Saturday, January 18, 2020
I Wonder If Samuel L Jackson Has A Brother?
Note: I had to find this on youtube. No link would work to the r-eddit post.
Funny narrative,
There Are Good People Still Out There... WWYD?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Good Guy WIth A Gun..
Try doing this in The People's Republik of mASSachusetts....
Pelham man holds burglary suspect at gunpoint, police say
Woman went to neighbor after seeing suspicious vehicle in driveway, officials say.
PELHAM, N.H. — A burglary suspect in Pelham was held at gunpoint Wednesday by a neighbor until police arrived, officials said.
Andrew Billcliff, 31, was taken into custody without incident, police said.
Police said a woman called them about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday to report that she found an unoccupied vehicle idling in her driveway. She told police she went to her next-door neighbor's house rather than going into her home.
"The neighbor went over with a gun and saw a suspect leaving the back of the house, and he held that person there until we arrived," said Sgt. Matthew Keenliside.
Billcliff was out on bail at the time of his arrest, facing charges in connection with an August burglary in Atkinson. Police said home surveillance video helped make that arrest.
In this week's incident, police said the Kennedy Drive neighbor's actions were legal and courageous.
"When we got there, he advised us he was armed," Keenliside said. "We told him to holster his weapon. He did that, and he went back home with no issues."
Neighbors said they were very appreciative.
"I was happy to hear that somebody stood up for another citizen," said neighbor Jim Bonomo. "I was glad that nobody got hurt."
"I think it's awesome," said neighbor Joe O'Leary. "I think that it's great that he was there to protect her."
Police said the neighbor who held Billcliff at gunpoint did not want to be identified. They said he did a good job and everything turned out alright, but they urged witnesses to not put themselves in harm's way.
Police said a woman called them about 4:30 p.m. Wednesday to report that she found an unoccupied vehicle idling in her driveway. She told police she went to her next-door neighbor's house rather than going into her home.
"The neighbor went over with a gun and saw a suspect leaving the back of the house, and he held that person there until we arrived," said Sgt. Matthew Keenliside.
Billcliff was out on bail at the time of his arrest, facing charges in connection with an August burglary in Atkinson. Police said home surveillance video helped make that arrest.
In this week's incident, police said the Kennedy Drive neighbor's actions were legal and courageous.
"When we got there, he advised us he was armed," Keenliside said. "We told him to holster his weapon. He did that, and he went back home with no issues."
Neighbors said they were very appreciative.
"I was happy to hear that somebody stood up for another citizen," said neighbor Jim Bonomo. "I was glad that nobody got hurt."
"I think it's awesome," said neighbor Joe O'Leary. "I think that it's great that he was there to protect her."
Police said the neighbor who held Billcliff at gunpoint did not want to be identified. They said he did a good job and everything turned out alright, but they urged witnesses to not put themselves in harm's way.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
I am calling a "lame" false flag attempt on this one
Elizabeth Warren's campaign office was vandalized two days after opening in Portland. I just don't believe it could happen in the "Peoples Republik of Oregon".

Read moreHERE.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Best Name For A 23Lb Cat?
The person that named him has a great sense of humor!
He's at the Oklahoma Humane Society and up for adoption.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Things You Find On The Internet... Another Time Sink That's Worth It.
Earlier today I stumbled upon this cross section image of a submarine. I was searching for industrial equipment and for some reason this caught my eye. It was in the "similar photos" section the shows up on google searches.
Intrigued, I clicked the link and it sent me to the book below.
Follow the links I posted after the preface and spend some time scrolling a files of the whole book.
You won't be disappointed stepping bank into the past...........
This book is presented to those, both young and old, who wish to have a non-technical account of the history, evolution and production of some of the every-day wonders of the modern industrial age; coupled with occasional glimpses of the wonderful object-lessons afforded by nature in her constructive activities in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms; and simple, understandable answers to the myriad puzzling questions arising daily in the minds of those for whom the fascination of the “Why” and “How” is always engrossing.Although not intended primarily as a child’s book, the interest-compelling pictures and clear, illuminating answers to the constant avalanche of questions suggested by the growing mind, unite in making far happier children in the home and brighter children at school. Parents and teachers will also recognize the opportunity to watch for subjects by which the child’s interest appears to be more than ordinarily attracted, and, in so doing, will be enabled to guide the newly-formed tendencies into the proper channels. With the greatest thinkers of the age advocating vocational training, and leading educators everywhere pointing out that the foundation of a practical education for life must be laid in the home, thoughtful parents will not overlook the fact that a book which both entertains and instructs is of supreme importance in the equipment of their children.
In the preparation of this book its function has been considered as that of gathering up some of the multitudinous bits of information of interest, both to the inquiring child and the older reader, and putting them in shape to be digested by the ordinary searcher after knowledge. The book is intended, not for a few technical specialists, but for the larger number of men, women and children who are not interested in exhaustive treatises, but who are seeking to gain some fair idea about the numberless every-day subjects that arise in ordinary conversation, or that they meet with in reading and about which they desire some definite and satisfactory information.
Most of us realize that we live in a world of wonders and we recognize progress in industries with which we come in personal contact, but the daily routine of our lives is ordinarily so restricted by circumstances that many of us fail to follow works which do not come within our own experience or see beyond the horizon of our own specific paths.
The workman who tends the vulcanizer in the rubber factory has come to take his work as a matter of course; the man who assembles a watch, or a camera, is not apt to appreciate the fact that there have been marvelous developments in his line of manufacturing; the operator of a shoe machine, or of an elevator, does not see anything startling or absorbing in the work—and so we find it almost throughout the entire list of industries.
The tendency of the seemingly almost imperceptible movement marking onward development in the work that is familiar is to dull the mind toward opportunities for[2] improvement in the accustomed task. With the exception of the man who is at times impressed with the remarkable advances made in some strikingly spectacular industry, because such knowledge comes to him suddenly, the average workman is often too much inclined to regard himself as a machine, and performs his duties more or less automatically, without attempting to exercise imagination or those powers of adaptation upon which all progress has been builded.
A single volume is of necessity too limited a space for anything approximating a complete record of the vast progress which has been made in American Industry. Consequently it has only been possible to select the more characteristic features of the twentieth century and point out the strides by which some of the prominent industries have advanced to their present proportions. If the hitherto undisputed maxim that “the more the individual knows the more he is worth to himself and his associates” still prevails, the chronicling of the developments in some fields should stimulate thought and experiment toward the adaptation of similar methods in others. It is to that end that authorities in each of the industries presented have co-operated in the compilation of this interesting and instructive volume.
The Editor.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
"Balls Of Titanium" *... Alternate Title " How Irish Wastes 2 Hours"
Scrolling through twitter on my iphone this morning, I saw this jeep video posted.
Holy Shit. My First reaction this driver has * Balls of Titanium
Like this.............
I made some coffee and breakfast and went back for a second look on the desktop large screen.
I wanted to see if someone had commented as to Who What Where When Why.
After reading some comments on the thread someone noted it was RC.
Okay, looking at the video on a larger screen and with more scrutiny you can tell.
I say to myself, "That's some damn talented model making and someone that spends that much time and money MUST like to show it off. There must be an original video somewhere"
Off I go....
First google search led to Viral Hog. Ok, not the original BUT, some good google bread crumbs to search.
From information on Youtube:
Occurred on September 12, 2019 / Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
"I was out exploring in my full-size 4runner. I came upon a cool rock cropping. I took out my custom built Radio Controlled Jeep and filmed a very sketchy line. I was approximately 20 miles outside Las Vegas Nevada, on Lee Canyon. It was approaching evening and storm was moving in. I filmed this solo, just trying to make a video showing the capability of my R/C Jeep and components. It has off-lights that were on in the shoot. A Warn Winch, Icon Vehicle Dynamics shocks and Nitto Tires. Upon posting, people could not tell if it was full size or Radio Controlled."
Start searching keywords from that statement.
RC Jeep
Lee Canyon
Red RC Jeep Warn Nitto
Radio controlled red jeep rock climbing las vegas
You get the point
After some time and searches I finally found a picture of the jeep posted on Pinterest.
That led me to "Riva's Concepts". After some more coffee and surfing I finally found his facebook page and the video and lots of links.
Once you start getting the tumblers to fall into the place the lock opens....
If you enjoy model building or just want to appreciate someone's hard work and craftsmanship go check out the links. See you in a couple hours......
♫♫ They Were In Their Early 20's Making This Kind Of Music.... ♫♫
Some youtube comments on the video:
LOL "we don't have much time, we're just gonna play 2112"
Play this at my funeral. Over and over and over until they all leave.
In one take people. One take...
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