Saturday, August 18, 2018

Daily Timewaster

Subliminal Saturday Beer Partner....

MRE Shelf Life And Stockpiling MREs: (Should "Preppers" Stockpile them)

I saw this over at ALLOUTDOOR this morning. I know the question of whether to stock MREs or not can become almost as divisive as the 1911 vs. Glock question. As I say in both, "to each their own". As for me, I keep a few MREs on hand for the "grab and go" aspect, but dollar for dollar I can store foods I routinely eat that are healthier, better tasting,  higher in caloric value, etc. than MRE's.  I know an MRE would be better than nothing, but I would hate to know I had to eat MREs "back to back" for more than a couple of days if I had the choice prior to needing food.

ESPN, like the NFL, thirsts for death

I know most on here stopped watching years ago, but for anyone who has not, here is yet another reason to stop supporting ESPN, the National Felon Leauge, and their sponsors. ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro says the network WILL NOT show the National Anthem on Monday Night Football. I was not shocked at this announcement and this was my first reaction. 

To read this "anti-American"  story, click HERE. Remember, there is an on/off switch and a channel selector on your television.

There's No Way You're Gonna Do That... You'll Snap The Wings Right Off The Fusel..........

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Some Poor Boy's Fate Awaits Him

                                     Girl sneaks $350 "toy order" on Amazon.........................Just sayin'


To read the story, click HERE.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

and, It's Smonday......

WW2 Classic Movie That Still Thrills Fifty Years After It's Making: "Where Eagles Dare"

Hohenwerfen Castle near Salzburg, Austria was the fictional setting for the Schloss-Adler (Castle of Eagles) in the 1968 film Where Eagles Dare.

It has been near fifty years since the release  of the movie by the same name as Alistair MaClean's book starring Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, Mary Ure, and Ingrid Pitt. H/T to reader Dale in Ohio for sending this link to the uber kool movie from War History Online.