Friday, April 19, 2024

“People have raised concerns about your views…That you’re concerned about what’s going on in Australia.”










  1. Crickey! A nation founded by ne’er do wells, adventurers and convicts that had no right to bear arms needs to take back the Outback! Stock up, Bruce!


  2. He is right to be concerned about Australia as Britain is clearly a lost cause. He must think there's hope for Australia.
    Steve S6

    1. Australia, Great Britain, and.....New Zealand are all lost causes. Best to shut up and keep your head down. Much like the citizens of Hong Kong learned to do in recent years.

  3. Are you sure those were BRITISH police and psychologist, and not Communist Soviet police and psychologist?
    "We are concerned for your mental health, Comrade, let us take you to the hospital for care and treatment"

    President Elect B Woodman

  4. Very difficult to hear what they said and the accent doesn't help. A transcript would be helpful but don't misunderstand I'm not saying that you should make a transcript but simply that this kind of stuff needs a wider audience and the poor quality audio means it won't be heard by most people.

    1. You're right. I couldn't understand their speech either.

  5. ".... ‘Christian’s should stand up.’"
    Well! Can't have white Christians standing up and defending themselves against the illegal wogs that we allowed into the country, now can we? We might be next.

    President Elect B Woodman

  6. ((Damn! One thought after another, as soon as I post the previous one!))
    The man was being too nice to the po-po & shrink, inviting them to sit down & be comfy.
    I know they don't have a Constitution with the BoRs over on that side of the pond, so he most likely couldn't kick them out under anything even closely resembling 4th A. I would have left them standing, so what if they're uncomfortable? THEY have invaded MY house, for specious and tyrannical "reasons", so it is not my duty to play pleasant and genial host.

    I've been watching a fair amount of police/citizen interaction YT videos, one thing I notice (and I see it here), the po-po always stick their hands into their vest armpit holes. 1, why? and 2, for some reason it irritates the hell out of me. Can't figure a reason for it, but there it is.

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. Their batman belt inhibits normal human posture... Sort of fitting considering a large majority of them are sub-human vermin.

  7. Make no mistake, there is no global shortage of vermin willing to pin on that tin star and enforce the will of their overlords. Prepare accordingly.

  8. Point Of Order:
    {For those challenged at reading comprehension:
    If they were British police, this happened in (formerly Great) Britistan, not anywhere in Oz.

    Unless you somehow figured 14 hours' flight time to answer a call to a country where you have no jurisdiction is standard police procedure.}

    As to the gist of the actual incident, this is vague excuses from one or more Karens, trolling for grounds to throw a net over this guy for "questionable sanity" as the entire object.
    1) "Don't Talk To The Police" is true on both sides of the pond.
    2) All concerned in responding should be hunted down and dealt with harshly, on general principles.
    Kneecapping being the most lenient punishment doled out.
    (Google it if you're unfamiliar with the concept.)

    3) That should most particularly include the "orthodox minister" responsible for outting the guy to the fuzz and setting this whole fishing expedition in motion.
    He's clearly a government informer, and snitches get stitches needs to become a reality in his life, going forward.

    "Oh dear, what's happened to the vicar?"
    "Couldn't keep his bleeding mouth shut, un'erstand?? So he was given something proper to howl about, and a permanent limp to remind him to be more thoughtful before running off at the lip in future, mind."

  9. Large property, backhoe, large hole, and lots of lime.
    President Elect B Woodman

  10. It turns out Monty Python was a documentary.

  11. Inspector Teal needs to investigate Simon Templar & leave the poor citizens alone.

  12. Reminicent of the USSR where they would lock up people who dissented from the state in places called Psihushka's...faux mental hospitals.

  13. Tweeter guy has lots of good posts U of Tampa man/girl in women’s bathroom and others not seen in msm


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