Saturday, October 10, 2015

For Those That Are Paying Attention.... Saturday Reading...

 If you are so inclined, these two articles are well worth the 15 minutes.

I found the link at WRSA.

Read the top two on page one.

Cancel Hope, Cry Havoc


 Big Brother Is In High Gear

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Femme Fatale......

♫♫ Legion Of Monsters...♫♫ Disturbed Takes On The Media For Glamorizing The Maniacs.

 Vocalist David Draiman explained the song's meaning to Artist Direct: "The tendency for society to create maniacs by glamorizing them and making them larger than life - people like the 'Boston Bomber' who are plastered on the cover of Rolling Stone," he said. "That is exactly what these people are looking for. They are looking to be martyred and to die and be remembered for what they died for."

"Anytime these maniacs kill children or whomever, it isn't the victims who are on the screen," Draiman continued. "We have to know more about the shooter or the person who committed the act. You know what? I don't need to know anything more about him except that he's a maniac. If somebody did that, leave it to the FBI. The public knowing all just encourages a new generation of wannabe maniacs to do the same thing, to get that same glory, and to die in infamy. The media continues to breed a new legion of monsters."

The monster shattered the day
In a place where innocents play
I was mourning as the headlines shouted his name

They didn't waste any time
I was disgusted when the madman's image appeared at the top of the screen
Some were barely alive
Too many didn't survive
Still they kept repeating headlines shouting the name
Do they not realize
The future demons with the hope of becoming the one at the top of the screen?

They've thrown morality away
With such depravity, I must say
You made sure the world will remember the name
But didn't the thought even enter your mind
You'd give a new legion of monsters a reason to take your life

The pictures drove me insane
Can't get them out of my brain
You made certain they were right at the top of the page
You disrespected the dead
When the only name was of the one who committed the murder at the top of the page
The madman watching with glee
As the herd of innocents flee
They saw it all unfold right on the face of the screen
Perhaps they could be the one
Who'd become famous for the acts of terror reflected on the face of the screen?

You've thrown morality away
With such depravity, I must say
You made sure the world will remember the name
But didn't the thought even enter your mind
You'd give a new legion of monsters a reason to take your life
And I call you a pimp, as you whore the insane
The damage you caused you cannot rectify
You've inspired new legions of monsters determined to take more life

Take a look around
Listen to the sound
Feel it to the ground
Fear has come in a wave
Just another gathering of helpless innocents forced into the grave
Listen to me now
Are you with me now
Can you tell me how these vultures still glorify them
Lets defy them

You made sure the world will remember the name
But didn't the thought even enter your mind
You'd give a new legion of monsters a reason to take your life
And I call you a pimp, as you whore the insane
The damage you caused you cannot rectify
You've inspired new legions of monsters determined to take more life

The monster shattered the day
The monster shattered the day
You're giving a legion of monsters a reason 

♫♫ Lunch Time Musical Escape... ♫♫

Who Are You Going To Believe, Me or Your Lying Eyes?

Sierra Club president evades direct questioning regarding "global warming" while appearing nervous and uninformed. It is shameful that such deception and evasion exists to keep federal monies rolling in to bogus organizations, but such is the nature of the beasts and the occupiers of the District of Criminals. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,”.... ya that's a load of bullshit.

  Last year I personally had to change my Doctor and health plan because my premiums went up about 30%. My excellent Dr doesn't take my new insurance so I have had to get a new Dr. that I still haven't met. A physical, scheduled with him, is a 6 month + wait.

Yesterday, I got an email from BEANBURNER with this note:

BB wrote:

"Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is dropping individual PPOs. I'm not sure if its statewide or just in certain areas, but folks in Amarillo ar pissed at the AHA. The top link goes straight to the bcbs website announcement. I'm not blogging much anymore, so I thought I'd send it on to somebody else that might be interested."

Here is a link to BCBS's website where you can scroll down and find this:


Why is Blue Choice PPO going away?

BCBSTX was the only insurer to offer an individual PPO insurance plan across the state to individuals in 2014 and 2015. Since the Affordable Care Act began, the market has changed. We found that the individual PPO plan was no longer sustainable at the cost it was being offered. Because we want to make sure that our plans are affordable, we decided to not offer individual PPO plans in 2016.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kaffeeklatsch Classic Rock............BTO

                                                                                                Let It Ride


How To Destroy The World

                                                                                             Sounds familiar?

H/T to Scott in Lakeshore

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Night Richard Melville met Dan LaSavage.... Smile worthy...

Burglar picks wrong house; MMA fighter beats him 'with mercy'

MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis. —A Milwaukee man recently picked the wrong home to try to break into.

It was Dan LaSavage's first night in his new Menomonee Falls home. He had put his 3-year-old daughter to bed and awoke to strange noises.
“As I walked fast, I turned around, and it was right here,” LaSavage said. “He had blue latex gloves on, and I was like, ‘What are you doing here?’ He popped up and had like crazy eyes and was like ‘Ahhhahhh.’ He didn't, like, say any words.”
Police said the intruder was 47-year-old Richard Melville, a career criminal. That night, Melville met his match.


Dog Thoughts...