Friday, October 28, 2016

Two and a Half Hours Of Pink Floyd..


Obscured By Clouds
On The Run
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 8)
Unknown Song
Welcome To The Machine
Comfortably Numb
Is There Anybody Out There
The Final Cut
The Great Gig In The Sky
Wearing The Inside Out
Have A Cigar
One Of My Turns
The Fletcher Memorial Home
Mother Fore
The Show Must Go On
Keep Talking
Wish You Were Here
Two Suns In The Sunset
Hey You
What Do You Want From Me
It's What We Do
Love Scene

Friday Femme Fatale......


"Hillary, We Have An Issue.. "

Two Guys....

Two guys grow up together, but after college one moves to New York the other to California. They agree to meet in Chicago every ten years and play golf. At the age of 30, they finish their first round of golf and plan to go to lunch.

“Where you wanna go?”
“Well, you know, they got the broads with the big racks and the tight shorts. The legs…”

Ten years later at 40 they play.
“Where you wanna go to lunch?”
“Well, you know, they got cold beer and the big screen TVs and everybody has a little action on the games.”

Ten years later at 50.
“Where you wanna go?”
“The food is good and there is plenty of parking.”

At 60
“Where you wanna go?”
“Wings are half price.”

At 70
“Where you wanna go?”
“They have 6 handicapped spaces right by the door.”

At 80
“Where you wanna go?”
“We’ve never been there before.”

Sexy Seventies

Remember her?

Quiet Little Get-Away....

 Via <<

Here's the description:

The Stump House

Had a great stay in this cabin situated on a stump, deep in the North Cascades of Washington.

-Dylan Furst



Link O'rama... Keeping Tabs On Things.....

 Complied and submitted by AFOI
** How... convenient.  What's this, the third wikileaks person to die in a year?
** Damning.  Utterly damning about Killary and Benghazi.
** Be afraid... be very afraid... when the media is in bed with a Machiavellian candidate.  Related:
** LA Times editor ADMITS to the polls being skewed.  He admits the purpose: discourage Trump voters.
** But there's no such thing as "Death Panels".
** Birds of a feather.
** If this happened, even ONCE, the other way it'd be 24/7 news 


Here's An Idea That Will Teach Some Lessons On Halloween.....

How Can You Tell This AssH*&e In The White Hat Is a Hillary Supporter?

sent in by reader Jeff:

scroll down....

Meanwhile, The Southern Border, Heading North....

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Now For A Some Bed-Time Reading...... "The Most Damaging Wikileaks"....


   I found the link to "The Most Damaging Wikileaks" website posted in a comment over at

Iowntheworldreport. by jmb.

  I have no idea about the veracity of the info of who the creator of the site is.

 Here is how the author of the page describes it:


  Go scroll through the list they have compiled to far....

Zero-G Boobies... Starring Connie Carter...

 The gif I posted yesterday was taken from this 3 minute clip.

Anonymous noted in the comments that it was Connie Carter...

Click on the picture for the link to "Sexy and Funny" for the clip....

and ya... NSFW and Video is AUTOSTART, you click on the link at your 

own risk......


Red Riding Hood.....

Trump's Gonna Find An Octopus When He Drains The Swamp.....

sent in by David

Dozens of "Teens" Assault School Bus/ Driver and Students Injured

Let us see if any of this sounds familiar. Philadelphia authorities/press will not identify the perps.  Witnesses report teens "going crazy". Then, "when police arrive, THEY go at it with the police".  Sound familiar? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. 

Link changed below ... hope it works 

It goes to a google search of related storys



Now a mom is only talking to Fox 29. Click here for the story. 


H/T Robert in E-town



The Next "Accident" Victim?

Ex-Secret Service Agent, Gary Byrne, plans to enter into an anti-defamation "tell-all" legal suit against the Clinton's. Either this guy has softball size testicles or he is off his rocker. Good luck Gary!

H/T to "Bushwhacker Bob in KY"

The Wall....

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

You did know that yoda had a wife not, did you, hmm?

Why Is It That Silly Boobie Tricks Make Men Smile?

sent in by David

 pssst... you're smiling.

Two Hags And Their Useful Idiots In New Hampshire Yesterday....

Good Point....

sent in by David

Some Interesting Links Sent In By Reader "B"


DARPA Transfers Most Sophisticated Surveillance Telescope Ever Developed to the U.S. Air Force Space Command --To Counter Satellite Threats from China and Russia and Track Killer Asteroids - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel 

Russia's attack fleet travels through the English Channel en-route to attack Syria 

Putin's nuclear weapons 'could wipe out ALL of America's east coast in ONE SWIPE' 

Alleged Clinton Fixer: 'New York Times Has Become the National Enquirer' 

Are the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bushes going to seek refuge in Countries that don't Extradite to the US if Trump Wins? 

Internet Crashes Hard To Stop After Obama Internet Giveaway

All Together Now.... AWWWWwwwwww..........

10/22 Magazines and Loaders... Any In-put?

 Please leave any recommedations in the comments :)



Think About It..... Part II

Think About It

I saw this over at The Lonely Libertarian and thought it an excellent observation!