Saturday, July 16, 2016

Good Idea, I Think I'll Hang Guiness From The Rafters At The Bunker.....

 Looks like a good workout......

For Those Who Understand Normal Thinking...

 Meanwhile, it's too bad that there are others that


 h/t to the furiousfrenchman

Wanna Feel Old? "Jaws" Was Released Over 41... FORTY ONE.. Years Ago......

June 20th 1975


  This photo montage was posted at THEGLOBE earlier today as a reminder.

The movie started to scare the shit out of you right at the start......


Classic Clip......

A Reader Sends... "Atomic Annie 1967 Ft Sill".. Updated..

(ETA....Anon noted in the comments that the picture below is not Atomic Annie.
Reader Terry followed up in the comments )

"Here is a pic of my younger brother on Atomic Annie at Ft Sill, OK when he was in the artillery officer candidate school. 
Probably 1967, he was in Vietnam in 1968."

 This is Atomic Annie:

Cat Like Reflexes.....

Friday, July 15, 2016

Some Days You Carry A Heavy Load.....

Couldn't Be Any Worse That Some Of The Others....

♫♫ Bad Company.. Five Finger Death Punch ♫♫

Blame the Truck.. Not The Driver...

Friday Fishing Fun.....

How Do You Fight An Enemy That Doesn't Care If They Die?

Good Thing They Spent Millions On Those Highway Warning Signs...

  There are many idiots among us...

  and before you start laughing click on the picture of this wreck for the story..

Refugees, What The Media And TPTB Want You To Believe vs. Reality...

Do you see any difference?

Those Idiots! I've told them over and over "use AR-15's when you carry out a jihadist attack"!

How in the hell am I going to SPIN this truck stuff? I've told those guys time and time again that I need them to use military/assault type weapons. preferably AR-15's with high capacity magazines when carrying out these types of attacks! They simply don't get it.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

At Least 84 Killed In Nice France, 50 Injured By Terrorist During Bastille Day Celebration Including Ten Children As Attacker Shouted Allah Akbahr

In a knee-jerk reaction  to this attack,  President Ovomit (who refuses to acknowledge ISIS, Islam, etc.) and Presidential hopeful Hitlery both called for tighter gun control measures in America stating that there needs to be universal background checks, abolishing of the gun show loophole, banning of semi-auto "high powered rifles" and any and all forms of assault weapons as well as "high capacity magazines". Also, the democrap duo stated Amerika needs to implement a "National Police Force" and it should be patterned after the GESTAPO of NAZI Germany. This alone would have prevented this latest attack according to Hitlery.  The Kenyan-in-chief was adamant that certain types of trucks need to be banned along with some heavy pick-ups and larger  eight cylinder cars . This would not only curtail this type of lone wolf violence, but it would go a long way to help the environment and reverse the effects of global warming. The champions of socialism both agreed that the proliferation of guns of all types inside the United States of Amerika was the root cause for this attack. Ovomit said "young Arabs around the world are mad as hell about the number of guns in Amerika and they are not going to take it anymore and I don't blame them"! In a closing statement the president invited all of the relatives of the persons who participated directly in the attack to the White House next week for a barbecue.  Many BLM protesters who had planned to attend the cookout have gone on record saying they will protest the fact that pork will not be served and said that the president is favoring the jihadist.

In all seriousness, the President and Hillary support bringing more Syrian "refugees" to America and possibly to a neighborhood near you. Isn't this the same Trojan Horse ruse that got the majority of these savages to Europe?

But That's None Of My Business......

Can't We All Just Get Along?...

A Smile Moment....

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy vs. Lemon by videosonlytube

Original vid here:

♫♫ Bastille Day... Rush ♫♫

There’s no bread let them eat cake
There’s no end to what they’ll take
Flaunt the fruits of noble birth
Wash the salt into the earth

But they’re marching to Bastille Day
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
Free the dungeons of the innocent
The king will kneel, and let his kingdom rise

Bloodstained velvet, dirty lace
Naked fear on every face
See them bow their heads to die
As we would bow as they rode by

And we’re marching to Bastille Day
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
Sing, o choirs of cacophony
The king has kneeled, to let his kingdom rise.

Lessons taught, but never learned
All around us anger burns
Guide the future by the past
Long ago the mould was cast

For they marched up to Bastille Day
La guillotine – claimed her bloody prize
Hear the echoes of the centuries
Power isn’t all that money buys

Pokemon Go.... This Is Worth Seeing..

  This new "game" is a bit disconcerting. I have already seen a few people wondering around with their phones out looking for Pokemon. Sooner or later someone is gonna die.

Meanwhile, google is using all players to gather tons of info.

Just watch.......


Bill Whittle Skewers Hillary......

From AFOI....

** Bill Whittle skewers Hellary.  But he's right - she doesn't care.  She and the Dems have The People pegged.

But - and I'm opining here - it's worse than you think.

Rome fell, not because of the Visigoths, but because the corruption of the Roman government became so apparent, so clear, that the average Roman finally understood Rome - as they knew it and envisioned it - was gone... and therefore not worth defending any more.  I think, in light
of the Cloward-Piven strategy, the openly-stated desire of Barackus' mentor Bill Ayers to see America fall, the openly-stated desire of Barackus' owner, George Soros, to destroy America... that they are rubbing our noses in this to make this happen again.  They WANT to see
America fall, and the best way to do that is to make Americans no longer believe in America.

They've infested our schools for decades, cranking out generation after generation of indoctrinated precious snowflakes.  They've metastasized into the media, controlling the information flow - and therefore controlling what we believe about the world.  They invaded and conquered the judiciary.  And they have done this with a "Master Plan", formulated in back rooms and secret meetings, and have done so with malice aforethought and clear intent.

This is part of a decades-long plan.  It will not be undone easily.

  I suspect, and I deeply regret having to say this, that it will take actual bloodshed on a large scale to have a prayer of reversing it.

G-d help us all. ..




Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Let's See If We Can Give Boilerdoc The Vapahs!!

Seems Legit....

The Dawn Of Our New Overlords....

 .. waiting for the video of Atlas kicking the guys ass around the 2 minute mark.

Dayem, Looks Like Mooch Ate At Taco Bell.....

♫♫ Hillary Clinton Song.. Here It Is Again...Thanks To A Commenter!! ♫♫

Click the link why it's still there...........

I Might Have To Renew My Library Card.......

 I'll ask her where the Glocks are.

♫♫ If Your Last Name Is Clinton...♫♫

  The link to this funny song was sent this morning. When I watched it and posted it
there were about 5000 views.  It has been scrubbed as you can see.

The author/ song writer is MARK KAYE.. I can't find any info to the song at all.

Here is a sceenshot from google if you search for the song that no longer exists....

h/t to thefuriousfrenchman

Interesting Thought In This Comment .... Mammels Getting Shot In The Chest....

  Over at THEBURNINGPLATFORM they linked to coauthor Jeffery's post about

the day of rage being set up by Anonymous.  This quote from Ralsballs was an interesting

observation.  I know my readership is very diversified.. any thoughts?

Ralsballs wrote:

Well Anonymous is officially on the list of governmental entities masquerading as some type of truther hacker collective. Let me preface the rest of this by saying that if any of you think either of these poorly produced police shootings videos are real, than you are a sucker, a fool, a mark, a trick, a downright moron! And then some police are allegedly killed in Dallas the next day!? What a perfect sequence of events for government and administration that has transparently been trying to start a race war for some time now, eh. It’s almost as if it was scripted . . . because it was. Now I can’t say that I’ve ever shot a human before, but I have shot many whitetail deer and many other animals in my lifetime. Deer are mammals, as humans are. If you are shot multiple times in the chest, than it is nearly impossible that one or multiple bullets will not puncture your lungs. When a lung is punctured, blood is expelled from the mouth and nose! Not sometimes, not most of the time, 100% of the fucking time. Unless you breath with your intestines out of your asshole, there will be blood around the mouth. In either bullshit video, do you see blood around their mouths? Also, if your significant other was just blasted a bunch of times in car seat next to you, would you begin to record the event with your cell phone, all the while calmly narrating like Bob Stack on Unsolved Mysteries? Of course you wouldn’t! My point is if you are presented with this shit on any television channel, its 99.9% of the time a bunch of contrived bullshit! If they tell any truth at all, it’s by accident! Wake up people!

Sanitation Worker Sprayed In The Face With Urine While Collecting Garbage

Muscle Shoals mayor David Bradford says he hopes city officials can find the person who put the container of urine into the the collection receptacle.  I would say to David that he would have to prove "intent" (that is a powerful word these days in American politics LOL). 

Click HERE for the rest of the story.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Link O'rama.... Keeping Tabs On Things....

  Compiled and Submitted By AFOI..
** Quote: "The circumstances of the shooting still aren't completely clear, and nobody deserves to die just for
having a criminal record. However, it would be just as dishonest to portray this story as just another man living
his life who was gunned down by the police for no reason, which is what many on the left, including Black Lives Matter,
will do."
** Laws are for the little people.  Related:
** I find one tidbit fascinating.  Comey was, apparently, involved with investigating the Clintons
in the 1990's.  You have to wonder... did the Clintons then amass info on him THEN that was used to
compromise him NOW?  It wouldn't surprise me.
** Title: "Evan Sayet on "Why Liberals Think Conservatives are Evil"" ; an hour+ of pure brilliance.
** Quote: "Remember if you dare to say out loud that your nation has the right to exist behind secure borders then you will be called a

Be Aware And Not There! National Day of Rage July 15th, 2016

The hacktivist group Anonymous is now calling for nationwide Day of Rage protests on Friday, July 15th. The video below promotes the protests.(WARNING: There is some disturbing and graphic violence in this video):  [About 5 ½ minutes; it isn’t necessary to watch it for purposes of the warning being given].
Use this as a list of places NOT to be on Friday the 15th. While the video by Anonymous does specify non-violence and denounces the actions taken against police officers that were not involved in these deaths, with the tagline “Day of Rage” I think it’s safe to expect emotions to be running very high on both sides of the line. No matter how great your empathy might be for those who have unjustly lost their lives, these protests are not safe places to be.
These are the locations and times for the protests:
Phoenix: 5:00PM (EASTLAKE PARK, 1549 E Jefferson St , Phoenix, AZ 85034)
Tuscon: 5:00PM (CATALINA PARK, 900 N 4th Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85705)
Little Rock: 6:00PM (OUTSIDE STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr., Little Rock, AR 72201)
San Francisco: 4:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, 355 Mcallister St, San Francisco, California 94102)
Oakland: 4:00PM (FRANK OGAWA PLAZA, 1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612)
Los Angeles: 4:00PM (LEIMERT PLAZA PARK, 4395 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008)
Denver: 5:00PM (CIVIC CENTER PARK, 100 W 14th Ave Pkwy, Denver, Colorado 80204)
Washington DC: 7:00PM (OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500)
Atlanta: 7:00PM (OLD DECATUR COURTHOUSE, 101 E Court Sq, Decatur, GA 30030)
Orlando: 7:00PM (LAKE EOLA PARK, 195 N Rosalind Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801)
Miami: 7:00PM (GWEN CHERRY PARK, NW 71 St., Miami, Florida, 33147)
Chicago: 6:00PM (RICHARD J DALEY CENTER, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, Illinois 60602)
Des Moines: 6:00PM (IOWA STATE CAPITOL, 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50319)
New Orleans: 6:00PM (LAFAYETTE SQUARE, New Orleans, LA 70130)
Baltimore: 7:00PM (201 E Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21202)
Boston: 7:00PM (MASSACHUSETTS STATE HOUSE, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 01233)
Detroit: 7:00PM (Campus Martius Park, Detroit, Michigan 48226)
Lansing: 7:00PM (STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, Capitol Avenue at Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933)
Ann Arbor: 7:00PM (THE DIAG, Burns Park, Ann Arbor, MI 48109)
Minneapolis: 6:00PM (MINNEAPOLIS URBAN LEAGUE, 2100 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411
St. Louis: 6:00PM (GATEWAY ARCH, St. Louis 63102)
Carson City: 4:00PM (NEVADA STATE CAPITOL BUILDING, 101 N Carson St, Carson City, Nevada 89701)
Manhattan, NY: 7:00PM (TIMES SQUARE, Manhattan, NY, 10036)
Newark: 7:00PM (NEWARK CITY HALL, 920 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102)
Durham: 7:00PM (200 E. Main St. Durham, North Carolina)
Columbus: 7:00PM (GOODALE PARK, Columbus, Ohio 43215)
Cleveland: 7:00PM (CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 325 Superior Ave E, Cleveland, Ohio 44114)
Portland: 4:00PM (PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE, 701 SW 6th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97204)
Philadelphia: 7:00PM (LOVE PARK, 1599 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102)
Pittsburgh: 7:00PM (PITTSBURGH CITY-COUNTY BUILDING, 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219)
Nashville: 6:00PM (801 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203 Estes Kefauver Federal Building)
Memphis: 6:00PM (Health Sciences Park Memphis, TN)
Austin: 6:00PM (TEXAS STATE CAPITOL, Outside South Gate-11th and Congress Ave.)
Salt Lake City: 5:00PM (SALT LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 4600 S Redwood Rd, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123)
Seattle: 4:00PM (QUEEN ANNE BAPTIST CHURCH, 2011 1st Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109)
Milwaukee: 5:00PM (DINEEN PARK, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
And if your home happens to be in or near one of these areas, be aware that your city could be under siege. Make plans to stay safe and hunker down with emergency food and purified water, or to go someplace safer.


Borrowed from Wirecutter

"Aspen" The Golden Retriever....

 Click on the picture so see a great portfolio of Aspen's adventures....

Geez.. I surprised myself....

  I saw this vocabulary quiz posted over at Blogbrother Borepatch's

After reading my own blog, I would never think I could score this high....

From The "Back of The Class" Learning.....

Good Buddy Leigh Is Trying Adopt This Poor, Homeless Critter.. Wish Him Good Luck!

The Modern Liberal Whenever Someone Says Something They Don't Like.....

.Gov Asks.. "How Can We Get 3D Mapping Of Areas We Can't See With Satellites Or Google Street View?"

  Software like that could theoretically turn millions of smartphone users into ‘Imperial probe droids’ who take real-time, ground-level footage of their cities and homes, reaching into dark alleyways and basements which spy satellites and Google cars can’t reach.

LINK >>>>   The ‘augmented reality’ mobile game Pokémon Go

True or not.. scary thought that it could be used like that.

Armed Or Unarmed?.. Camera Footage. GRAPHIC WARNING.. How Quick Can You Make A Decision?

Breakfast Anyone?