Thursday, June 2, 2022

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Call for Disarming Americans While Completely Surrounded by Guns


Read the whole story here.

Then there is this simple reminder for all REAL Americans who love liberty and freedom.


I am seeking a little information.

 I was wondering if anyone on here has had experience using this round for hunting big game (deer or larger). Also, where can I find these "9mm high caliber weapons". Any help would be appreciated.

Pink Floyd Month... My First Time....



 The Dark Side Of The Moon was Released in March of 1973.  I was just over 11 years old.

Going back that far in time, I don't remember all the details, or time-line but my friend "K" and

 I were hanging out with his older hippie brother "E".

 "E" was a bit eccentric.

 Probably early 20's. He had long hair, rented a small shack somewhere I don't remember,

 bead curtains in the doorways and two doberman dogs.

 "E" also had an old beat up van, no shit huh, stereotypical. 

There was couch in the back and not much else, oh ya, the two dogs.

"K" and I were sitting in the back when E picked up his friend "D".

 Now "D" was also interesting.

He had been born with complications so he talked kinda slurred and walked awkwardly.

He didn't drink, but I remember the stories of cops always thinking he was drunk.

 Smart guy though.  


Anyway, we were sitting in back when "D" gets in the car. They proceeded to light up some joints.

I had no idea what that was at the time.

 "D" says  "Check out this album" It may have been 8 track or cassette.

They loaded the album and nothing. You know typical Pink Floyd lead in.

Then the heart-beat starts....

We were all blown away. Drove around listening to that album all afternoon.... probably

had a contact high.


I still listen to DSOTM as needed therapy.

The good old days..............

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

So, nothing has really changed.



NOT OUR MISSION TODAY - a short story  <<<<LINK 

via ymata

Funny That. I Don't Remember Seeing Keywest In Flames With Protestors.


I'll see your George Floyd and raise you Charlies Eimers.......   

Over the weekend I happened upon this story somehow. Be it twitter or bookface, I'm not sure.





Cop Caught on Video Bragging About How He Just Killed A Man


“I dropped like a f**king bomb on his head!” “I tased a motherf**ker in custody today. I don’t care. I gotta call my PBA rep… when you kill someone… I already called them.”

Key West, FL — An internal investigation by the Key West Police department, into the in-custody death of 61-year-old Charles Eimers has resulted in, what the department refers to as “discipline,” for two officers caught on camera bragging about the death of a suspect.

The two officers on the receiving end of the “discipline” are Gary Lee Lovette and Henry del Valle, according to a report released Monday by police.

Lovette, according to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement summary released this past August, said on a Taser recording “I dropped like a f**king bomb on his [Eimers’] head.”

Lovette is expected to receive a five-day suspension without pay for actions including inappropriate remarks he made to employees of a Key West cupcake store that “gave the impression he had done something purposely wrong to cause Mr. Eimers’ death.”

  This happened back it 2013  LINK TO STORY<<<



Added info.  After some research on the googlag I found this.

Check out this deposition :

Kids These Days....

… A mother is driving her little girl to her friend”s house for a play evening …

“Mommy “… the little girl asks … “How old are you” ???...

“Honey …  you are not supposed to ask a lady her age” … the mother replied … “It”s not polite” ...

“OK” … the little girl says … “What color was your hair 2 years ago” ???...

“Now really” … the mother says … “Those are personal questions and are really none of your business” …

Undaunted … the little girl asks … “Why did you and Daddy get a divorce” ???...

“That’s enough questions young lady” … the mother replies

The exasperated mother walks away as the two friends begin to play …

“My Mom won’t tell me anything about herself” … the little girl says to her friend …

“Well” … says the friend …

“All you need to do … is look at her driver’s license” … “It’s like a report card … it has everything on it” …

Later that night the little girl says to her mother … “I know how old you are … You are 32” …

The mother is surprised and asks …. “How the hell did you find that out” ???...

The little girl then says ... “I also know that you used to have brown hair” …

The mother is past surprised and shocked now … “How in Heaven’s name did you find that out” ???...

“And” …. the little girl says triumphantly … “I know why you and daddy got a divorce” …

“Oh really” … the mother asks … “Why” ???...

The little girl said ... “Because on your driver’s license it says you got an “F” for sex” …!!