The Demonrat city council of
Minneapolis, the city that made poor soul George Floyd famous or
maybe it's the other way round, has voted to DISBAND their Police
They have not, to my knowledge, promulgated a plan to
respond to resident emergencies requiring any kind of normal police
response that one would find in any other big city in the USA.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well to start, Minneapolis will be
renamed Shitholia Midwest or maybe Mogadishu West. What ever happened
to Minnesota nice.
Minneapolis will be declared a No Go
city, first in the world!!!
Let's see. Property values, if not
already in the crapper, will certainly be worth $0.00 in short order.
Property Insurance? What's the cost of insuring a property that's
worth $0.00?
Using known property tax formula's or
maybe it's just simple math, $0.00 property valuation = $0.00 in
property tax liability for the property owner. 'Course that will
never happen. I imagine that the city council and the Mayor already
have a plan in place for redistributing existing tax income to what
ever far left dingbat fantasy they can come up with. Good luck trying
to collect any further tax revenue.
With no property tax income there'll be
no maintenance of the city's infrastructure, no snow plowing in the
winter time, no pothole fixing in the summer. Water, Sewer, Fire
services? Who's going to pick up the dead bodies resulting from all
of the shootings that are sure to follow.
This is going to make Baltimore,
Chicongo, Detroit, East LA , Harlem, Newark, and any other big city
shithole you care to name, look like a walk in the park.
Demonrats. Always looking to screw the
little guy any which way they can.
Oh and I have it on good authority that
Ilhan Omar is creaming her dew rag over the possibilities of more
Somali refugee resettlement. After all, Minneapolis should now feel
right at home to them. Nothing like resettling in familiar
war torn surroundings to make one feel all warm, fuzzy and thankful to
new adopted country. The only thing that's missing is a local war lord
or three, (plenty of territory to go around) which should be settled in
short order. I imagine the local drug lords are already salivating at
the possibilities.
Guest post by Nemo.