Saturday, November 30, 2024

What A Find!

Thursday I was at a local turkey shoot and ran into a friend I had not seen in a while. We talked between rounds and he said, "I got those pictures of the knife my daddy found I was telling you of a while back. Let me show them to you." He did. This grouping has been in a safety deposit box for years, but he took it right before his daddy passed. His daddy was about seven years old and was playing on his maternal grandparents place near where I was raised in 1948 when he made this rare discovery. He and a couple of other kids were playing around some large bluff shelters and found this____________ (looks like knife, sheath, and handle to me). I have been interested in native history and a hunter of "arrowheads" or "Indian Rocks" (points, blades, scrapers, drills, etc.) most of my life. I think I found my first in our garden spot when I was six. Back when we and other people still planted row crops, I would walk the fields searching for points. I have found several while plowing. I have found them on creek banks and under shelters. If I ever get around any bare or disturbed ground now, my flint eye kicks into hyper-drive. My prize finds are a point dating to 10,000 BP and a greenstone celt (axe) dating to about 1,200 BP. I never considered myself a serious collector by any means, but have been in the presence of some and have known a few. I must say, I have never seen anything found locally that would come close in comparison to this gem/find. I would be interested in any insight regarding any aspect of this. I did not ask, but I do not believe he would sell it. I would be curious as to a value and an age. It is rare when anything not bone or stone from prehistoric times is found in the climate conditions of north Alabama. 

                               Enjoy the rest of the weekend and try to stay away from the leftovers if possible. LOL


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving From Irish and Myself- ETA


,,,and who doesn't love 

If there is anyone who doesn't like the song, mute the volume. Stay safe and don't eat too much. I hope you have as much to be thankful for as I do!

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Ode To Joy


   There may be 25 of them and not one has ever had to worry about being "grabbed". hugged, or kissed, by Trump and/or most other men.

Sick Of Their $hit!


Here is a prime example of why Americans rejected the communistic/flawed ideology of some fanatical lunatics in the last elections. I do not believe it has just been the ideology that rubbed folks the wrong way the last four years, but the mindset of liberals, especially those of any minor authority on up towards anyone disagreeing with their points of view (I'm here-You are there-Deal with it). I could write a thousand words describing the reasons why I and others believe these social experiments, whose origins are rooted in the teachings of Communism, always end in failure. I won't since most reading this already know the simple truth is Communism does not work. Enter people that have an axe to grind or a cause to champion. In this case it is a fully triggered fanatical-social-warrior in the form of a judge.


Meet Judge David Carpenter, pictured above with and without a beard. This man is a self professed__________(everything counter to God's word). The judge makes no effort to hide his sickness of liberalism and brags about defeating conservative ideas, promoting radical causes, etc. We will not go down that road and I do not wish to go off "what iffing?", but I will say things may have worked out very differently had this looney judge been in the corner of  law and order rather than that of a criminal with a long history of arrests. The early release of  of this particular criminal by Judge Carpenter played a part in twenty-six people shot and four killed outside the Hush lounge in Five Points/Birmingham back in September (this crime may be linked to five other murders). Judge Carpenter was in the corner of Damion LaRon McDaniel instead of the folks paying his salary. The judge felt Damion LaRon needed releasing early and granted that release. The judge is not bashful and often boasts of his mental illness on social media where he taunts conservatives and brags about his liberal stances and achievements. I wonder if he is proud of LaRon today. My daddy used to say, "the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass everyday". That is true. The forecast is cloudy for the judge and those like him.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Have You Ever Thought Of Having Your Own Irish Pub? Here's a helping guide ......


Welcome to Flute & Fiddle, a site dedicated to helping home Irish Pub enthusiasts improve their pub space.  Whether you have a cozy pub shed, a basement pub, or a unique space elsewhere in your home—or even if you run a commercial pub— there is likely something here for you. What you’ll find on this site are ideas, examples, tips, downloads, and buying leads, all geared to inspire and guide you in elevating the authenticity of your pub. The “you get it” tab provides some beer humor if you need a break. 

Go peruse the website if it ye wish....  >>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<

Tell 'im Irish set ya..

Sunday, November 24, 2024

I would have never believed it.

 I post quite often about the shootings/killings that take place in the Birmingham, Alabama also known as "The Magic City". It is mind boggling me to that people number of people who regularly shoot each other for reasons that are incomprehensible to me. 

Birmingham, Alabama has just experienced their 145th killing this year. The 145th was 1 of 4 persons in Birmingham shot in a single night. The city is on the verge of setting an infamous all time record.

The story that spurred this post was in the local news outlet this morning. I found this article interesting due to the mention of the year that holds the record for homicides in Birmingham, AL is 1933! That seems like an awful a lot of homicides to me and especially for that time period in the United States. One thing in the article I noticed was the population at that time was 269,000 compared to a head count of  197,000 today. It would be interesting to see how many of those were firearm related vs. the numbers from today. Below is the link to the story.


A Solution For Those With Severe TDS...



 Here is the Youtube version






 H/T to Bruce





Memes and Things