Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Femme Fatale....

When You Just Don't Feel Like Doing It.....

I Won't Miss This Thing AT All....

Well Now, According To The Lab Analysis We Are Growing A New Form Of Life......

...... in our cleaning tank.

There is this weird slimy goo that is "growing" in our parts cleaning tank. We use a rust preventative rinse on our  CNC tool holders and collets before storing them in the tool cabinet.

Lately a bunch of this "life form" of snot has been floating around in the tank...

The company that manufactures the water soluble coolant and rinse has had a sample analyzed and this report, a breakdown of the goo, was received in an email today.

Hmmmmm    Read the "Interpretation and Conclusion" section :

 Maybe I should throw some socks in there to absorb it.

♫♫ Thin Lizzy - Emerald - Live 1976 ♫♫

This song came up on my ipod this morning...

Down from the glen came the marching men
With their shields and their swords
To fight the fight they believed to be right
Overthrow the overlords

To the town where there was plenty
They brought plunder, swords and flame
When they left the town was empty
Children would never play again

From their graves I heard the fallen
Above the battle cry
By that bridge near the border
There were many more to die

Then onward over the mountain
And outward towards the sea
They had come to claim the Emerald
Without it they could not leave

But That's None Of My Business.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Who Is The Puppet?

h/t to Leigh

"I will not freebase Cocaine" (humor)

                                                         "That smokey white devil is no longer a part of my life" 

Lone Wolfe Muslims Behead Priest In Normandy Church Storming Mass/Isis Celebrates

Yes, you read Muslims and that means there was more than one. As I listened to this story on FOX News radio this morning while driving to work, the BBC reported that French officials were seeking a motive in this case. Don't they know by now that it was just two "Lone Wolves Mohamed"? In the minds of their fellow cultists the two frog sharpshooters sent these boys to get laid, but I think these two "johnny jihadists" will spend the "by and by" in a very different place.

and Hitlery Scooped Her Up, Just Like Dog Shit On A Public Path....


  Hillary hires Schultz

Awww....Abdul Loves Me...

  Seems Legit......

Hello Dear,
How are you today, i am your friend from Burkina Faso. Can you use ATM Visa card to withdraw money on ATM cash machine in your country?. i want to transfer money to you from my country, it is the part of the money taken by the old politician newly forced out of power. i will change the account to your name and apply for a visa card with your name in our bank, i will send the visa card to you and you will be withdrawing money with it and always send my own percentage of the money. whenever you withdraw money you will send 50% to me and you will take 50% of the money. the visa card and the bank account will be on your name, there is no any risk involve, i assure you will never get into problem. I will be waiting for your information as soon as possible.

Your name..........................

Phone number........................
Best Regards.

Abdul-Hamid Rahman

Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump The Showboater.....

A  big earthquake,
with the strength of 8.1 on the Richter scale,
hits the Middle East.
Two million Muslims die and over a million are injured.
Iraq, Iran and Syria are totally ruined
and the governments ask for help to rebuild.
The rest of the world is in shock.
Britain is sending troops to help keep the peace.
Saudi Arabia is sending oil & monetary assistance.
Latin American countries are sending clothing.
New Zealand and Australia are sending sheep,
cattle and food crop.
The Asian countries are sending labor to assist in
rebuilding the infrastructure.
Canada is sending medical teams and supplies.

The new American President, Donald Trump,
not to be outdone,
is sending two million replacement Muslims.
God Bless President Trump!

h/t to Tony and Leigh


                                                  This is >>>EPIC<<< 

House Rearranging.....

h/t to chickenmom

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Machete Wielding 21 Year Old Syrian Refugee Hacks Pregnant Woman To Death And Injures Two More: Reutlingen Germany

                                                     No need to worry though, it is just "Lone Wolf Mohamed".

Story HERE.

Hat tip to Bob in Kentucky

Cop Shoots Threatening Dog Through Fence In Front of Children at Five Year Old's Birthday Party

What the heck is wrong with a guy like this? It is a dog. The dog is behind an enclosed fence. The cop is at the wrong house to serve a two year old warrant on guy who last lived there ten years ago. After shooting the dog with his pistol, he then goes back to his car for his AR-15.  The "officer" then puts two rounds into the dog in front of the kids who watched from a window. He silently walks back to his patrol car and gets inside and drives away. I don't care for bulldogs and I know some cops that are great guys, but this is ridiculous. 

Click here for link.