Saturday, March 16, 2019

Seeing Red....

The Good Ol' Days...

Images from here<<

♫♫ Another One From Airbag ♫♫

 What a great find. Some new music in the spacey , progressive genre I like.

As I have been scrolling the webz, I've been picking their songs on youtube.

If you are checking this one out first, there are two more posted below...

Sometimes, You Just Need a Hug...

sent in by Joseph

♫♫ Thanks Again Pandora... I Heard These Guys Earlier.... Airbag ♫♫

Here's another.....

 If you like these guys, go do some searching on youtube. So far all the ones I have found have been pretty good. 

Warmin' Up For the-morra....


I Think He's..... Going ...... TO....... MAKE IT!!

It's Caturday... Think I'll Sleep In....

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Be Back Later...Gotta Grab This Call...

I Can See This Becoming A Trend.....

and the kids being older.....

If you want to feel old.... Dark Side Of The Moon was released 46 Years ago...

I remember holding the album like this: 

 image via reddit

E G A E G B-A E G A G E 6x

 During last night's commute I was scrolling through the Rock channels on SiriusXM

 and this song came on.   Obviously, it was way over played back in the day.

Wel, It's been a while since I heard it so I turned it up and sang a long. 

Ah yes, the good ol' days.

Last night I found this version on the youtubes with a great intro by Ritchie Blackmore:

16 October 1993 in Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart, Germany

Monday, March 11, 2019

Marge and the fart spray


Diver Lives To Tell The Tale After being Swallowed By A Bryde's Whale

A 51 year old diver was swallowed by a whale while filming sharks off the South African coast. As I read this, I wondered if the diver got any "interior" shots with his camera. In the American Civil War and among sailors of old, a Jonah was used to describe someone who brought misfortune and bad luck with him. The name was taken directly from the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. I would say this guy is the "anti-Jonah" to a degree. He should have headed straight to a Casino as soon as the whale spat him back into the sea. Read more about this story HERE.

                                                                        Bryde Whale
