Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday Pic Dump..

Hmmm, Something to Think About....

Seriously?.. "It's Not The Local OR State Police" FAA won't tell WHO It is..

QUINCY (CBS) – A mystery in Quincy continues to deepen: Who is flying around the city from dusk to dawn, for the past ten days or so?
“It’s frightening, not just weird, but frightening,” said one resident of the Wollaston section.
Every night for nearly the last two weeks, residents have spotted a low-flying aircraft doing loops over the city. WBZ has learned the FAA knows what’s going on, but the agency isn’t telling.
“I mean it is strange. I don’t know if they’re looking for somebody, I have no idea,” one resident told WBZ.
It’s not the state or local police doing the flying, and the FAA is giving out little information, even to city officials. 

News stories:



and an article HERE from 2006 

Friday, May 10, 2013


Click the pic....

Hey Wirecutter... We're gonna need a bigger gun.....

The USA at Night.... Huge Image...


Damn, That's an amazing Image......

from Ace's sidebar

"Mr Tiddybombom's , Have You Seen My LSD?"

Stephen King Is a Prolific Writer.. I Just Don't Like His Politics So I Borrow His Books....

Meanwhile In Texas....

Cat Thoughts.....

Soooo.. I Decided To Try Something New For Breakfast.......

Mmmmm... Duck Eggs. 

Yup....I've never had them before so I decided to give them a try.Not bad, kinda tastes like chicken

Friday Coffee....

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Winding Down Thirsty Thursday...

Restoring Some Faith In Humanity...

Positive compilation of Russian dash cams...

Mooch's Proctologist Goes Internal...

Thirsty Thursday... The Bar Has Been Raised A Notch...

That should go good with Wirecutter's DESSERT

If Only Inanimate Objects Could Tell Their Story....

Well Now... That Didn't Work Out So Well.......

Detective Alerts ASSachusetts DTA To Massive Welfare Fraud.... Cue Cricket Noises....

This shows all that is wrong with our system...............

State welfare officials — despite a widely touted crackdown on fraud — never even returned the call of a Dedham cop who reported EBT benefits flowing to a house loaded with drugs and cash.
Police Detective Bob Walsh alerted the state Department of Transitional Assistance that welfare benefits were being paid to a Dorchester woman whose live-in boyfriend was busted in a raid that netted heroin, cocaine, more than $65,000 in cash, an EBT card and WIC and MassHealth documents in their apartment and cars.
“I wanted someone to do something — or at least look into it,” Walsh told the Herald. “Finding that much cash in the presence of documents that would suggest the occupants were receiving public assistance ... I felt a report should be made.”

But five weeks passed without a peep from the state — not even a return call to Walsh on the case of the couple, both illegal immigrants, according to immigration officials.

Take you BP Meds then read HERE if you want. 

from the Furious Frenchman

Alaska To Argentina ... 1 Man- 22 Countries-82,459 Miles-503 Days- By Motorcycle....

Alaska to Argentina in 500 Days, the sights and roads of a motorcycle journey, a one man video documentary of the craziest, most beautiful and intense roads the Western World has to offer.

Follow Alex Chacon from Texas, as he navigates through the dangerous and exciting Pan American route through the Americans on motorcycle, an Epic continuance to the famous motorcycle diaries with Ernesto Che Guevara.


Lots more here...... 

Damn Stealthy I Must Say.....

Student Schools Teacher... DAMN... This kid has some good points!


This Probably Sends PETAfiles Into Convulsions.......

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Enter by clicking the pic...

Cat.. "Excuse Me Sir, You Are Too Old To Be Talking About Legos"...

I Don't Remember Duck, Duck, Goose Having This Much Potential for Fun..........

Sit Back and Let Eddie Murphy Tell You A Story About His Father's Brother......

...Barack "Gus" Obama and Gus's wife Michelle "Aunt Bunny" Obama....enjoy...


Twist The Throttle.......................

image from the webz

Wet T-Shirt Wednesday.....

Click the pics NSFW.... ( you can thank reader Brad for this)

BACON!!!!!!!!111!!.... It's The Secret To Life!

Bacon. It's the secret of life, or one of many, according to Pearl Cantrell, and she would know, after just celebrating her 105th birthday.

"I love bacon, I eat it everyday", says Pearl, "I don't feel as old as I am, that's all I can say", she explains.

Still feisty and full of life, Pearl has been through a lot, and has plenty of reasons to complain or even give up. After mothering seven children, outliving three of them, losing a husband, and enduring decades of physical labor, she still has a smile on her face.

"I would go to the field and work till dinner, then come home to fix dinner, then I would go back out to the field and work again until supper", Pearl tells us.


105 Year Old Big Country Woman Shares Her Secrets to a Long Life





  Maybe I'll get to see the next civil war if I keep eating BACON!!!

H/t to reader Kevin..thanks :)


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Click the mint....

Ender's Game.. New Movie Trailer

i saw this over at Ace's

Meanwhile in California.... This is amazing...

Explanation: To see a vista like this takes patience, hiking, and a camera. Patience was needed in searching out just the right place and waiting for just the right time. A short hike was needed to reach this rugged perch above a secluded cove in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in California, USA. And a camera was needed for the long exposure required to bring out the faint light from stars and nebula in the background Milky Way galaxy. Moonlight and a brief artificial flash illuminated the hidden beach and inlet behind nearby trees in the above composite image taken about two weeks ago. Usually obscured McWay Falls is visible just below the image center, while the Pacific Ocean is in view to its right. 

large view here

Thoughts From The Road....

I travel on Route 95 on the North Shore in mASSachusetts for my daily commute.
Lately they have been installing a new "guard rail" system that will supposedly prevent
cars from crossing the median.

Cable  Barrier

 The project has been going on since the end of winter and

 My first thoughts about this system is portrayed in this video:

I wouldn't want to hit it on a motorcycle let alone a low car.
I wonder how long it will be before the lawsuits of wrongful death and the removal of the system??

Great Way To Spend A Sunny Tuesday Afternoon.....

just a pic from the interwebz...

Sometimes It's Better To Take a Drop...

I'm not sure how true this is. The Furious Frenchman sent it in an email.

This happened on a desert golf course in the upper Scottsdale area.

Trying to hit the shot, he fell backwards into the cactus.

It took paramedics over 3 hours to pull cactus out before he could go in an
ambulance to the hospital

He should have taken a "drop." a Bloody Mary...

Better Times......

Glacially quarried from the bedrock and scattered over the landscape....

It is estimated there are almost 250,000 miles of these hand laid stone walls....

Abandoned stone walls found in the woods all over New England have a long and fascinating story. Long before their recent re-discovery in the mid-20th century, and before they began to tumble and decompose, the vast majority of stone walls were built by early American farm families using stones that heaved up from the subsoil. All of this took place long before the stones were buried by natural organic processes, and even longer before hey were glacially quarried from the bedrock and scattered over the landscape. The ice sheets responsible for distributing the boulders were merely scraping the surface of the hard, heavily fractured rocky crust of northeastern North America, which had been created much earlier, during the episode of mountain building responsible for creating the ancient Appalachians. That ancient rock was made of minerals that were made from elements that were made from universal mater, that was captured by our solar system during formation of planet Earth. Hence, the story of stone walls begins with the beginning of everything, and ends with the present moment. 



It's amazing to think that they were all done by hand, like this one I see on my walks:

Yup.... It's Tuesday...

Monday, May 6, 2013


Google Street View Hyperlapse.....

Google Street View Hyperlapse from Teehan+Lax Labs on Vimeo.


Wirecutter Mobile Command Center...

I like this Gif... it will come in handy for some political rants......

I Guess I'm One Too.....

h/t to wild river for the comic

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because.....

Along with bombs and bombers, guns seem to be all the media wants to talk about these days. Death is sexy to our miscreant media, especially when people are killed on purpose. And when that happens, it’s all the newspapers and news stations will print and broadcast, in turn making these events appear worse than they are in reality............


Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned

from aceofspades sidebar.

Posting and Writer's Block.....

I got nothing.....other than what a fucked up world and times we are living in.