Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Good Laugh For Your Afternoon...









Found This Earlier, Rather Fitting as I head into my B-day weekend....








Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....







You Don't See This On The News...









Good Lord, They Are All The Same....








Talk about having a "pair".. updated


This guy crawling under the structure armed only with a paintball gun to chase away a bear that has entered into the crawlspace must have a set that is supersized.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

I Laughed, Now You Have To....




  HERE <<<   

How To Quickly Tell You're Gonna Take It In The Wallet....


  Last night was a little splurge for dinner. 

There were four of us all with birthdays during this week and next. 

12/25   12/29  12/31 and 01/05.

The Ribeye caught my attention but what the fuck is that after the garlic smashed badadas?

Haricot Verts huh? Well I guess Siri will have to train me in upscale fine dining.

Google search yeilds <<< 

and that's when I knew we were getting hornswoggled.

Well Now, That Escalated Quickly....









Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The commies (aka as demonrats) are always trying to deflect the blame

 Caught with his britches down and with video evidence of him getting "jackhammered" by another dude in the Senate Hearing room, 24 year old DEMOCRAT staffer Aiden Maese-Czeropski is attempting to cry foul and claim that he is simply a victim of homophobia. These liberals never want to take responsibility for their own actions.  Aiden, who was employed and fired by democrat Ben Cardin, is no exception. The small piece I copied and pasted below was sent in by Ed in Moulton. He calls it like he see it. Keep in mind while reading this that Aiden allegedly filmed this pornographic homosexual movie himself.

From Ed:

 filmed himself having anal sex on a table in the Senate hearing room where lawmakers sit to ask questions during important proceedings like Supreme Court nominations.24-year-old congressional staffer of Democratic Senator, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, blames "homophobia" after he was fired over a leaked sex video he filmed of himself having anal sex on a table in the Senate hearing room where lawmakers sit to ask questions during important proceedings like Supreme Court nominations.  Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack for who I love for a political agenda.”

Senator Cardin confirmed that Maese-Czeropski had been fired from his position.

Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack for who I love for a political agenda.Maese-Czeropski responded that this is “a difficult time for me” because he has “been attack(ed) for who I love for a political agenda.”

No, Mr. Maese-Czeropski, you were fired for two obvious reasons:  

  1. Because you wanted to show disdain for the political institutions of the greatest country on Earth in the most perverse, disgustingly unimaginable way by performing anal sex in a Senate hearing room.
  2. and you were fired because you were STUPID enough to film yourself performing said perverse sex act and releasing it to social media.  

Anyone THAT stupid is more than deserving to be fired--they are ASKING to be fired!

Stupid is as Stupid does, Mr. Maese-Czeropski!  Karma can be a WITCH!  And, as always, it's always someone else's fault!

Ousted Democrat Who Filmed Sex Tape Blames Homophobia - State of the Union (stateofunion.org)

Regarding the Ethanol Lamp.. Here's a longer vid.. Sound on...







Well Now, That Escalated Quickly.....










♫♪♫ Rage Against The.. Bacon!!! ♫♪♫








Lt Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson...


 Borrowed, with all due respect,  from ANODTOTHEGODS...






Sunday, December 24, 2023

Charlie Brown finds out


Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas One And All!!....


  I'm trying this year but currently it's kinda like this....




 Maybe when I add some Jameson Whiskey to the coffee it will help.......

Whatever your mood, have a Merry Christmas.


I'll be around sooner or later.....








"BUILD BACK BETTER"!!! so far so good...












An overlooked Incan Wonder


The indentions look like giant ATV tracks. Thousands of these types of "holes"  have attracted the attention of Archaeologists in recent years . These hole are in the Pisco Valley in Peru. Read more here.