Wednesday, February 22, 2017

This Same Agency Would "Barbecue" Your Ass For Possessing A Rifle Or Shotgun 1/4" Too Short:

"A government out of control", "shadow government", "deep state" are terms that instantly come to mind when I read something like this!

The ATF filled a secret bank account with millions of dollars in a shadowy cigarette sales scheme. The secret account is at the heart of federal racketeering lawsuit brought by a collective group of tobacco farmers who say they were swindled out of 24 million dollars. A pair of ATF informants received at least a million dollars each from that sum, records show. This operation WAS NOT authorized by the Department of Justice.


  1. So I noticed that now the Treasury department is trying to tax them on transactions they were forced to carry out by the ATF.


    1. Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms should be a convenience store not a government agency.

  2. ATF - "cowboys" is perhaps too kind a word.

  3. I don't remember where, but I read too many in other agencies of law enforcement have little respect for those in the ATF. That should concern the justice department, and the department of homeland security.

  4. They can always run to the protection of Sen. Chuck Schumer, "Sure you guys might have fouled up, but you MEANT WELL..."

    As long as they mean well, ANY illegal thing they do will be whitewashed.


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