Saturday, November 5, 2016

Must Be The "South-Side" Of The North End In Boston*....

 North End Boston

We Need To Drive Them ALL Out.....

Not enough celebrities leaving country after Trump's victory!  We must find a way to more of them go away!


Caturday..... Post Number 10,001

  After almost 6 years of my sophomoric posts, silly pictures (boobs, bacon and cats ),

music and politics and with some help of coauthor Jeffery and those of you that have submitted blog fodder, we have hit the publish button a total of  10,001  times.

  The first POST  when I hung out the "TFI" shingle was on 11-16-2010.

I'm not as eloquent as many of my blog friends on the sidebar
so I let them do the heavy writing.  I prefer to go read their thoughts than
try and organize my own.

It's been my pleasure having you all stop by..... Irish

and now for Post 10,001.......

Friday, November 4, 2016

Here's Some Cars From One Of The Best Movies Ever Made.....


   I hadn't seen this movie in years!  I caught it last week and watched the whole thing.

Can you name it?

Some Links different sites I found while reading about the movie:






♫♫ It's A Long Way There.. Little River Band.... ♫♫

Friday Femme Fatale....

Wonder Woman Trailer... Starring....

 Gal Gadot:

Roughin' It.....

BREAKING... Russian Hacker Caught!!

H/t to JOE B!  thanks.

Come On New Hampshire.. Are You Kidding Me?

Trump should be up by YUGE numbers..

I will say, there are a ton of Trump signs on every road that I travel.

Some are 3 x 5 and 4 x 8.  Earlier today I saw one outside of Windham HS

that said "Students For Trump".  I've also seen  these signs at intersections:

"Women for Trump"

"Christians for Trump"

Those were large and very conspicuous.




♫♫ Not Much Has Changed Since The Temptations Sang " Ball Of Confusion" Back In 1970... ♫♫

"Water board George Soros with Hillary's catheter bag." Texas Redneck Commented .......

 ... On this story that I found over at wirecutter's :

BREAKING: Comey Mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes

FBI Director James Comey issued a mandate late Thursday instructing all available special agents from the Washington D.C. field office and Hoover Building headquarters to report to work immediately, federal law enforcement sources told True Pundit.
“We’re preparing for many arrests from the top down,” the FBI source said. “I cannot elaborate beyond that.”
When pressed to better define what “from the top down” meant in terms of possible suspects, the source refused to elaborate.
“You’re a smart guy; read between the lines,” the source said.

LINK HERE.... ( True or Not?  YMMV ) 

Breitbart has a STORY AS WELL <<



Donald Trump to host campaign rally in Atkinson New Hampshire TODAY!!

  Donald Trump is gonna be in the next town over from the bunker today at noon.

If any of my fellow  New Hampshire Trump supporters are going

you can email me pictures and or info and I will post them later.

Send to theferalirishman at gmail dot com.

ATKINSON, N.H. — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will continue his push Friday to win New Hampshire’s four important Electoral College votes, making the first of two campaign stops in the state ahead of Election Day.
Trump will hold a rally at the Atkinson Country Club at noon. Doors for the event will open at 9 a.m.
The rally will be streamed live on and WMUR’s Facebook page.
Trump made three visits to New Hampshire in October. His daughter Ivanka Trump made a three-stop swing through the state on Thursday.
Then, on Monday, the day before the election, Trump will hold an 8 p.m. rally at the SNHU Arena in Manchester. Doors open for that event at 5 p.m.

U.S. Intelligence Services Warning of Possible Al Qaeda Terrorist Attacks in the United States on Monday

Shocker! Hillary really needs some sort of diversion right now and will need a larger one if Comey and/or his men arrest her between now and the election and haul her down to the "stout house" in handcuffs! For some it might be hard to imagine the democrap presidential nominee being arrested, but many Americans are asking why she, her husband, and many of her associates are not already in prison.  Here is the story about the terrorist ATTACKS

Hollywood, The Media, and Hillary Supporters.....

image from the comment by kdhouse at weaselzippers

Mr. Owl.....

Thursday, November 3, 2016

They Never Saw It Coming And It Was Bound to Happen

H/T to "Bushwhacker Bob" in KY

New Anti-Trump Ad "The Children are Watching".

Yes, the children are watching. While Donald did make a few crass remarks, the Hillary "magicians" really have no right whatsoever to show innocent kids listening to bleeped out words, etc made by Donald Trump. Those remarks and actions pale in comparison to what my young children had to endure in the mid-nineties thanks to the romping of William Jefferson Clinton and his young intern concubine named Monica Lewinsky. Hillary in those days on exaperated the situation by "standing by her man". The honorable thing to doe would have been to say Bill made a mistake taking advantage of a young woman and he has since apologized to me and I have accepted this apology, etc. She did no such thing. As careful as my wife and I were, we still ended up having to explain words such as sex, oral sex, semen, blow-jobs, and phrases pertaining to "the blue dress" and the relevance of the "cigar", etc. 

                                                                                           Or, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".

NBC Caught Preparing Hildebeast Victory Results????

I was a little skeptical when I first saw this story, but in this election I don't think anything is off the table. I first saw this story on Drudge via Infowars. I did a quick Google search and saw it on a couple of other sites including here at this LINK. 

Look At The Labor That Went Into That Trestle...

A wooden crib trestle on the Columbia and Nehalem Valley Railroad, Oregon c.1902-1904

Link to larger resolution HERE<<<

Makes Sense.....

Watch It All... Great Trump Speech...

borrowed from TBP

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Speaking of Mindsets?????????????????????

A major Klinton/Democratic donor, Benjamin Barber, says "blacks are seriously F***ed in the head" at Ross Fundraiser. In my opinion I think Mr. Barber should take a look in the mirror or go out into the real world and see how miserably LBJ's "Great Society" has failed. The whole socialist-commie dogma these idiots tout is nothing more than lies and their hatred for anything capitalist, self-independence, or conservative is beyond rabid. I hope more and more Americans realize these monsters would like nothing better than to keep the majority of Americans impoverished, dependent on .gov handouts, living in Section 8 housing, and ignorant via public education. 


Chose Wisely On Tuesday....

sent in by Brian!

October Gun Sales Break Previous Records

There were 2.3 MILLION FBI background checks for the purpose of purchasing firearms in October (not including purchases made by Concealed Carry, FOID, pistol licenses, or similar holders who bought guns). That figure along with the previous record setting nine months should speak volumes to all politicians of just how distrusting Americans are of the whole .gov gambit. The record gun and ammo sales since Ovomit came to power is resounding vote of "no confidence". Sadly, TPTB either choose to ignore such warning signs or they are too ignorant to see what is coming. The looming fear held by a large number of Americans that the fecal matter could hit the oscillator at any time in the form of a Greece style economic meltdown, terrorist attack on the power grid, or that their city or neighborhood could go full "Shaka Zulu" for a myriad of reasons or simply for no reason at all have prompted these sales. Whatever happens or if things stay relatively calm for the next few years, I take comfort in knowing that most of my friends, relatives, and neighbors are armed, trained, and well provisioned. I hope many other Americans have made those types of preparations, but am afraid many have not. A few days still remain to buy that gun you have been putting off buying, pick up a few more magazines, or purchase some extra ammo you might need. I am not saying these things will not be around after the elections as they probably will, but if they are available the prices for such items will be inflated indefinitely.  .

and It's Only Wednesday......

more  here

I Bet Things Get A "Little" Rambunctious Around That House.....

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday Hottie That An Anonymous Reader Wanted To Share....

Subliminal Lunch Suggestion....

Forklift Fails........

Here's A Couple of Reads On The Weinergate Debacle....

"Why Huma Needed A 10,000 Email 'Life Insurance' Folder', What They Found Is FAR Worse" 

Will WeinerGate Expose Darker and Dirtier Secrets Than We Imagined? 

“Office of Public Engagement”. Really?.. Yup... Your Tax Dollars At Work...

 Short explanation.. 

 I got the following from a reader that works in a local mASSachusetts city.

They have been getting reports and requests to attend seminars on

 " Opportunities for Advancing Climate Resilience"

#because global warming/ water lever rise.

This was the cover letter that was sent out:



President Obama has taken unprecedented steps to enhance preparedness for the impacts of climate change across the United States.  Today we are building upon this legacy by releasing a Resilience Opportunities Report that outlines key opportunities for advancing climate resilience moving forward.  We are also announcing a new initiative, Resilience Dialogues, an online, consultative service to support communities in their resilience planning, and a commitment from the higher-education community to ensure that the next generation of professionals are prepared to design and build for extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change.   

The report describes the strong foundation that the Administration has built over the last eight years to enhance climate resilience, acknowledges that we have more work to do, and outlines three areas where opportunities exist for innovation and collaboration moving forward.  These areas include advancing and applying science-based data, technology, and tools; integrating climate resilience into Federal agency missions, operations, and culture; and supporting communities to enhance climate resilience.  You can find the full report here, and for more information about the report and our other new announcements, please check out the White House Fact Sheet below and here.  

You are also invited to join an off-the-record briefing call TODAY at 3:00pm (ET) to learn more from senior White House officials. Click here to RSVP for the call.

We encourage your participation and please feel free to extend this invite to your organization and network.  If you have any specific questions before the off-the-record call, please contact us at XXXXXXXXX. If you or your organization puts out any statements about this announcement, please be sure to send them our way.

Thanks for the support and we hope you are able to join us for the call! 

All the best,
Mark Antoniewicz
Office of Public Engagement
White House Council on Environmental Quality


Did you catch that? "OFFICE OF PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT"? 

Now what the hell is that you ask??  keep reading to find out.......


Office of the Press Secretary
October 31, 2016

FACT SHEET: Obama Administration Highlights Opportunities for Building Community Climate Resilience across the Nation

Today, the Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience released its “Resilience Opportunities” report, describing key Administration accomplishments and highlighting opportunities for Federal agencies and stakeholders to work together on a shared climate resilience agenda.

The Obama Administration and communities across the country have taken unprecedented steps to enhance preparedness for the impacts of climate change. Federal leaders have responded to input from governors, mayors, county officials, Tribal leaders, and other stakeholders to advance climate resilience.  In addition, the Administration has taken action to integrate climate-risk considerations into Federal operations, improve access to climate data, information, and tools, and invest in building more climate-resilient communities.

Climate variability and change impact key economic sectors and the livelihoods of citizens. In the last decade, the Federal Government incurred direct costs of over $357 billion due to extreme weather and wildfires and the financial risks of climate change will continue to grow significantly in the coming decades. Instead of waiting to respond, the Federal Government is committed to working with communities to anticipate and reduce the future damages of climate change.

Today’s “Resilience Opportunities” report builds on lessons learned and outlines three major areas where opportunities exist for innovation, economic growth, and collaboration: through application of science-based data and tools, support for community resilience initiatives, and integration of climate resilience into Federal agency missions, operations, and culture. The full report, “Opportunities to Enhance the Nation’s Resilience to Climate Change,” can be found here.

One of the opportunities identified in the report is working with stakeholders to enhance the usability of climate information. Today, the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy is announcing the launch of a public-private collaboration designed to address this need. A diverse set of private, governmental, academic, and nonprofit collaborators today are launching the beta version of the Resilience Dialogues, an online, consultative service to support communities in their resilience planning. The Resilience Dialogues collaboration enables community leaders to engage in facilitated, expedited, and tailored discussion with scientists, practitioners, and other subject-matter experts. The Resilience Dialogues service will also help communities identify their climate risks and navigate information that will empower them to better prepare and adapt. This public-private collaboration will be coordinated by the U.S. Global Change Research Program and the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange with support from the Kresge Foundation. A full list of organizations participating in this collaboration can be found here.

Today’s report also identifies the opportunity to encourage comprehensive preparedness, including by increasing resilient design and construction.  In support of this goal, today the Administration is announcing a coalition of 97 colleges, universities, associations, and academic centers around the country that are committing to ensure that the next generation of design professionals are prepared to design and build for extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change.  This commitment builds on the leadership of many educators around the country who have already begun incorporating resilience and climate preparedness into their respective programs. In addition to these commitments, Federal departments and agencies are announcing new actions to support educational efforts on resilient design, including new research on interdisciplinary approaches to educating on resilient design and new resources to increase awareness of how resilience can be applied in design and construction.


Ok,, so that was the press release.. then I went and googled  The Office of Public Engagement:


Go ahead and check out the page and read the "ABOUT" statement

Also check out the headings of the OPE NEWS just below that....

 I'll wait. 

Ok, if your back now... aren't you glad your money is being well spent?

How much transparency, accessibility and dialogue have you experienced?


Everyone Have Enough Candy?

 ( no, that's not mine )

Monday, October 31, 2016

♫♫ From The Dark, Halloween Side Of Irish's Ipod....♫♫

 Not for everyone, I'm sure.....

and The Dentists Rejoice.....


Link O'rama.. Keeping Tabs On Things....

 Compiled and submitted by AFOI..
** The conquest of Europe, aided by its own leaders.  There's not enough rope in the world to hang them all.  But we
can reuse / recycle.  Start lining them up!
** If only we could get Sunnis and Shiites to slaughter each other wholesale without involving anyone else.  And another flashpoint:
** I agree.  Thomas Paine said:
The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like laws,
discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as
property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all
the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay
them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep
them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while
avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong.
The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments
when they prove themselves.
** Such wonderful, warmhearted, tolerant people, these Leftists  


One Sentence Reply Email Shows How Fucked This Country Is.....

 I'm working on a new customer quote for defense parts.

My Email to our Aluminum supplier:

Good afternoon XXXX:
Please quote
7075 T6   Domestic with certs
6 pcs
1.375 thick   reg cut   3.3 X 10.0
Thanks, XXXX

 The reply email.... which, if you're paying attention is not a good sign:

We can offer 1.5 thick, Russian.

What? ^^^^^  So I'm working on a part for the defense of our country and I can only

get 7075 aircraft aluminum from the Russians ?? Whom, by the way, Hitlery wants to 

start WWIII with............

#Nevertrumpers and emasculated males Prep For Tuesday's Vote....


Mondays.. Just Trying To Get Up The Hill.....

More Reason To Keep Hillary Out Of The Whitehouse....


The “Basket of Deplorables” – Waiting for Hillary’s Revenge


 This was posted in a comment over at Marketwatch:

Stephen Foster writes:

Let us hope that Huma has upended the opening of the Horror Show of the millennium -- starring Hillary Hugo Chavez Clinton staggering around the Oval Office refreshing her late morning martini; with a supporting cast of William Jefferson Clinton playing "Bill the Sexual Predator", cigar in hand prowling the White House halls in search of a teenage intern (based on a true story), and a cameo with Chelsea wandering around her $6,000,000 Manhattan penthouse asking herself who her real
father is. The Sopranos without the class or the charm.

Weiner and Lady Weiner, perusing the long list of Clinton helpers cast into flames, no doubt are reviewing witness protection programs.

Read the post here:


Chameleon Hillary Tries To Put A Positive Spin On Current Events.. Gets New Skooby Van...

 image from the comments at GP

Sunday, October 30, 2016

♫♫ Paul Rodgers... Then 1970... Now 2015... All Right Now....♫♫

Speaking of .22 Ammo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I bought some of this from Palmetto State Armory a few weeks ago. It was delivered as promised and runs fine. 

The price is $24.99 per box of 325. It is Federal and they are 40 grain bullets. The link to this weekend special and other deals can be accessed  by clicking HERE.

Just In Case

I went to a small gun show yesterday. There was some .22 ammo there. Naturally, I would have liked to have purchased it much cheaper, but as many have been saying in recent weeks the probability of it "drying up" after the election is high and though I had some, I thought it prudent to buy some more. So, I did. It was marked $45 per brick of 500 but I got a 1,000 rounds for $80. At least I didn't have to pay shipping.

Hillary Humor

Hillary Clinton goes to a gifted-student primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand. Hillary asks him what his name is. "Kenneth.”  "And what is your question, Kenneth?"

"I have three questions:

First - whatever happened in Benghazi?

Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?

Third –whatever happened to the missing 6 billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?"

Just then the bell rings for recess.

Hillary Clinton informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.

When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"

A different boy—little Johnny--puts his hand up;

Hillary points to him and asks him what his name is. "Johnny." "And what is your question, Johnny?"

"I have five questions:

First - whatever happened in Benghazi?

Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?

Third- whatever happened to the missing 6 billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?"

Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?

Fifth - where's Kenneth?

Interesting Perspective.....

 Click the tree....

Off The Hook... For Now...