Friday, May 8, 2020

This.. For The Win...

via twitter

Friday Femme Fatale Is One Post Below...

 But you need to see this


Friday Femme Fatale....COVID*




 Working on a FFF post....

Sponsored by Dragon's Milk.....


I Found Phil's Spirit Animal....

Phil's Place

First Alabama Gobbler (Watch as my friend Timber calls up a gobbler for his friend Issac)

The 2020 spring turkey season has come and gone. Our season here is normally April 1st-30th. This year the Alabama Department of Conservation gave hunters a few extra days. The season began on March 28th and ended May 3rd. While there was some good gobbling early on, the birds were fairly quiet after the second week. Every now and then a rare bird might gobble more than a couple of time on the roost, but were "hushmouth" after flying down.  I had a great time, but only called up and killed one bird. I called up another to about 15 yards but he came up on the wrong side and I couldn't shoot him.  I think one thing that hurt our season locally, was the COVID-19. I say that seriously. Every swinging Richard with a shotgun and boxcall was off work with nothing to do hit the woods in search of a turkey. I have never seen so many hunters in the woods as I did this season. So, there was a lot of pressure. I have seen a few seasons like this in the last 27 seasons I have hunted turkeys seriously where the birds just do not gobble. I hunted almost everyday rain and wind permitting. The birds were there, they just wouldn't gobble. I only set-up on one bird while he was gobbling in a tree. I think I only set-up on five birds all season long. I didn't go the last day of season. It was windy and I was tired of hunting birds to hunt.  I know a lot of hunters who did not kill a bird. One of my friends, Timber, tagged out early. He was fortunate enough to go on some early hunts south of where we live and I believe he killed three down there (5 is the limit). The season in the south opened March 15th. Anyhow, he took a friend who had never killed a turkey and filmed the entire hunt as he called the gobbler in and his buddy shot it. It is a great short video of a "textbook" turkey hunt. They had roosted the bird the evening before. Enjoy. 

Karen's* locally....

  On last night's outing we ran into a friend who, every morning, takes her dog for a walk on the beach. As with "Everything Covid" the beaches around here are closed. It's getting nice out and they are starting to relax restrictions so she decided to go out one morning at 7:00am to walk the beach.

Sounds nice huh? A morning stroll on an empty beach...

Well, to here surprise, the police showed up.  Yup, no shit.

The officer that showed up was a friend so the meeting was pleasant. He told her that there were 20 calls about someone on the beach..... go ahead read that again...

20  yup   20.

All those fucking Karen's sitting in their house monitoring the beach at 7:00 am...

Live Free or Die Until Your Neighbor Rats You Out. 

*Speaking of  Karen's.....

Retro Heat Heather Thomas bathing suit sexy Bikini Refrigerator ...
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How she looks today.

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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fuck This Covid Shutdown Shit... I Snuck Into The Local Pub For Some Basil Hayden's....

It was nice having the bar to myself.

One For Boilerdoc....

Considering All That's Going On, Maybe It Was More Than Just Me...

 Oh, and by the way a tip from Uncle Irish on the next big news cycle.......

Live, as I'm fucking sitting here listening to Plandemic...

  Two posts down is the Plandemic link I had up earlier. The video was working as I sat down and hit play not 15 minutes ago.  Now.. taken down.

DOCTORS IN BLACK: PlanDemic, A global plan to take control of our lives, liberty, health and freedom

 Here's two more links that are working as I type....




#because FY 

Alexa... How Long Will The Corona Virus Last?

H/t To Alan.

I Find This Extremely Interesting... ETA

  During the course of last night I got a text from the "Boss's" daughter who wrote "you need to watch this". About an hour later I got another text from a good friend whom I haven't spoken to in a few weeks. Basically the same thing "watch this video". Then, before hitting the hay, I checked email and one of my readers from over the northern border forwarded it. Writing:

Millions of views in two days 

Very interesting video just came out about the pandemic, featuring an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits.
attached was a link that is now dead.

 I forwarded it to some others that I trust for their judgement and the link I sent them is now removed.

For the record, I have not watched it all so I can't comment but I'm sure some of you have.

What got me is that three different people from extremely different backgrounds, geographic location and age group all sent this in the span of one evening.

Here is a copy I found. Again, the veracity needs to examined although they really seem to be trying to stifle this so it might not be here soon.

More proof.. I just stopped over THEBURNINGPLATFORM and guess what?

The video was posted there and it's gone.  <<<< HERE AS WELL<<

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

He Does Seem To Be Smoking Some Good Shit...

  We know how to handle this.... Right into Thanksgiving....

Now You Know

H/T to reader Robert in Cullman

Reader Jeffrey Sends.....

I just applied simple math to prove OVER-counting CV19-attributed death rate in New York (N.J. & Mass 2nd/3rd) to ensure Wall Street stays vacated as long as possible. I took the top TEN (mostly blue states) that have the highest deaths per 100,000, totaled & averaged them to 41.4 per 100,000, but N.Y. is reporting 126 per! N.J. is 89 per, and Mass is 58 per  = over-counting deaths attributed to CV-19 just to keep Wall Street closed! And keep in mind I used the top ten (mostly blue states) to get this average. If I used all 50 states, it would be much lower. And if I used only RED states, it would be MUCH MUCH lower = CV19-attributed death rates are politically driven!
CNN reported a poll that showed 44% of conservatives want the economy to open, while only 4 percent of liberals do! Tell me THAT is not politically driven! Also notice that the left coast, even Kalifornia, is not over-counting, not even in the top ten. Why? Obviously because Wall Street is in New York!  The Blue states surrounding Wall Street have ALL the political reasons to ramp up even more FAKE news. Sadly, FOX, NEWSMAX, and OAN won't even make a point of these distorted, out-of-proportion attributions to CV19.
Last, if we tested at this HUGE rate during past flu seasons, I highly suspect we would have seen FAR higher numbers in some years. So why all of the massive testing this year? Simple: to keep numbers high to keep economy/markets down for a political goal.

Irish asks " So, this begs the question, if this was a random event how did they so rapidly plan to execute the economy like this, or did they know in advance?"


Interesting story at Project Veritas...

Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic, Fear Numbers are 'Padded'

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Think about that famous Rodney Carrington song as you look and enjoy.

THIS... Made me laugh...


h/t to nkit  over at

♫♫ Kinda Makes You Want To Ride Into Battle.... Nightwish..♫♫

Thanks to Badfrog in a comment HERE<<

I will be checking out Nightwish on Pandora. Thanks.

When You Need A Plandemic Fit Of Laugher....

The "Boss" sent me this hilarious video found on facebook.

If you know the original creator, please comment. Thanks!

International Friends of TFI Leads to the morning coffee rabbit hole....

 Yesterday, the inbox had this:

Dear Sir:
Apologize my broke English. The school is far away.
I follow your blog from some time ago and I like it very much.
Congratulations for your work and fine humor. It´s very good to look at your blog to see whats going on.
Please, continue and take care of yourself. These times are strange.
Best regards from Portugal.

Thank you very much L. ( you have now sent me on my morning internet mission )

Like many of our ancestors that came to New England, there is a large influence of Portuguese

How Portuguese Immigrants Came to New England  <<<<  

Irish grew up on the North Shore of The People's Republic of Massachusetts (ya, I don't know what happened to that state either)  and had relatives that lived in Gloucester. There is a section of town called "Portuguese Hill" where there is the beautiful  "Our Lady Of Good Voyage Church"

According to the WIKI link the Lady Of Good Voyage was designed to resemble the Santa Maria Madalena church in the Azorean community of Madalena on the island of Pico


Which is located in the middle (nowhere) of the Atlantic:

Irish also enjoys some Portuguese delicacies like:

Gloucester Shack Series – 1898 Linguiça Smokehouse

I think this could be the oldest in the country.
Linguiça – is a dry Sausage, consists of coarsely chopped pork shoulder (both the lean and the fat), plenty of garlic and paprika.  Its shape, rather like a long and slender lingua (tongue) explains the name.
Chouriço – is a chunkier and juicier Sausage and very garlicky, made in links about 10 inches long and 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Thanks again for the email "L".  Now I'm hungry!!!