Sunday, February 5, 2017

We Can Only Hope This Sort of Insanity Will Be Reversed

American tax dollars are funding refugee re-settlement programs which injects muslims into rural areas such as this poor Tennessee town. This is a case study about getting screwed and not even getting kissed. 

H/T to Bushwhacker Bob in Cullman


  1. I remember telling a friend how much child support I had to pay for 17.5 years. He said that it was the fucking you get for the fucking you got. I think that is appropriate here somehow. Cause that judge didn't kiss me either, but the money that I paid sure nuff felt like I got fucked, same as this town.

    1. It is a sad thing that money is extorted from the citizens of this country at the threat of having everything one owns confiscated, being imprisoned, killed, or all of the above by the infernal revenue service. As if that is not enough, the same money is used to "import" these totally un-American goatf#%king haters of liberty so they can take our jobs, disrupt our schools, communities, and to radically change the voting demographics of an area that has bled Red White and Blue for the last two hundred and sixty plus years. These animals could gang-rape a girl in broad daylight and no one would be arrested. However, let one local white person say anything offensive to one of these savages and that person would probably end up at Guantanamo Bay charged with a made-up "hate crime" wearing a ball and chain. There is something very rotten in Denmark,,,,,,,,,,,er,,, Washington.

  2. Tyson Chicken, The Clintons are shareholders. I learned this when Tyson got a big contract to peddle chicken to Russia during the Clinton administration.

  3. I would love to put some of these liberal asswipes right in the midst of all this shit. Some of them want to go back good fly them half way over the ocean push them out the fucking door and let them swim the rest of the way!!!!

  4. It seems to me that it is getting closer and closer to a Rolling Stones song "Gimme Shelter"
    "War, children, it's just a shot away. Just a shot away."
    Another one is "Bad Moon Rising", by CCR.
    Welcome back to the 1960's specially for the various music lyrics that cover "What's been going on?" for the last eight years.
    I just hope that the American citizen is ready for it when it comes.

  5. The problem as I see it is they want to come here. We have to change that.

  6. They were intentionally being placed in states that are more conservative by the Obama administration. A bunch we placed in Idaho (Boise and Twin Falls), and four muslim boys in Twin Falls raped a six-year-old special needs girl in a basement laundromat at their apartment complex. The scum in DC want conservative folks to suffer having muslims dumped on them. The "Three S's" need to be applied to those animals.

  7. They were intentionally being placed in states that are more conservative by the Obama administration. A bunch were placed in Idaho (Boise and Twin Falls), and four muslim boys in Twin Falls raped a six-year-old special needs girl in a basement laundromat at their apartment complex. The scum in DC want conservative folks to suffer having muslims dumped on them. The "Three S's" need to be applied to those animals - the muslims _and_ the DC scum allowing them to be placed in our communities.


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