are sick and tired of stations like CNN covering the same story differently, depending on what letter has after their name (D or R). Made up, slanderous stories are great for unintelligent lemmings watching TV, not the rest of us.


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