Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Perfecting Landing Spot For The End Of The Week.......







(H/T to RK for the gif)



Reader Submitted Photo of Comet Tsuchinshan and a couple others from social media.


A fan of the blog sent this note earlier :

Hi Irish, 

I shot photos of the comet on M,Tu,Wed evenings..... It was barely visible to the naked eye and faded away in less than an hour. Having a nearly full super moon shining brightly didn't help either. 

This particular photo was shot at 6:44 pm PDT 10/15/24 at 1.3 sec exposure, ISO 5000 at F/4 using a Nikon 600mm F/4E lens and a Nikon Z9 camera. 

I am located in the California foothills at about 2100' elevation.  CW


 Beautiful! CW. Thanks!!

Speaking of comets,
Early today I found these on the book of face.....  surveillance social media site...... there are some funny people out there...

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tsuchinshan Comet

We had been seeing it off and on but decided to ride to this vista last night about eight o'clock. It was dark but the photo looks as if it was taken at twilight. The comet was not visible to the naked eye for me, but as seen in the photo below, there was plenty of light for the comet to be captured by an IPhone camera. I could see it with binoculars too.

Here are some pretty good memes and musings that have been making the rounds.

More Attacks on The Food Supply...



 via Bear Claw as shared from Newsweek


 A new EPA rule passed under President Joe Biden is likely to cost 317,000 Americans their jobs, trade groups are warning. Experts spoke with Newsweek about the pros and cons of the regulations.

Starting next year, the new EPA rules governing wastewater limits for meat and poultry processors go into effect. That means there will be more limited amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus released into the environment by the meat processing plants.

The new rules for August 2025 mean tougher regulations for meat processors, but many companies could go out of business due to the change in requirements.

The EPA originally passed the new regulations after 13 environmental organizations filed lawsuits and argued water pollution control standards needed to be updated for the meat processing industry under the Clean Water Act.

Meat prices have surged in recent years since the pandemic due to supply chain issues and inflation, and it's likely the prices could go even higher as the meat processing plants adapt to the new rules.

The EPA said through the new rules, the facilities will lower their wastewater by around 100 million pounds per year.

The regulations apply to processing plants that discharge wastewater into bodies of water as well as through water treatment plants.

The new rules also stipulated pretreatment standards for oil and grease for the first time, as well as for total suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand.

At least 16 facilities are anticipated to close due to the new standards. At the minimum, 17,000 jobs would be lost, but the EPA said up to 53 plants could close.

Alex Beene, a financial literacy instructor for the University of Tennessee at Martin, said while the EPA is not purposefully eliminating jobs and closing facilities, there will be severe impacts.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Meanwhile In The Town Of Hanson ASSachusetts.... You Can't Make This Shit Up....

 I was surfing the twitter and this showed up in my feed:

After a little digging, here's the story:


 HANSON, Mass. —

Town officials brought in a flood light to reduce the visibility of a Trump campaign logo being projected onto a Massachusetts water tower. However, it could still be seen on Friday night.

NewsCenter 5 saw the competing lights on Friday night in the area of High Street in Hanson. The projector displaying the Trump 2024 campaign logo appeared to be set up in a nearby backyard.

“This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town," Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green said in a statement.

“The Hanson Police Department is aware of a political image that is being projected onto a town water tower and is looking into the matter," a police spokesperson said. "The Hanson Police Department does not endorse any political candidate or party or any such imagery being projected onto town property."

Town officials said Saturday that they planned to "issue the maximum fine of $100 per day" to the perpetrator who is in violation of Hanson's sign regulations. Additionally, they said that the fee is not sufficient to offset the taxpayer dollars that will be required for things like attorney fees and Highway Department staff overtime to activate the spotlight each night.

"As a governmental entity, the Town of Hanson does not endorse candidates for any office from any political party, nor does the Town allow political signs to be displayed on municipal property," officials said in a statement.

"I mean there’s a lot of other issues to be concerned with. Patrolling to make sure there’s not a projection on the tank. I mean, that’s foolish. It’s not money well spent at all," said Mike Smith, who lives nearby

 Watch the video at WCVB if you Like <<<<


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Broken Teleprompter, Real Men For Harris Cringe Worthy Ad and Bath-house Barry Calling Out The Brothers....

 Sky New has a laugh at the democratic clown show.

  Over at VOX POPOLI there is  THIS POST regarding the Ad that most thought was from the 

Babylon Bee. ( HT to Bear Claw )

Whilst I was perusing the twitter earlier I found this clip taking obambi to the woodshed.

She holds no punches and doesn't mince her words, that's for damn sure.

Barry done piss off lots of people.

Caution for lots of cussin' and the use of words that we aren't allowed to say. 






Reason Number 873 Why Irish Choses Not To Fly....

 This person should be detained and put on a no-fly list as soon as the flight lands. 

Why should the other passengers have to be subjected to or have to tolerate this behavior?

Rhetorical question, I know.

Then, if it escalated and good citizens get involved, they are the ones that are punished.


( Before you comment, I would like to keep this blog on line, for now. Comments that could get 

us flagged will be moderated. YKWIM by that. )















Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....













  Time to escape into a long Indigenous Peoples'  Columbus Day weekend.

Make sure to take a deep breathe if you get aggravated with traffic.

 Road rage ain't worth it.

Be back later, off to the salt mine.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Valid Questions For A Neighbor...








This Comment Was In Response To The Post Below...


 AnonymousOctober 9, 2024 at 10:05 PM

 Here in WV, right in the geographic center, 7 years ago we had a biblical toad strangler come down on us, 12 inches of rain in 10 hours, biblical shit, shit i and other saw you would call me a psychopath making shit up. I can not even describe what that amount of water does, bet you hardly heard a peep about either. Know what though, it was two weeks in most places up in these ridges and hollows before we saw a single government official, and by then everyone living here and outside the rain path pulled together and helped eachother, by the time the first fema assholes showed their faces everyone just about had got thru it and was doing good. They and others came in like stink on shit ordering everyone around, they condemned houses right out under people fast as they could drive around, they hired 30 yard dumpsters filled them with mountains if donations, telling us it was not approved disaster supplies, farmers killed hogs and cows, paid for butchering at local meat shops and donated it at volunteer fire stations, that what the fuckers could get threw it out too. Wasn't approved they said. Unbelievable words can not convey what fucking assholes these fucks are. We where this enemy not worthy of consideration in any shape or form. Regardless us good folks in these mountains we all stuck together, we, chain sawed our way out miles of road, we went around checking in eachother, we brought foid heaters fuel generatirs whatever was needed, we spent our money and labor and time to rescue ourselves, while a couple humvees with soldiers sat under awnings and passed out bottles of water and MRE's, just sat at a couple gas stations, that is all the aid i witnessed in 2 weeks, thats all anyone i know seen, except fema fucks at the fire stations filling dumpsters throwing out mountains of supplies, i saw three 30 yard dumpsters filled 6 ft over the rim, i had to go see it myself, all good stuff, new in box gen sets, to baby diapers in the bag, and replaced it with fucking shit. Nothing. I helped butcher 14 hogs and 4 1200 lb cows, people donated, they even paid for butchering supplies, i worked for free, 1 week solid 12 hours straight with a dozen others so folks could have good wholesome ready food, made hamburger and sausage so it was easy to deliver and hand out. Know how much meat that is? dozens of pock ups came by and delivered it soon as it was flash froze.
It was all like we lived on a planet where no others but us existed for two weeks. it was actually pretty sweet, the sense we all could do anything and get it done no matter what like GOD himself was behind us all the way, no shit on that. Not one bit. You got to see it yourself to understand. The 14 mile one lane goat path we live on, every body just grabbed chain saws and tractors and cut out way out, and we where one road out of hundreds in just our county of 2000 living souls, the size of the state of RhodeIsland. It felt like the outside world simply disappeared. Seriously. We fixed the washed out roads. We clawed our ways up totally choked up hollows to get older folks and bring them to some others homes to dry out and get a meal and a warm bed. By the time the "authorities" appeared" we simply had zero fucking use for any of them. What where they doing for two entire weeks? None if us knew or know now but they where not around here. Shit bakes your fucking noodle, because you realize, that absolute feeling where you know the truth cold and hard, it was an organized criminal conspiracy in no uncertain terms. And its this dark secret element which hates us all and is constantly, day by day hour by hour in every way their illigetimate powers give them, killing us, every day, without stop. And hardly a soul among us grok this shit. Just stop, give it a good think, you will see it all of a sudden. That thing we call government, it is the enemy balls to bones. Just look around you, its a pattern IN detail, it shows a pattern OF detail, that shows you what is going on all around us. Right this fucking second. 24/7/365. We are nothing to IT.






Tuesday, October 8, 2024

There's Thousands More Out There That Feel Like She Does... The Wave Is Building....


Nathan Bedford Forrest at Brice's Cross Roads

"Forrest is the devil and I think he has got some of  our troops under cover... I will order them to make up a force and go out to follow Forrest to the death, if it costs ten thousand lives and breaks the Treasury. There will never be peace in Tennessee until Forrest is dead!" - Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman

♫♪♫ At 78 years young, Here's Rehearsal For His New Tour...... ♫♪♫









Monday, October 7, 2024

and the last whispered word they heard was.......







 Via blog buddies Boilerdoc and Bustednuckles



What is 'Disaster Equity' You Ask?








Saturday, October 5, 2024

"I will see it to it that not another cent is given to a foreign country or that no more money is spent importing "refugees" until the citizens of this country are properly cared for as long as I am in office.."

 Of course, saying it versus doing it would be hard, but I imagine any person running for the offices of president, congress, or the senate that uttered those words would more than likely be "shoe-in" to the elected position they were seeking. Instead, we have a regime that apparently is totally inept and/or hates white Southern-Americans and throws money at foreign countries and other hopeless causes like a drunken sailor throwing money at a stripper. This same administration is apparently is doing everything in there power to hamper relief efforts in the areas hardest hit. 

SpaceX Engineer in North Carolina has dire warning: Biden-Harris' FEMA "actively blocking shipments for relief".


                                           Around lunchtime, Elon Musk shared a dire message from one of his SpaceX engineer


Friday, October 4, 2024

If You Saw The Clip About The Private Helicopter Pilot Threatened With Arrest....


 Here is a great follow up, where the journalist actually does his job interviewing the town manager.

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago....



Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Goog Just Got Real Wonky......


  I've done this 1000s of times.  Using Firefox, I log into the blog to put up a post.

A little while ago, I loaded TFI, and hit sign in, then got this message.

So, I cleared my history and cache and allowed cookies. Nothing. 
Then I disabled all the tracking blockers. Nothing.

I opened up a Firefox "Private Window' and was able to get to the post editor but none of the icons 
would show up.

So now I'm posting this from Goog.

Not sure what happened in the past hour or so? 

Anyone else having wonky internets?

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

God Bless Those Relief Workers

A lot of folks are having it rough in the flood stricken areas of our country. This lady says about most that needs saying.


Saturday, September 28, 2024

This Is Quite A Problem. Heads Up To Anyone That Got Flooded From The Hurricane...









Sky News Reporting Better Than Our MSM.....








Wednesday, September 25, 2024

This Didn't Make Any Of The Top Stories In The Local News...



 A fourth individual who was taken into custody by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents earlier this month on Nantucket was identified Tuesday afternoon as Felix Alberto Perez-Gomez, a 44-year-old Guatemalan man.

Gomez had previously been arraigned on a charge of indecent assault and battery on a person 14 or over in Nantucket District Court on Aug. 19. After pleading not guilty, Perez-Gomez was released from custody on personal recognizance.

Just three weeks later on Sept. 11, Gomez was arrested by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston team and remains in ERO custody.

“Perez unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location and without being inspected, admitted, or paroled by a U.S. immigration official,” ICE's ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons said in a press release.

This isn’t Perez’s first encounter with law enforcement either in the United States, according to ERO Boston.

ERO previously arrested Perez on June 8, 2011, following his arrest for reckless driving and recklessly endangering another person in Pennsylvania. ERO served Perez with a notice to appear before a Department of Justice immigration judge. The Upper Makefield District Court convicted Perez on July 11, 2011, of reckless driving and recklessly endangering another person and sentenced him to one year of probation.

On July 29, 2011, a Department of Justice immigration judge ordered Perez removed from the United States to Guatemala, and he was deported just weeks later on Aug. 11, 2011

Since his deportation, Perez unlawfully reentered the United States at an unknown location on an unknown date, according to ICE.

The details of the alleged incident that led to his arrest on the island were outlined in a police report filed with the Nantucket District Court, which stated a female reported being sexually assaulted in the area of Miacomet Road and Ellens Way. The alleged victim told a female friend at The Chicken Box about the incident, who then told a Massachusetts State Trooper in the area. When NPD officer Derek Witherell arrived on the scene he saw a female who was visibly upset and told him the suspect was in his 30s with slick black hair, and that the incident occurred after he picked her up at the end of Polliwog Road.

The alleged victim told police the man locked the doors and pulled the car over before sexually assaulting her. While Witherell was speaking to the alleged victim, a vehicle drove by and when Witherell asked if it was the vehicle in question, the woman replied that it was.

The vehicle was stopped approximately 200 feet from where Witherell and the female were standing, and the operator was identified as Perez. The suspect said he was new to the area and going for a drive in his friend’s vehicle. He denied ever picking anyone up.

A "show up ID" was conducted with the female victim and Perez, and the woman was “100 percent” certain Perez was the one who picked her up and sexually assaulted her according to police.

Three other men arrested during ICE's multi-day operation on Nantucket earlier this month have been identified including Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, and Elmer Sola.




Trump Broke This Karen....





 This is the store in VIRGINIA <<




Sunday, September 22, 2024

At Least 4 Shot Dead / 18 injured


The headlines read MASS SHOOTING IN BIRMINGHAM. The headline looks sensational but it really is just one more person over the required number to be categorized as a "mass shooting". I am no longer shocked and have grown somewhat accustomed to turning on the television and checking the "count and amount" (code for number of persons shot and/or killed in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa). These shootings and killing are here every day.  As I scanned my usual haunts this morning, I immediately recognized the above photo on the cover page of FOX News national website. It was Officer Truman Fitzgerald of the BPD. He is sort of a spokesperson/damage control for these shootings. I see him on the local news often talking about killings, etc. in Birmingham. I feel as if I know him personally. He does a good job, but I do not envy him. Everyone knows it is tragic for any person to lose their life to accidents, sickness, old age, etc., but to loose someone to senseless slaughter such as this by savages is unconscionable. It happens every day all across our country and most especially in the hives. It is so unnecessary and people have grown numb to it. The newscasters in the Birmingham area are almost like robots speaking of these shootings every day. They no longer make attempts to "act" compassionate. This is the new norm.  I have stated here before the usual sequence of events is as follows and there will be: Demands from the clergy and city officials to stop the violence. Reading of the names of the victims in some civil rights park.  There will be some unity breakfasts. There may be a small march to "stop the violence" or a balloon release. There will more than likely be some gun "buy backs" and other "feel good" measures. Before any of these things occur there will probably be a retaliatory shooting as revenge for those who shot up Five Points last night. If I were betting, I would say the odds are favorable that there will be some shootings in Birmingham tonight. 

Why? Why do we as a community tolerate such things? This could be stopped via speedy trials and swift justice using public execution (hanging) as a deterrent.


Easy Like Sunday Morning....








Thursday, September 19, 2024

I am certain the media will attribute it to allergies

 20 Trump supporters seated behind and to the left of Trump were rushed to a local ER with blurred/fuzzy vision and eye burns. This was apparently took place at the Tuscon, AZ Trump rally.  Story

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Explosive Device Found. Explosive Device Not Found. Now, Incident Renamed As A "Suspicious Occurrence".

3rd Attempt on DJT's life? It certainly appears that way. According to reports so far and in a nutshell: K-9 bomb dog "hit" on a vehicle parked behind a barricade barrel that had been moved where Trump was to speak while campaigning in NY. The suspected driver fled the scene. 
I saw it HERE first.
Who is running the country?
Where is Joe Biden?

As election day draws nearer and the forces of darkness grow more desperate, there is no limit to the measures they possibly will take to keep Trump out of office. Nothing would surprise me. I would not rule out a dirty bomb attack or a conventional bomb(s) similar to what was used at OKC. 

It looks like the ministry of propaganda is "deep sixing" this story too.


♫♪♫ Jon Kahn-- Fighter ♫♪♫








Charlie Kirk Nails It!


Posted in Editorial | 1 Comment

Humpday Meme Dump





Coach calls it like he sees it


Sen. Tuberville says "they're trying to kill Donald Trump" and calls for stronger measures naming the Navy Seals/military as protectors

Tuberville told host Larry Kudlow “we have such a mental illness problem in this country .. and they’re counting on this to happen, I’m telling you, they’re counting on it. They don’t want to protect this man.”

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Some "amemesment" from the interwebs

Who IS This Guy That Everyone Knows?








It is just a sign of a "bad raising"

not this man's horse


Where I come from it is compliment to say someone was "raised up right". Locally, that translates into an offspring was brought up by what social standards considered proper and taught the value of most things that make life worth living, hard work, etc. When I first saw this story I wondered what had influenced this man's life and instilled these things the media is reporting as his backstory. Now that the second assassination attempt is past us, we who follow such things brace for the onslaught of theories from experts, anonymous sources, interviews of neighbors, classmates, coworkers,  etc. We learn all sorts of details about this man named Routh. I am not sure of his title, if any. According to reports, he is the guy who had an AK at DJT's golf course.  I could care less that this possible graduate of  the MK Ultra program has kept a horse in his home. That fact only adds to the long list of Communistic-Liberal fringe accomplishments he has achieved that reads like a "Who's Who" of lunatics.   I took a horse in the house one time. After my mother was through, I never did it again. Her maxim was humans inside, animals out. She said "taking a horse in a house just shows signs of a bad raising".  Story

Monday, September 16, 2024

Ya, It's Got A New Cam..... Wanna Hear It?







Meanwhile, In The Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire...








From Chiefnosewetter.... Itain'tholywater Nuked by the overlords...




My blog was deleted by Google.
It had to end some day.
Little old me violating community guidelines.

Stay well,

The Chief Nose Wetter


.gov and the media's response to the latest to the Trump Assassination Attempt

                                                                                Move along. There is nothing to see here.



Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....











National Special Security Event "designated" by the Secretary of Homeland Security?


I am not going to point fingers, make jokes about sloped roofs, offer up conspiracy theories, etc. However, I do not believe this bunch (DHS) has the authority to be naming, declaring, or designating anything just like any other .gov agencies, departments, etc. does not have that authority for a myriad of reasons. Besides the fact that the DHS/Secret Service does not have such special dispensation, this just flat out smells of something rotten and in light of what happened four years ago and how the current administration lied and grossly manipulated events leading up to, during and after January 6th at the capitol. Not to mention the hyper-inflated propagandized events/imprisonment of patriots in a 'La concentration camp/solitary confinement  that followed. I am not prophesizing or making a predictions but I am attempting to point out a similar event that occurred in Germany in 1933 and warn against a potential "overreach" during another false flag event. After much political strife with one side demonizing the other to the point of the NAZIS framing up the commies. Hitler used this premise to alarm the German people that the communists were to the point of threatening and plotting against the government. Next, the Reichstag burns, German authorities round up the suspected Dutch communist thought responsible, President Paul Hindenburg issues the Reichstag Fire Decree, Hitler takes office after being "duly" elected a few weeks later, and under this "fire decree" ,  suspends certain rights, his administration (the national socialists), begin the roundup of political opposition. I am not a 'doomsdayer" or naysayer, but does this sound familiar? Take notes and prepare accordingly. There more than likely will be an exam.

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